Vampires Hunt

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After their return to Korea, the weekend came as a much-needed break from the hectic schedule. Iman, ever playful and full of energy, came up with an idea to make their downtime more exciting.

Iman: "Noonas, how about we play a game of hide and seek? But let's make it more interesting—I'll be the prey, and you'll be the hunters."

The members exchanged amused glances, their supernatural abilities making them formidable opponents in a game like this.

Siyeon: "Iman-ah, you do realize we're vampires, right? It's not exactly fair for you."

Jiu: "We could find you in seconds with our senses. It wouldn't even be a challenge."

Iman: "Ah, but that's where you're wrong! I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Plus, if you win, I'll buy you anything you want—food, clothes, whatever you like. But if I win, you'll have to do anything I say."

That got their attention. The idea of getting a reward was tempting, and the challenge intrigued them. The thought of their prey willingly offering himself up in a game of chase sparked their curiosity.

Yoohyeon: "Alright, Iman-ah, we're in. But no backing out if we catch you."

Iman: "Deal! But no using your full vampire abilities. Just a little bit of your enhanced senses and speed. Otherwise, it's too easy."

The members agreed, albeit with mischievous grins that hinted they might not fully abide by the rules. Iman knew he was up against some serious competition, but he was confident in his own resourcefulness.

They chose their large, multi-story mansion as the hunting ground. With its numerous rooms, hidden passages, and secluded corners, it was the perfect place for a game like this.

Iman: "Okay, give me a five-minute head start. After that, come find me if you can!"

As soon as the countdown began, Iman sprinted off, his mind racing with ideas on where to hide. He knew the mansion as well as they did, which gave him some advantage.

He dashed through the kitchen, slipping out through the back door and into the garden. The vast estate had plenty of places to hide, but he knew that outdoors might be too obvious. Instead, he doubled back to the house, slipping into a small, unused storage room near the basement.

He found an old wardrobe, large enough to fit inside, and carefully climbed in, making sure not to disturb the dust too much. The wardrobe creaked slightly as he closed the door, but he hoped it wouldn't give him away.

Iman: "Let's see how well they do without their full powers."

Meanwhile, the members had begun their hunt. Even with their senses somewhat dulled by their promise, they were still far more adept than any human. They spread out, each taking a different floor of the house, moving silently like shadows.

Dami: "Iman thinks he can outsmart us. Let's see how long he lasts."

Jiu: "He's clever, but he's also predictable. He'll hide somewhere he thinks is inconspicuous."

Handong: "But he's also trying to trick us. We can't underestimate him."

The thrill of the hunt was in the air, and despite their initial hesitation, the members were getting into the spirit of the game. The mansion was eerily quiet, the only sound being the occasional creak of the floorboards as they moved stealthily through the rooms.

Iman, meanwhile, was doing his best to stay calm. He knew they were getting closer—he could feel it. His heart raced as he heard the faintest sound of footsteps outside the wardrobe. He held his breath, praying they wouldn't hear the thudding of his heart.

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