Reconnect to Twice Wifes

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Iman had been through so much in the past few months—recovering his memories, reconnecting with his wives, and rediscovering his sense of self. But despite all the progress he had made, he knew there was still one group of his wives he hadn't spent enough time with: the members of Twice. Being the youngest among them, he held a special place in their hearts, but he wanted to understand them better, to know the intricacies of their personalities and what made them the women they were.

The perfect opportunity presented itself when the Twice members suggested a trip to a secluded beach house. They wanted to create a space where they could all relax and reconnect without any distractions, and Iman eagerly agreed. He was looking forward to spending quality time with his noona-wives, getting to know them on a deeper level and creating new memories together.


The morning began with the gentle sound of waves rolling onto the shore, the sun casting its first rays over the peaceful beach. Iman woke up feeling a sense of tranquility, the weight of the past few months momentarily lifted. He stretched and headed out to the porch, where he found Nayeon, already awake and sipping on a cup of coffee. The warm glow of the sunrise bathed her in a soft light, making her look serene and at peace.

**Nayeon:** "Good morning, Iman-ah," Nayeon greeted him with a bright smile, her voice soft and welcoming. "Did you sleep well?"

**Iman:** "Morning, Noona," Iman replied, a smile tugging at his lips as he joined her. "I slept really well. This place is perfect. Thank you for suggesting it."

Nayeon nodded, her gaze shifting back to the horizon. "I thought we all needed some time away, just to relax and be with each other. It's been a while since we've had a chance to do that."

Iman could feel the truth in her words. The past few months had been a whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and revelations. This trip felt like a much-needed breath of fresh air—a chance to deepen his connections with the women who had stood by him through everything.

**Iman:** "I've been thinking about that, Noona," he admitted, his tone thoughtful. "I want to know all of you better, to really understand who you are and what makes you happy. I feel like there's still so much I need to learn."

Nayeon's expression softened as she reached out to gently touch his hand. "We have all the time in the world for that, Iman-ah. We're here with you, and we're excited to share more of ourselves with you. There's no rush."


After breakfast, Iman started his day with Jeongyeon. She suggested they take a morning walk along the beach, a simple yet meaningful activity that would allow them to talk and connect in a relaxed setting. As they walked side by side, the sound of the waves creating a soothing rhythm, Jeongyeon opened up about her love for nature and how it helped her feel grounded.

**Jeongyeon:** "Being near the water always calms me," Jeongyeon said, her voice steady but with a touch of emotion. "It's a place where I can just be myself, away from the noise of the world."

**Iman:** "I can see why, Noona," Iman replied, glancing over at her with a smile. "You've always seemed so strong, so sure of yourself. But I'm learning there's so much more to you than what meets the eye."

Jeongyeon chuckled softly, her eyes reflecting the morning light. "There's more to all of us, Iman-ah. That's why this trip is so important. It's a chance for us to rediscover each other."

Their conversation flowed easily as they walked, the connection between them growing with each step. By the time they returned to the beach house, Iman felt closer to Jeongyeon, having glimpsed a side of her that he hadn't fully understood before.

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