The Grand Moon

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Scene 1: The Unraveling
The first sign that the Grand Redmoon had fully taken hold was the change in his wives' eyes.
As the blood-red light of the moon intensified, so did the crimson glow in their irises. Their usually soft, affectionate gazes turned cold, predatory. Iman watched in horror as they began to transform, their fangs elongating, their senses sharpening, and their desire for blood growing uncontrollable.
Iman: "Noona, please, you have to fight this!" Iman pleaded, his voice trembling as he addressed IU, who was closest to him.
IU-noona: "Iman.." Her voice was strained, her hands gripping the edge of the table as if trying to anchor herself to reality. But as the moon's power grew stronger, her resistance weakened.
"Run... You have to run, Iman. We... we can't control it."

Iman felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. He could see the struggle in her eyes, the love she had for him fighting a losing battle against the insatiable hunger that was taking over. His other wives were faring no better;
Dreamcatcher's Gahyeon had already collapsed to the floor, writhing as she tried to hold back the monstrous urges. Twice's Nayeon was clutching her head, teeth bared as she fought to retain her humanity.
Iman: "I'm not leaving you, noona," he said, backing away slowly as he tried to figure out what to do. "I'll find a way to help you, I promise."
But even as he spoke, he knew his words were empty. The Grand Redmoon was unlike anything they had faced before. It was raw, ancient power, and it would not be easily defied.

Scene 2: The Hunt Begins
As the clock struck midnight, the full force of the Grand Redmoon's influence hit. One by one, Iman's wives succumbed to their bloodlust. He watched in horror as IU-noona's eyes glazed over, her fangs barers she slowly turned to face him.

Iman: "IU-noona... I'm sorry," he whispered before bolting out of the room, his heart pounding in his chest.
He could hear them behind him, the collective snarls and hisses of 22 vampires who had once loved him but were now driven by an overwhelming need to feed. His mind raced as he tried to think of a plan. He had prepared for this, had fortified the house with every defensive measure he could think of, but now that the moment was here, it felt like nothing could possibly be enough.
Iman: "I just have to survive until dawn," he told himself, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart. "Just until the sun comes up."
He knew the layout of the house well, every creak in the floorboards, every hiding spot. But so did his wives. They had lived here together, shared every inch of this space, and now it felt like a twisted game of cat and mouse, with Iman as the prey.

Scene 3: A Desperate Gamble
Iman ducked into the basement, slamming the heavy door shut behind him. He quickly barricaded it with a piece of furniture, knowing it wouldn't hold for long but hoping it would buy him some time. The basement was dark and cold, the only light coming from the small, dirty window near the ceiling. He could hear the sound of footsteps above him, the floorboards creaking under the weight of his wives as they searched for him.
Iman: "Think, Iman, think!" he muttered to himself, his breath coming in short, panicked gasps. "There has to be a way out of this..."
His eyes scanned the room, landing on an old chest in the corner. He had hidden a few supplies there-garlic, holy water, a silver knife
—but he knew they were more symbolic than anything else. His wives were powerful, ancient beings, and these simple measures wouldn't hold them off for long.
He could hear them getting closer, their voices a mix of whispers and growls as they descended the stairs.

Dreamcatcher's Siyeon: "Iman, where are you hiding?" Siyeon's voice was sing-song, playful, but with an edge of danger that sent a shiver down Iman's spine. "We just want to play..."
Twice's Dahyun: "You can't hide forever, darling," Dahyun's voice was sweet, almost tender, but Iman knew better. The hunger was driving them, turning their love into something darker, something that terrified him.
Iman grabbed the silver knife, his hand shaking.
He didn't want to use it, but he knew he might not have a choice. His wives were beyond reason now, beyond the love that usually bound them together.
Iman: "I won't hurt you," he whispered, more to himself than to them. "But I won't let you hurt me, either."

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