Unspoken Confession

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After their triumphant night at MAMA, Dreamcatcher's schedules were busier than ever. The group's popularity soared, and they were inundated with interviews, photoshoots, and even more performances. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of their success, something else was brewing within the group—a subtle but undeniable shift in their dynamics, especially with Iman.

The awards, the hard work, the late-night practices had all bonded them closely. But now, as they rode the wave of success, the noonas began to notice the quiet, unassuming presence of Iman in a different light. He had always been the younger brother, the "maknae" they adored and protected, but now, there was something more. A deeper, more complex feeling started to take root.

It started with the small things.

Siyeon found herself lingering longer during practice, helping Iman perfect his vocal techniques. She loved his dedication and how his voice blended perfectly with hers during harmonies. One evening after a particularly intense rehearsal, she couldn't help but smile as Iman, drenched in sweat, flashed her a grateful grin.

Siyeon: You've improved a lot, Iman-ah. Your high notes are really coming through now.

Iman blushed slightly, always modest in the face of praise.

Iman: Thank you, noona. I still have a lot to learn from you.

Siyeon's heart skipped a beat at his sincerity. She patted his shoulder, a small gesture, but one that held a world of unspoken emotions.

Meanwhile, Yoohyeon noticed how much she enjoyed spending time with Iman during their free hours. Whether they were gaming or simply chatting, she found herself gravitating toward him. One afternoon, they were playing a video game, their competitive streaks on full display.

Yoohyeon: You're getting better, Iman! But don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're the maknae.

Iman: I wouldn't want it any other way, noona!

Their laughter filled the room, but Yoohyeon couldn't shake the warm feeling that settled in her chest whenever Iman was near. It was different from before, more than just friendly affection.

Sua, ever the playful one, started to tease Iman more often. She'd mess with his hair, poke his sides, or playfully scold him for minor things, all as a way to get closer to him. But what surprised her was how much she enjoyed his reactions—the way he'd smile shyly or laugh genuinely at her antics.

One evening, as they sat in the dorm's living room watching a movie, Sua snuck a glance at Iman, who was sitting next to her, engrossed in the film. She suddenly felt the urge to hold his hand, to close the small distance between them. But she held back, uncertain and nervous.

Sua (whispering): What are you doing, Sua? He's your dongsaeng...

Yet, the thought lingered in her mind, refusing to leave.

Handong noticed how Iman always made time to check in on her, whether during practice or after a long day. His thoughtfulness touched her in ways she hadn't expected. One evening, after a particularly grueling schedule, Iman brought her a cup of hot tea, knowing she needed something to soothe her voice.

Handong: You're so considerate, Iman. Thank you.

Iman: I just want to make sure you're okay, noona. You work so hard.

His words, so genuine and caring, made Handong's heart flutter. She smiled softly, feeling a warmth that went beyond simple gratitude.

As for JiU, she found herself admiring Iman's resilience and how he balanced his quiet nature with his undeniable presence on stage. She'd often find herself watching him during practice, noting the way he put his all into every movement, every note.

One night, as they were wrapping up a long day, JiU approached Iman, who was practicing a dance move on his own.

JiU: You've come a long way, Iman. I'm really proud of you.

Iman looked up, surprised by her presence.

Iman: Thank you, noona. That means a lot coming from you.

JiU smiled, a warmth spreading through her. There was something about the way he said "noona" that made her heart skip a beat. She reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder.

JiU: Don't overwork yourself, okay? We need you in top shape.

Iman nodded, his eyes sincere.

Iman: I'll be careful, noona. I promise.

The rest of the night, JiU couldn't stop thinking about how much he had grown—not just as an artist, but as someone who had become deeply important to her.

Finally, Dami, who had always been the most reserved, started to notice the small things about Iman—the way he was always attentive during practice, how he quietly supported each member, his humility despite his talents. One evening, while they were both in the practice room, Dami found herself opening up to him more than usual.

Dami: You know, Iman, you're really easy to talk to.

Iman looked up, surprised but pleased.

Iman: I'm glad, noona. I always want to be here for you all.

Dami smiled, a rare, genuine smile that she only shared with those she truly cared about.

Dami: You're a good person, Iman. Don't ever change.

As the days turned into weeks, the feelings each member harbored for Iman grew stronger, though none of them dared to voice it aloud. They all cared for him deeply, but each was unsure how to express the feelings that had blossomed in their hearts. They didn't want to disrupt the harmony of the group, nor did they want to burden Iman, who was already adjusting to the pressures of his new life.

Yet, despite their reservations, the noonas couldn't help but show their affection in their own ways—small gestures, kind words, lingering glances. Iman, for his part, noticed the changes, but attributed them to the close bond they had formed as a group. He adored his noonas and was grateful for their support, unaware of the deeper emotions that were beginning to take root.

But as their feelings grew stronger, it became harder for the noonas to keep them hidden. They knew that eventually, something would have to be said, that they couldn't keep these emotions bottled up forever. And as they continued to navigate the complexities of their new dynamic, they each wondered—how could they express their love for Iman without jeopardizing everything they had built together?

Unspoken words hung in the air, waiting for the right moment to be revealed. And as they prepared for their next big performance, the noonas knew that their feelings for Iman would only grow stronger, making it all the more difficult to keep them hidden.

But for now, they continued on as they always had, supporting each other, working hard, and cherishing the moments they shared. The time would come when they would have to confront their emotions, but until then, they would hold onto the bond they had created, hoping that it would be enough to keep them together.

Being maknae of DREAMCATCHER (MALE X DREAMCATCHER Where stories live. Discover now