Beyond the Competition

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The dinner that evening, while filled with laughter and joy, was only the beginning. As the night grew darker, Iman decided that the day wasn't over yet. There was something he wanted to do, something special for his wives—a way to show them how much he appreciated their presence in his life.

**Iman:** "Noonas, I have one more surprise for all of you," Iman announced, standing up from his seat and gaining everyone's attention. His eyes sparkled with excitement and warmth as he looked around at the curious faces of his wives.

**Jihyo:** "Another surprise?" Jihyo asked with a playful smile, her interest piqued. "You're spoiling us today, Iman."

**Iman:** "I just wanted to make this day even more memorable," Iman replied, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Please, follow me."

Iman led the way through the garden, past the large tree where they had gathered earlier in the day, and down a small path that led to a secluded part of the village. The path was lined with lanterns that cast a warm, golden glow, creating a magical atmosphere as they walked.

**IU:** "This place is beautiful," IU murmured, taking in the serene surroundings with a contented sigh.

**Mina:** "It feels like we're in a different world," Mina added, her eyes wide with wonder as she followed closely behind Iman.

As they continued along the path, the sound of a gentle stream reached their ears, accompanied by the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze. The atmosphere was peaceful, almost otherworldly, as if they had stepped into a dream.

Finally, they reached the end of the path, where a small, wooden bridge crossed over the stream. On the other side of the bridge was a clearing, and in the center of that clearing was a large, round platform made of smooth, polished wood. The platform was surrounded by more lanterns, casting a soft, enchanting light over the area.

**Iman:** "This is where I want to spend the rest of the night with all of you," Iman said, his voice filled with emotion as he turned to face his wives. "This is a place that's always been special to me—a place where I come to think, to reflect, and to find peace. I wanted to share it with you."

The wives looked around in awe, taking in the beauty of the clearing and the serene atmosphere. The platform was large enough for all of them to sit comfortably, and the soft glow of the lanterns made it feel intimate and cozy.

**Yoohyeon:** "It's perfect," Yoohyeon said softly, her voice full of appreciation. "Thank you for bringing us here, Iman."

**Seulgi:** "This place feels magical," Seulgi added, her eyes shining as she took in the surroundings. "I can see why it's so special to you."

Iman smiled, his heart swelling with love and gratitude as he watched his wives settle onto the platform, their expressions full of wonder and contentment. This was exactly what he had hoped for—a moment of peace and togetherness, where they could all relax and enjoy each other's company in this beautiful, tranquil setting.

Once everyone was seated, Iman took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice soft but clear.

**Iman:** "Noonas, I brought you here because I wanted to share something with you—something that's been on my mind for a while," he began, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "I know today was meant to be fun and lighthearted, but there's something important I need to say."

The wives exchanged curious glances, sensing the seriousness in his tone. They knew Iman well enough to understand that when he spoke like this, it was something that mattered deeply to him.

**Iman:** "I've been thinking a lot about our journey together—how we've all come from different places, different lives, and yet we've found each other and become a family," Iman continued, his voice filled with emotion. "I know that being with me hasn't always been easy, especially given my past. But today, seeing how you all came together, how you supported each other and worked as a team—it made me realize just how much I cherish each of you."

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