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The weeks following the Red Moon incident had brought a new sense of normalcy to Dreamcatcher's dorm. The bond between Iman and his noonas was stronger than ever, a silent understanding that they were all connected in a way that went beyond words. But just as life began to settle, another challenge arose—this time, one that tested their roles not as vampires, but as caretakers.

One morning, Iman woke up feeling unusually sluggish. His body ached, and there was a dull throbbing in his head. At first, he dismissed it as simple exhaustion from their rigorous schedule, but by the afternoon, it was clear something wasn't right. The fever hit him hard and fast, leaving him shivering and drenched in sweat.

Siyeon was the first to notice as she passed by his room. The sight of Iman curled up in bed, his face flushed with fever, sent a wave of concern through her.

Siyeon: Iman! Are you okay?

Iman groaned, his voice weak and raspy.

Iman: Noona... I think I'm sick.

Without wasting a second, Siyeon rushed to his side, placing a cool hand on his forehead. The heat radiating from his skin made her frown with worry.

Siyeon: You're burning up! We need to get you some medicine and rest right away.

Within minutes, the rest of the members were gathered around Iman's bed, each of them looking equally concerned. They had faced the Red Moon together, but this was something different. Iman was vulnerable, and their instincts to protect him kicked into high gear.

JiU, always the leader, quickly took charge.

JiU: Alright, here's the plan. Iman needs to rest and stay hydrated. We'll take turns taking care of him, one day each, to make sure he has everything he needs.

Iman, despite his fever, tried to protest.

Iman: Noona, I'm fine... really. You don't have to—

But Sua cut him off with a gentle but firm tone.

Sua: Nonsense, Iman. You're our dongsaeng, and we're going to take care of you whether you like it or not. Now, just relax and let us handle everything.

Iman sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. He was too tired to resist anyway.

Day 1: JiU's Care

The next morning, Iman woke up to find JiU by his side, a warm smile on her face. She had already prepared a tray of porridge, tea, and some medicine, all neatly arranged on his bedside table.

JiU: Good morning, Iman-ah. How are you feeling today?

Iman blinked at her, still groggy from sleep and the remnants of the fever.

Iman: A little better, I think... Thanks, noona.

JiU nodded, adjusting the pillows behind his back to make him more comfortable.

JiU: That's good to hear. Now, let's get some food and medicine in you. You need to keep your strength up.

She fed him spoonfuls of porridge, her touch gentle and patient. Though Iman was embarrassed at first—after all, he was seventeen and capable of feeding himself—he eventually relaxed, appreciating the care and attention.

Throughout the day, JiU kept a close eye on him, making sure he stayed hydrated and comfortable. She read to him, talked with him, and even sang softly when he drifted in and out of sleep. By the end of the day, Iman couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for her care.

Day 2: Sua's Turn

The following day, Sua took over. She brought her own brand of care, which was more energetic and playful. Iman woke up to find her sitting cross-legged on his bed, holding a thermos of soup.

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