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5. Red Velvet: The Strategic Trap

Iman breathed a sigh of relief as he navigated the hidden passageway, knowing that he had momentarily evaded BLACKPINK. But his respite was short-lived. He had now entered Red Velvet's domain—the third floor. Unlike the playful and high-energy BLACKPINK, Red Velvet was known for their calm, strategic approach. They wouldn't be as easily fooled.

As Iman carefully exited the passageway, he found himself in a dimly lit hallway. The atmosphere was different here—quieter, more controlled. It was the kind of environment where every sound, every movement, could betray his position.

Irene, the leader of Red Velvet, was already waiting for him, her expression serene and calculating. "Iman-ah, you've done well to get this far. But it's over now. You can't escape."

Seulgi and Wendy were positioned at either end of the hallway, their eyes locked on him. Seulgi's sharp gaze never wavered, while Wendy's usually cheerful demeanor was replaced by a focused intensity.

Iman knew that Red Velvet wouldn't make any rash moves. They would wait for him to make the first mistake. He had to think quickly.

In a sudden burst of inspiration, Iman made a dash toward Wendy, feinting a move to the left before sharply turning to the right. Wendy, expecting a straightforward approach, hesitated for just a moment—long enough for Iman to slip past her.

But Irene was ready for him. As Iman ran down the hallway, she calmly raised her hand, and with a flick of her wrist, she sent a wave of energy toward him. Iman barely managed to dodge the attack, but it slowed him down enough for Seulgi to close in.

Seulgi's eyes gleamed with excitement as she prepared to pounce. "You've got nowhere to run, Iman."

But Iman had one more trick up his sleeve. Just as Seulgi lunged, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small mirror—one of the few items he had managed to grab before the game started. He quickly angled the mirror to catch the reflection of the sunlight streaming through a nearby window, directing it into Seulgi's eyes.

Momentarily blinded, Seulgi stumbled back, giving Iman the opening he needed to escape. He sprinted toward the staircase leading to the attic, knowing that Dreamcatcher would be waiting for him there.

Wendy, recovering from her surprise, couldn't help but laugh. "Clever move, Iman-ah. But you won't get away that easily."

Irene, still calm and composed, nodded in approval. "He's resourceful, I'll give him that. But he's running out of places to hide."

6. Dreamcatcher: The Final Showdown

Iman's heart pounded in his chest as he ascended the narrow staircase to the attic. He knew that Dreamcatcher, his original wives, were waiting for him at the top. They knew him better than anyone, and they wouldn't underestimate him.

The attic was dark, filled with old furniture and forgotten relics. It was the perfect place for a final showdown—a place where the hunters would become the hunted.

Jiu, ever the leader, was the first to greet him as he entered the attic. "You've done well to get this far, Iman-ah. But you're not going to win this time."

Yoohyeon and Siyeon flanked her, both of them grinning with anticipation. Yoohyeon's playful nature was tempered by the seriousness of the situation, while Siyeon's usual mischief was replaced with a steely determination.

Handong and Gahyeon, always the most unpredictable, were lurking in the shadows, ready to strike when the time was right. Dami and Sua, the two with the sharpest instincts, were silently circling, their eyes never leaving Iman.

Iman knew that this was it—the final stand. He was outnumbered, outmatched, and running out of tricks. But he wasn't ready to give up just yet.

He took a deep breath, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a plan. He needed to use the environment to his advantage, to turn the cluttered attic into a maze where he could outmaneuver his wives.

Iman quickly ducked behind an old wardrobe, using the furniture as cover as he moved deeper into the attic. He could hear his wives moving around him, their footsteps soft but deliberate.

Jiu's voice echoed through the attic, calm but commanding. "You can't hide forever, Iman. We'll find you."

Iman knew that she was right. But he also knew that he had one final chance—a way to turn the tables on them.

He carefully positioned himself behind a large, dusty mirror that was leaning against the wall. If he could lure them into the right spot, he could use the mirror to reflect the sunlight again, creating a momentary distraction.

As Yoohyeon and Siyeon approached, Iman made his move. He knocked over a nearby box, causing a loud crash that drew their attention. As they turned toward the sound, Iman angled the mirror to catch the sunlight, sending a blinding flash of light into their eyes.

Yoohyeon and Siyeon recoiled, momentarily blinded. It wasn't much, but it was enough to buy Iman a few precious seconds.

But Jiu, always the strategist, had anticipated his move. She had positioned herself on the other side of the attic, out of range of the mirror's reflection.

With a swift, graceful movement, she lunged at Iman, her fangs bared. "You're mine, Iman-ah."

Iman barely managed to dodge, but Jiu was relentless. She chased him through the attic, her speed and agility far surpassing his own.

Just as Jiu was about to catch him, Dami and Sua appeared from the shadows, cutting off his escape. Handong and Gahyeon were right behind them, each of them ready to pounce.

Iman was trapped, surrounded on all sides. He knew that there was no way out—he was caught.

With a resigned sigh, Iman raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay... you got me."

Jiu, still grinning, approached him slowly, her eyes gleaming with victory. "We told you there was no escape."

Yoohyeon and Siyeon, recovering from the blinding light, joined her, their expressions a mix of amusement and satisfaction. "Nice try, Iman," Yoohyeon said with a smile. "But we're just too good."

Iman couldn't help but laugh, despite his defeat. "I have to admit, you all did an amazing job. I didn't stand a chance."

Jiu leaned in close, her voice soft and teasing. "And now that we've caught you, what should we do with you?"

Iman's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the game might be over, but the night was far from finished. Surrounded by his twenty-two wives, he knew that he was in for an unforgettable evening.

In the end, Iman didn't survive the game of hide and seek—not in the traditional sense, at least. But he had succeeded in something far more important: bringing all of his wives together in a way that strengthened their bonds and solidified their relationship as a family.

As the night drew to a close, Iman found himself surrounded by love, laughter, and a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. He might have lost the game, but in the process, he had gained something far more valuable—the unwavering loyalty and affection of twenty-two powerful, beautiful women who would stand by his side no matter what.

Iman knew that life with his vampire wives would never be easy, but he wouldn't have it any other way. They were his family, his partners, and together, they were unstoppable.

And as the sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the mansion, Iman knew that this was just the beginning of their incredible journey together.

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