The Dream

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Date: 08/26/24

The streets of Seoul buzzed with life as Iman stepped out of the taxi, his eyes wide with wonder. The towering buildings and flashing neon signs seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, a stark contrast to the quiet, rural village in Malaysia where he had spent most of his life. The scent of street food wafted through the air, mingling with the sound of honking cars and the chatter of people passing by. This was Seoul, the city of dreams, and Iman was here to chase his.

Clutching the handle of his worn-out suitcase, Iman took a deep breath and walked toward the building where his new life would begin. The company headquarters of Dreamcatcher's entertainment label loomed before him, an imposing structure of glass and steel. Just a few months ago, the idea of being here had seemed impossible—a fantasy that only existed in the wildest corners of his imagination. But now, he was about to enter the world of K-pop, a world that had been his beacon of hope during the darkest times.

Iman was just 17 years old, an orphan from a small village in Malaysia. He had lost his parents in a car accident when he was only eight, leaving him to fend for himself in a world that often seemed cold and unforgiving. Life had not been easy for Iman. He had grown up in an orphanage, where every day was a struggle for survival. But through it all, there had been one constant source of comfort: music. K-pop, in particular, had become his refuge, a world where he could escape the harsh realities of life and lose himself in the melodies and rhythms that spoke to his soul.

It was during one of these escapist moments that Iman had first discovered Dreamcatcher. Their unique blend of rock-infused K-pop, combined with their hauntingly beautiful concepts, had captivated him instantly. He had watched their music videos on repeat, studied their dance moves, and learned the lyrics to their songs, even though he didn't understand a word of Korean at first. Over time, he had taught himself the language, fueled by his desire to understand the meaning behind the music that had become his lifeline.

But never in his wildest dreams had Iman imagined that he would one day be standing here, about to join the very group that had inspired him to keep going. It was a journey that had been fraught with obstacles, but Iman had never given up. He had entered countless online auditions, sending videos of himself singing and dancing to every agency he could find. Most of the time, he had received no response at all. But he had kept trying, driven by a determination that had been forged in the fires of his difficult past.

Then, one day, his persistence had paid off. He had received an email from Dreamcatcher's entertainment label, inviting him to audition in person. The moment he read those words, Iman had felt a surge of hope unlike anything he had ever experienced. He had scraped together every bit of money he had saved, booked a flight to Seoul, and embarked on the journey that had brought him to this moment.

As he stood before the entrance to the building, Iman's heart pounded in his chest. He could feel the weight of everything that had led him here—the years of loneliness, the nights spent practicing in front of a cracked mirror, the endless hours of dreaming about a future that had once seemed so far out of reach. But now, he was here. And he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

The lobby of the building was sleek and modern, with polished marble floors and walls lined with posters of Dreamcatcher and other popular K-pop groups. Iman's eyes lingered on a large poster of Dreamcatcher, each member looking fierce and confident as they struck their signature poses. He had memorized their faces long ago—JiU, SuA, Siyeon, Handong, Yoohyeon, Dami, and Gahyeon. They were more than just idols to him; they were his inspiration, his role models.

A receptionist greeted him with a polite smile, and Iman managed to mumble a greeting in his still-improving Korean. After confirming his appointment, she directed him to the elevator that would take him to the floor where the practice rooms were located. Iman's hands were sweaty as he pressed the button, and he could feel the nerves tightening in his stomach.

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