Overprotective Instinct

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As the plane touched down in Seoul, a sense of calm and familiarity washed over Iman. Returning to Korea after their eventful stay in Kelantan felt like coming home. The bustling city outside the airplane window was a stark contrast to the tranquil village he had grown up in, yet both places held a special place in his heart. His wives, seated around him, were already discussing their plans for the next few days, eager to resume their activities after the refreshing break.

Jihyo: "It feels good to be back, doesn't it?" Jihyo smiled, looking at Iman with a mix of affection and relief.

Iman: "It does," Iman agreed, though his thoughts lingered on the memories of Kelantan, where he had shared so much of his past with them. "But I'm glad to be here with all of you."

As they exited the plane and moved through the airport, there was an unusual buzz in the air. People recognized the famous faces of his wives, from the powerhouse groups Dreamcatcher, Red Velvet, and Twice, as well as IU, the beloved solo artist. Iman walked slightly behind them, his presence almost overshadowed by the star power of the women around him. But to them, Iman was the star, the center of their universe.

Yoohyeon: "Let's get you home, Iman," Yoohyeon said, noticing the slight fatigue in his eyes. "You must be tired after the long flight."

They made their way to the car waiting outside, but as they approached, Iman felt a strange chill run down his spine. He glanced around, trying to shake off the feeling of being watched. His wives didn't seem to notice anything unusual, but Iman couldn't help but feel that something was off.

The next few days were a blur of activity. The wives returned to their respective schedules, preparing for upcoming concerts, variety shows, and studio sessions. Yet, even as they immersed themselves in their work, there was an underlying tension. Iman's words in Kelantan had left a deep impact on them, and their protectiveness over him had only grown.

It was IU who first sensed that something was amiss. She was on her way back from a recording session when she noticed a group of strangers loitering near their shared home. They were dressed in dark clothing, their faces partially obscured by hats and sunglasses. Instinctively, IU slowed her pace, watching them carefully. When one of them glanced her way, his eyes cold and calculating, IU felt a surge of alarm.

IU: "This isn't good," she muttered to herself, quickly pulling out her phone to call Jihyo. "Something's wrong. We need to get Iman out of the house."

Within minutes, the house was in chaos. IU had managed to contact most of the wives, and they all rushed home, their hearts pounding with fear and urgency. When they arrived, they found Iman in the living room, completely unaware of the danger lurking outside.

Seulgi: "Iman, you need to come with us," Seulgi said urgently, grabbing his hand. "We don't have time to explain right now, but you're not safe here."

Iman: "What? What's going on?" Iman asked, bewildered by the sudden panic. "Why am I not safe?"

Yoohyeon: "There are bad vampires after you," Yoohyeon explained quickly. "We don't know why, but we can't let them get to you. We have to protect you."

The gravity of the situation hit Iman like a ton of bricks. He had known about the existence of bad vampires, the ones who preyed on humans and other vampires alike, but he had never thought they would come after him. The fear in his wives' eyes told him everything he needed to know.

Iman: "Okay," Iman said, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him. "What do we need to do?"

The plan was simple: get Iman to a safe location while the wives dealt with the threat. They couldn't risk staying in the house, knowing that the bad vampires were likely watching them. Yoohyeon, Seulgi, and Mina stayed close to Iman as they hurried out the back door, while the others formed a protective barrier around them.

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