Overprotective Love

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As time went on, Iman noticed a subtle shift in the way his noonas treated him. What had once been tender care and affection started to feel a bit stifling. The members of Dreamcatcher, who had always been protective of him, were now showing signs of becoming overly possessive.

It started with small things. JiU began insisting on knowing his every move, where he was going, and who he was talking to. She would text him constantly, checking in and asking if he needed anything, even when he was just in another room of the dorm.

JiU: Iman, make sure you text me if you're going out, okay? I just want to know you're safe.

At first, Iman found it endearing, but soon it became overwhelming. It wasn't just JiU—each of the members began exhibiting similar behavior. Sua would subtly steer him away from anyone she deemed a "threat," and Siyeon would get visibly tense whenever someone outside the group showed him too much attention.

Sua: Iman, let's hang out over here instead. It's quieter, just the two of us.

Siyeon: I don't like the way they're looking at you, Iman. Stay close to me.

Even Handong, who was usually the calmest, started hovering over him more than usual, making sure he was never too far from her sight.

Handong: I just want to be near you, Iman. Is that so bad?

Dami and Yoohyeon, who had always been more reserved, were now becoming more assertive in their affection, insisting on spending more time with him, often at the expense of his alone time.

Dami: You don't need to be by yourself, Iman. We're here for you.

Yoohyeon: Let's do everything together, Iman. I don't want to miss a moment with you.

At first, Iman tried to brush it off, thinking it was just their way of showing how much they cared. But as the days turned into weeks, their protectiveness began to feel less like love and more like an obsession.

He started feeling suffocated, trapped in a web of affection that had grown too tight. The noonas rarely let him out of their sight, and when he did manage to get some space, they would bombard him with texts and calls, checking up on him.

The situation reached a tipping point one evening when Iman wanted to meet with an old friend from his trainee days. He hadn't seen them in months and was looking forward to catching up. But the members, especially JiU and Sua, were not pleased with the idea.

JiU: Iman, are you sure it's a good idea to meet them? You don't really know what their intentions are.

Sua: Maybe it's better if we all go with you. Just to be safe.

Iman tried to argue that it was just a casual meetup, but they were adamant. Eventually, feeling cornered and frustrated, Iman lashed out.

Iman: No! I'm going alone. I don't need you to hold my hand everywhere I go!

The noonas were taken aback by his outburst, their faces reflecting a mix of hurt and concern. Iman immediately regretted his harsh words, but the tension in the room was palpable.

Siyeon: We're just trying to protect you, Iman. Why don't you understand that?

Handong: We love you. We don't want anything to happen to you.

Iman felt a wave of guilt, but also a surge of frustration. He knew they loved him, but this was too much. He needed space, freedom to be his own person, to make his own choices.

That night, while the noonas were distracted, Iman quietly packed a small bag and slipped out of the dorm. He didn't have a plan; he just needed to get away, to clear his head and figure out what to do. The city streets were a welcome change from the stifling atmosphere of the dorm, and for the first time in weeks, he felt like he could breathe.

He found a small, quiet park and sat down on a bench, his thoughts racing. He loved his noonas, but their behavior had become too much. He didn't want to lose them, but he couldn't live like this, constantly watched, constantly controlled.

As he sat there, his phone buzzed with messages from the noonas. They had noticed he was gone and were frantically trying to reach him. At first, he ignored the calls and texts, but as the minutes passed, the messages became more desperate.

JiU: Iman, where are you? Please come back. We're worried about you.

Sua: Iman, we're sorry if we made you feel trapped. We just love you so much. Please don't leave us.

Siyeon: Iman, we're all so scared right now. Just tell us you're safe.

Iman's resolve wavered as he read their messages. Despite everything, he couldn't ignore the love and concern in their words. He didn't want to hurt them, but he also knew he couldn't go back to the way things were.

After what felt like hours, Iman finally responded.

Iman: I just need some space, noonas. I love you all, but I can't live like this. I need to be able to breathe.

The responses were immediate, filled with apologies and promises to do better. They begged him to come back, assuring him that they would give him the space he needed.

JiU: We're so sorry, Iman. We didn't realize how much we were smothering you. Please come back. We'll give you all the space you need.

Handong: We just want to be with you, but we understand if you need time. Just please come home.

Iman sat on the bench for a long time, torn between his need for independence and his love for his noonas. Finally, with a deep breath, he made his decision. He stood up and began walking back to the dorm.

When he arrived, the members were waiting for him in the living room, their faces filled with a mix of relief and anxiety. JiU was the first to approach him, her eyes red from crying.

JiU: Iman... we're so sorry. We didn't mean to push you away. We just... love you so much.

The other members echoed her sentiments, their voices trembling with emotion. Iman felt his heart ache at the sight of them, but he also knew that they needed to hear what he had to say.

Iman: I love you all too. But I can't be in a relationship where I feel trapped. I need my freedom, my own space. I need to be able to trust that you'll give me that.

Sua nodded, tears streaming down her face.

Sua: We'll do better, Iman. We promise. Just... don't leave us.

Iman sighed, his resolve softening. He couldn't stay mad at them, not when they were so sincere, so vulnerable.

Iman: I won't leave. But we need to find a balance, okay? I need to feel like I can be myself without you constantly watching over me.

The members nodded, their relief evident.

Siyeon: We'll work on it, Iman. We'll give you the space you need.

Dami: We just want you to be happy. Whatever it takes, we'll do it.

As the night wore on, they talked through their issues, setting boundaries and making promises to each other. The noonas were sincere in their apologies, and Iman could see that they were committed to making things work.

In the end, they all agreed that their relationship was worth fighting for. They loved each other too much to let this come between them. And as they sat together, holding hands and sharing soft smiles, Iman knew that they would find a way to make it work.

They were a family, after all—a family bound by love, trust, and now, by the understanding that sometimes, love means giving space as much as it means being close.

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