A moment Of solitude

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Date: 10/10/24

The day started off normally enough, but I could sense a shift in the atmosphere. With all 22 of my wives gathered in one place, the air was thick with an unspoken tension. It wasn't unusual for them to compete for my attention, but today, it felt different—more intense, almost suffocating.

I sat at the large dining table, surrounded by the women I loved, trying to enjoy my breakfast in peace. But the quiet bickering around me was hard to ignore. Siyeon and Handong were glaring at each other from across the table, while JiU and Yoohyeon exchanged subtle jabs about who got to sit next to me. It was like a low-key war was brewing, and I was caught in the middle.

Yoohyeon: "Iman, you promised we'd go for a walk together today. Remember?"

JiU: "But we also planned to visit that new café downtown, didn't we, Iman?"

Siyeon: "Actually, I was hoping we could spend some time practicing that duet we've been working on. It's been a while since we sang together."

I looked around the table, feeling the weight of their expectations. They were all trying so hard to get my attention, to claim some time with me, and it was becoming overwhelming.

Iman: "Guys... please, one at a time. We can figure this out together."

But my attempt to diffuse the situation only seemed to make things worse. Suddenly, all of them started talking at once, their voices overlapping in a chaotic symphony of demands and desires.

Handong: "We barely had any time alone yesterday, Iman. How about we go to the bookstore?"

Dami: "Or we could go for a drive, just the two of us. We haven't done that in a while."

Gahyeon: "I was thinking we could visit that new art gallery. You know how much you love art, right?"

The cacophony of voices was like a tidal wave, crashing over me, drowning out my thoughts. I loved them all, but this was too much. My head started to ache, and my patience was wearing thin.

Iman: "Please... just give me a moment."

But they were too caught up in their own arguments to notice the strain in my voice. It was like they were competing, not just for my attention, but for my very soul. The intensity of their affection, their desire to be the one I chose, was overwhelming.

As the bickering escalated, I felt something snap inside me. I couldn't do this—not right now. I needed air, space, a moment to breathe without feeling like I was being pulled in a million directions at once.

Iman: "I'll be right back."

I stood up abruptly, causing a momentary lull in their arguing as they all looked at me, confused. Without another word, I walked out of the dining room, my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't have a plan; I just knew I needed to get out of there before I lost my mind.

I moved quickly through the mansion, avoiding the rooms where I knew some of them would be hanging out. It wasn't easy; the house was huge, but so was my family. I could hear Siyeon calling my name from the living room, and JiU's voice echoed faintly from upstairs, but I ignored them all. My only goal was to escape, if only for a little while.

Finally, I made it to the garage, where my motorcycle was parked. It had been a while since I'd ridden it, but today felt like the perfect day to take it out for a spin. I grabbed my helmet and jacket, quickly strapping everything on before wheeling the bike out of the garage. The cool morning air hit my face as I revved the engine, the sound loud and powerful—a stark contrast to the suffocating atmosphere inside the mansion.

Without looking back, I sped off down the driveway, the mansion quickly disappearing behind me. The wind whipped through my hair, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I felt free. The weight of my wives' expectations, their love, their desire—it all faded away as I lost myself in the thrill of the ride.

I didn't have a destination in mind. I just rode, letting the city blur past me, the noise of traffic and life outside merging into a dull roar. My mind was blissfully empty as I navigated the streets, finally free from the constant pressure to be everything for everyone.

Eventually, I found myself on the outskirts of the city, where the buildings gave way to open fields and the road stretched out like a ribbon into the horizon. I pulled over, parking my bike at the side of the road, and just sat there for a while, taking in the quiet beauty of the landscape.

It was peaceful out here, far from the chaos of the mansion and the overwhelming love of 22 women. I knew I couldn't stay away forever, but for now, this was exactly what I needed—a moment of solitude, a chance to breathe and clear my head.

As I sat there, watching the clouds drift lazily across the sky, I couldn't help but think about my situation. I loved my wives, every single one of them, but sometimes their love felt like a burden—a weight that was almost too much to bear. They didn't mean to overwhelm me, but with so many of them, it was inevitable.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I leaned back against the bike. I knew I would have to go back soon, to face them, to reassure them that I wasn't running away for good. But for now, I was content to just sit here, alone with my thoughts, far away from the demands and expectations of being the center of 22 women's lives.

After what felt like hours, I finally decided it was time to head back. The sun was starting to set, casting long shadows across the fields, and I knew they would be worried about me. I started up the bike again, the engine purring beneath me as I turned back toward the city.

As I rode back, I couldn't help but smile a little to myself. I knew that when I got home, they would probably be waiting for me, ready to scold me for sneaking out. But I also knew that they loved me, and that's why they cared so much. It was a lot to handle, but it was a burden I was willing to carry—because at the end of the day, I loved them too.

When I finally pulled back into the driveway, the lights in the mansion were all on, casting a warm glow into the evening. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the inevitable confrontation as I walked through the front door.

Sure enough, they were all there, gathered in the living room, their faces a mix of relief, worry, and frustration. JiU was the first to speak, her voice tinged with both anger and concern.

JiU: "Iman, where have you been? We were worried sick!"

Iman: "I'm sorry, noona. I just needed some time to think."

Siyeon: "You could have told us. We were about to send out a search party!"

I could see the worry in their eyes, the way they all seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief now that I was back. It was touching, really, how much they cared—even if it sometimes felt like too much.

Iman: "I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I just... I needed some space, just for a little while."

There was a moment of silence as they all looked at me, the tension slowly easing as they realized I wasn't going to run away again.

Yoohyeon: "We understand, Iman. But please, next time just talk to us, okay? We don't want to lose you."

I nodded, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me. I never wanted to make them feel like they were too much for me. They were my family, my everything, and I knew I needed to find a better way to balance my time with all of them.

Iman: "I promise, no more sneaking out. From now on, we'll figure this out together."

They all smiled, the tension finally breaking as they enveloped me in a group hug, their warmth and love surrounding me like a protective shield. I knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but with them by my side, I was ready to face whatever challenges came our way.

For now, though, I was just glad to be home—with the women I loved, who loved me just as fiercely in return.

Let me know if you'd like to continue the story or explore another direction!

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