Beneath The Shadow

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**Chapter 4: Beneath the Shadows**


The soft glow of Iman's smartphone illuminated his face as he sat in the dimly lit room. He had sought refuge in his study, hoping for a moment of peace away from the overwhelming demands of his life. However, what greeted him on the screen was far from comforting.

**Hate mail. Death threats. Abusive comments.**

Each word on the screen felt like a sharp dagger, piercing his heart. Iman had always known that fame had its downsides, but this was different—this was personal, targeted, and relentless.

Iman's heart pounded in his chest as he scrolled through the messages. They accused him of things he hadn't done, judged him for decisions he hadn't made, and hated him for reasons he couldn't comprehend. The words blurred as tears welled up in his eyes, the weight of the hateful messages pressing heavily on his soul.

He wanted to shut off his phone, to block out the noise, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen. It was as if he were caught in a web, unable to escape the venomous words that seemed to strangle his spirit.

For a fleeting moment, he thought about confiding in his wives, but the thought of burdening them with his pain felt wrong. They were his strength, his light in the darkness, and he didn't want to taint that light with his own darkness. So, he kept it to himself, bottling up the hurt, the anger, and the fear.


**The First Signs**

It didn't take long for the effects of the abuse to manifest in Iman's behavior. He became quieter, more withdrawn, and spent more time alone in his study. The once vibrant and joyful atmosphere in the house began to shift, the tension palpable among his wives as they noticed the change in him.

**Jiu-noona** was the first to confront him about it. She had always been in tune with Iman's emotions, sensing when something was off even before he could voice it himself.

**Jiu-noona:** "Iman, what's going on?" she asked one evening, her voice gentle but insistent. "You've been so distant lately. Is something bothering you?"

Iman forced a smile, trying to brush off her concern. "It's nothing, Jiu-noona. Just a lot on my mind with work and everything."

But Jiu-noona wasn't convinced. She had seen the dark circles under his eyes, the way his shoulders slumped as if carrying a heavy burden. She knew there was more to it than just work.

**Yoohyeon-noona** had also noticed the change in Iman. She had caught him staring blankly at his phone more than once, his expression one of deep sadness and frustration. It hurt her to see him like this, and she couldn't stand by and do nothing.

One evening, after dinner, she approached him in the kitchen, where he was absentmindedly washing dishes.

**Yoohyeon-noona:** "Iman, you know you can talk to us, right?" she said softly, placing a hand on his arm. "We're here for you, no matter what."

Iman's hands stilled in the soapy water, his mind racing. He wanted to tell them, to let them in, but the fear of their reaction held him back. The idea of exposing his vulnerability to the women he loved, the ones who saw him as strong and capable, terrified him. He was supposed to protect them, not burden them with his own struggles.

**Iman:** "It's nothing, Yoohyeon-noona. I'm just tired," he replied, forcing another smile. "There's no need to worry."

But Yoohyeon-noona didn't buy it. The look in her eyes told him that she saw right through his facade. She squeezed his arm gently, trying to offer comfort, but Iman pulled away, pretending to focus on the dishes.

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