The Aftermath

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Part 2: The Aftermath

The first rays of sunlight filtered through the thick curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. Iman stirred, his body aching from the events of the previous night. He tried to shift but found his limbs too heavy, weighed down by a combination of fatigue and lingering pain. For a moment, he kept his eyes closed, savoring the rare silence that enveloped him.

But soon, the memories of the battle came flooding back—the sounds of clashing weapons, the sight of his wives fighting with all their might to protect him, the fear that had gripped his heart as he watched them risk everything for his sake. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking against the light, and took in the scene around him.

His wives were scattered across the room, their forms draped over chairs, curled up on the floor, or resting with their backs against the walls. Despite their exhaustion, there was a certain grace in the way they slept, their features softened in repose. Iman's gaze lingered on each of them, his heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and guilt.

Iman: "Noona..." he whispered, his voice barely audible.

As if on cue, Jihyo stirred from her place near the foot of the bed. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she looked disoriented. But then she saw Iman awake, and a gentle smile spread across her lips. She shifted closer, careful not to disturb the others, and reached out to brush a strand of hair away from his forehead.

Jihyo: "Good morning, Iman," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth. "How are you feeling?"

Iman: "Tired," Iman replied honestly, his voice hoarse. "But... relieved, I guess."

Jihyo's smile grew, and she gently took his hand in hers, squeezing it reassuringly. There was something comforting about her presence, something that made the weight on Iman's chest feel a little lighter.

Jihyo: "You don't have to worry anymore. We're all safe, thanks to you."

Iman: "Thanks to me?" Iman repeated, his brows knitting together in confusion. "But you're the ones who fought. I just... I just watched."

Jihyo: "You were the reason we fought so hard," Jihyo corrected him gently. "We would do it all over again if it meant keeping you safe."

Iman's throat tightened at her words, and he looked away, unable to meet her gaze. The guilt he felt was overwhelming, a heavy burden that seemed to press down on his very soul. How could he ever repay them for what they had done? How could he live with himself knowing that they had put themselves in danger for him?

Iman: "I don't deserve any of you," he murmured, his voice breaking. "You shouldn't have to risk your lives for me."

Before Jihyo could respond, another voice chimed in, this one soft but firm.

Yoohyeon: "That's not for you to decide, Iman."

Yoohyeon had woken up and was now sitting up, her eyes still half-lidded with sleep but sharp with determination. She stretched slightly before fixing her gaze on Iman, her expression serious.

Yoohyeon: "We chose to protect you because we love you. That's all there is to it. You can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. We're a team, and we'll face everything together."

Iman: "But—"

Irene: "No buts," Irene interjected, her voice as gentle as ever, yet leaving no room for argument. She had woken up as well and was now making her way over to Iman's side. "You've done so much for us, more than you realize. We're here because we want to be, because we believe in you."

Iman felt tears welling up in his eyes, and he quickly turned his head to hide them. But his wives were too perceptive, and soon enough, he felt gentle hands on his shoulders, comforting him even as his emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

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