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Stop pacing, Gabriella, stop fucking pacing. My mind ran wild, why the hell were people looking for me? And why the hell would they call me the angel of death? My feet started to ache at the amount of times I restlessly paced across the room, I run my hands through my hair and my fingernails scrape at my scalp with frustration. I had to think of some way to stop whoever was out for me to not find and hurt the people I love also, and it would be way easier if I knew who that someone was.

I slump into a seat, Tate straight across from me, his eyes narrow as he eyes me, "Your freaking me out." He says, looking over the rim of his cup as he drinks before placing it on the table and slides it over to me.

I shake my head at the offer, pushing the drink back towards him as I take a deep sigh and hold my head in my hands, "Appreciate the concern." I say, sarcasm lacing my voice whilst he takes another sip of his drink from across me.

He rests his elbows on the table and raises his brows with a look, "Why would I have concern? When you haven't even told me what's going on and you're doing a creepy pacing thing whilst I am trying to have some peace for once." He speaks.

I tilt my head, narrowing my eyes, "Thanks, Tate." I roll my eyes with a huff, maybe I shouldn't be stressing about it but I can't help it. I reach over and grasp his cup, taking a large swig of the alcohol, the burn in my throat as I swallow the liquid down making me squint.

I push it back to him when he looks at me with wide eyes, "Hey!" He says, looking at the cup then at me.

I open my mouth to speak back at him just before Uncle Scott shows up and leans his arms on the table as he looks from the both of us, "We need to talk." He states, whilst he pulls a chair up and sits down, and I know this is serious because of his expression.

Tate stops complaining as he leans back in his seat, his elbows rested against his knees as his forehead creased with curiosity, "Your dad," Uncle Scott begins, and just at them two words i avert my gaze and swallow back the burning bile in my throat, "they are going to execute him for his crimes. Kane made it official before he left, but he also asked if anyone in relation to him would like to speak to him before they go through with it."

Speaking to my dad. The thought lingers in the back of my mind, I hadn't seen him in over four months and now he is going to be killed for what he did. He truly deserves it, but my heart was racing so fast, "No way." Tate speaks almost immediately, sure of his words as he pushes off the table and stands up agitated.

I suck in a long breath, the oxygen swilling my lungs which sent my heart pounding, my eyes tare away from the ground to show the vulnerability within them, "I want to." I speak through the dryness in my throat, my teeth clenching with uncertainty but I knew deep down if I didn't I would regret it.

Tate's eyes narrow as he turns his attention on me whilst his head shakes violently, "Gabi, no. You can't—" His words were paused by Scott laying a hand on his forearm and giving him a pointing look.

Scott looks at me his eyes softening, "Are you sure?" He questions, but I nod slowly, "Right. We will be here with you the whole time." He reassures me, his posture upwards as he rises from his seat and leads me slowly into the depths of hell, a meeting with the devil.


We arrived at the cells that held my father, I breathe in a breath, staring straight at the door ahead. Two guards stood at either side of the door helped pull it open, revealing my dad behind bars, his wrists in manacles and his body leaning against the back of the cell. I swallow and squeeze my eyes shut trying to mentally prepare myself, "We aren't going to leave you, we'll be right outside." My uncles voice broke out through the silence, the warm comforting touch of his palm on my shoulder.

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