Chapter 2

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Shin Nara's POV:

"I swear i've seen him before.." i mumbled to myself as i stare at my laptop screen. "Eomma!!" does my mum knows anything about them? i mean she does go around and talk to random neighbours lol. She came into my room a few minutes later "what is it Nara?" I place my laptop aside and face her "Eomma, do you know anything about the new neighbour?" she stared at me for awhile "How would i know, i haven't met them yet" right... "But eomma, you know, i feel like i've seen their son somewhere before.." next thing i know, she laughs at me.. "hahah Nara you must be love sick..Their son must've been really attractive" i frown "What? NO!! i am definitely not love sick" this is unbelievable "Now if you'll excuse me Nara, i need to cook before your dad gets home" with that she left my room. What? Love sick? for Kim Mingyu, the new transfer student? yeah right, dream on. I barely know him. I think.


"Guess who's my new neighbour" i'm on the phone with Yewon. She's the only person who i can tell about this without getting into a cat fight, like those other girls. "Nugu?" "Kim Mingyu" i can literally hear her gasp "No way" she screams "You're so lucky!!" "OMG YEWON STOP SCREAMING" i sigh. On second thoughts, i regretted telling her, now i won't get to sleep early due to her screams. "How did you find out he was your neighbour?" thank god she calm down. "My mum made me send some rice cakes, and he's the one who opens the gate" "Oh, well that's awkward" "Yes, very" i lay down on my bed getting ready to sleep. Having school again tmr sucks. "Well goodnight Yewon, i need my sleep" she scoff "fine, sleep all you want sleeping beauty" "ew, don't ever say that, gross" i ended the call, without even waiting for her reply. How did i even became bestfriends with such a girly girl.

Next Day

I'm early today, thank god. I took my time to shower and got dressed. Mum made breakfast, waffles and chocolate milkshake. So far, the day started off really well. I put on my shoes, grab my bag and got on my fixie. I reach school on time. Met up with Yewon and head to class. And then that's when things started to annoy me. We entered the class and since my table was connected to Mingyu's, there were tons of presents on our table, and all of them are for him. Who do those girls think i am, his secretary? gosh. I walk up to my table and push all his presents to his side of the table. Some of the presents fell to the floor and the girls stared at me like they were going to kill me. "Yah!!" one of the girls, Hana shouts at me. She walks up to me, which was funny because she's short, she was about to smack me when someone stopped her. "Aishh-" she turn around in annoyance only to be greeted by Mingyu "O-oppa" her eyes grew wider. He lets go of her hand and glares at her. "You're so annoying" he walk pass her and push all the presents off his table. He then sat down, like nothing happen. I tried my best to take it all in my head on what just happen infront of my eyes. Hana stomp her feet and glared at me before she walks back to her seat. lol anger management issue~ I quickly took a sit and Mingyu look at me. "You okay?" i got lost in my thoughts for awhile "huh? oh, yea i'm okay..Thanks." hahah never been better,-not.. He gave a small smile before laying his head on the table.

Kim Mingyu's POV:

I have no idea why i just helped her. It naturally happen. That Hana girl was just being too annoying.. oppa? jyeah right, in your dreams Hana. I ask Nara if she was okay and she seems nervous when she replied me. Oh well i gave her a small smile before laying my head on the table. If she's going to be my sitting partner, then i do have to talk to her somehow. If not, lessons would be boring. But for now, i'll take it slow. I mean it is awkward that we are neighbours..

Alright here's chapter 2.. What do you think of it so far? I hope it's alright.

Do vote or comment ^^ it'll mean a lot to me.

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