Chapter 24

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Shin Nara's POV:

"WHAT SHOULD I WEAR TMR OMG" i panic as i search my whole wardrobe for a nice outfit to wear for the date with Mingyu tmr. Why am i nervous? IDK! Then i felt an arm on my shoulders and Yewon turn me around to face her. She shook me and said "CALM DOWN WOMAN!" I breathe in and out to calm myself down. Once i was calm, she made me sit on my bed. She folded her arms and stare at me. It went silent for awhile and then she sigh. "You know what. Screw this! We're going shopping. NOW!" She then pulled me to get up and get ready. I got ready and we head out to Hongdae.

As we walk down the streets, i look at Yewon. She notice and said "What?" "Do we even have money to shop? -wait i mean i don't even have that much cash right now and-" she cut me off "Just shut up will you Nara.. I'm paying for you today. Deal with it" she said. My jaws almost drop. "You're kidding me right? Why would you even do this for me?" I ask. She smirk at me. "Don't worry. You owe me one for this, nothing's free sweetie. Anyways, i panic when i went on the first date with Hoshi too, so i know how you feel" shish knowing you Yewon, nothing is free. I chuckled and said "You say that like as if you've dated Hoshi for like a year or two" she giggled. "Well, at least it feels that way okay!" She then laugh.

We finally entered a shop. It was one of Yewon's favourite stores. I will never be able to say the name of the store. But i'm not going to lie, Yewon does have great fashion sense. She'll just outshine everyone who passes by her. There was one time where by a foreigner ask for a picture with her. They thought she was a model or something. Whatever it is, Hoshi you better heck treasure her. Anyways, we walk around and i head towards the dresses area. Nothing seems to scream ME. I've never really consider dresses as my kind of thing. I prefer matching up skirts with nice clothes and outerwear or maybe shorts instead of skirts. Within 15 minutes, i felt a tap on my shoulders and i saw Yewon. She was holding a bunch of stuffs. She gave them to me and push me into the fitting room to try them on. Once i was done, i open the fitting room door and Yewon was standing infront of me. Her jaws drop as she stares at me. She then nodded and smile like she was proud of her fashion choice. "Uh yeah! We are totally getting all of this for you" she said. I love how i look and it's totally something i would wear but i look at her again to confirm. "But isn't all of this too expensive?" I ask. She smile and hug me. Once she lets go, she said "Don't worry about it girl"


Kim Mingyu's POV:

"What am i going to wear?" I ask myself as i stare at the pile of clothes on my bed. I stood up and started trying a bunch of clothes. First try, i put on black jeans, a white HBA pullover and black cap that says 'DOPE' on it. I stare at myself in the mirror for awhile and then i shook my head. "Nah.." I said to myself. Second try, i put on black Nike tight fit sweatpants, a black tee that says 'Straight outta Busan' on it and a white snapback. I look at myself again and i shook my head again. OKAY LAST TRY! I put on a pair of jeans, a black simple tee and a black outerwear. I look at myself again and i finally agreed with myself. It's simple and modern. I've also dyed my hair sort of blue-ish for some reason. I hope Nara will find it okay too. (The picture shows what Mingyu's outfit and everything. I find it cute hehehek)

( Skips to night time)

Shin Nara's POV:

I can't stop worrying about the date tmr. I mean really now.. I've never went on a date since like ages. What if i screw things up? What if i made a fool of myself? What if i start stuttering? What if that? What if this? All these things running through my mind. I've never thought a date would be this hard. Or maybe i'm just making it harder for myself..? OH IDK OKAY zzz... I hug my pillow and i sigh. At that moment, i receive a text on my phone. I reach for my phone and i look at the msg ID. I sat up abruptly as i saw the name 'Mingyu' displayed on my screen. I close my eyes and breathe. He's not going to cancel it is he? Wait- of course he won't. I mean he ask for it....right? Oh shut up Nara just open the damn text.

Mingyu: Have you slept yet?
Nara: Ani.. I'm still awake.
Mingyu: Yeah, i can tell by the light shining in your room.
Nara: Then why did you ask righttt.. Wait- WHAT?? EODIYA?
Mingyu: Hahah go to your window..

I jump off my bed and i went towards my window. I push my curtains aside and i look out of my window. I burst out laughing as i saw Mingyu standing at his front yard, wearing a dog onesie and dancing as he saw me. (GUYS HE'S LITERALLY OUTSIDE OF HER HOUSE JUST LIKE HIS LYRIC IN MANSAE HEHEHE kk i'm fine i swear) I open my window and shout at him. "YAH! What on earth are you doing??" I couldn't help myself but to laugh even harder. Soon he stop dancing and look at me. I stop laughing and i swear we had like a 5 seconds eye contact. I clear my throat and said "What do you want by the way?" He smiles and said "I just wanted to say goodnight" i tried to stay calm "You can text me that you know" i said. "Nah.. I needed to see you and say it. Anyways, GOODNIGHT!" He said loudly before he ran back into his house. My face froze. I didn't got the chance to respond. I don't even think i could actually. I close my window and pulled the curtains. I slowly walk back to my bed and said softly to myself "He- he said he- needed to s-see me to say it" my face still froze but soon a smile form on my face. I jump onto my bed and covered my face with a pillow. I scream with full of joy but of course it wasn't a really loud scream, don't worry. I took the pillow off my face and i replace it with my hands. I place my hands on my face and i felt my face heating up.


AYEEEEEE ANOTHER CHAPTER FOR YA'LL!! HEHEHEHEK I hope it's not killing you too much..


Also, ask me questions if you're curious about me or something hahah i don't mind answering them..

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