Chapter 23

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Kim Mingyu's POV:

*beep beep beep* i reach over to my mini table beside my bed and stop the alarm. I sat up and rub my eyes. I think i sat there for about 5minutes already. That lazy feeling you have when you have to go to school zzz.. Anyways, i felt better then last night. My headache is gone but the images kept playing in my head. I wonder what was it about.. Was the girl i saw someone i knew before?...ugh no i must sound crazy.. It has to be just a dream. I shrug the thought of it off and head to my bathroom. I got ready and went downstairs.

"Are you feeling better Mingyu? Are you sure you want to go to school today? Do you want to stay home instead?" Question after question, my mum sounds like a rifle now. I chuckled and kiss her forehead. "Ani.. I'm alright. I'm off to school now" i smile at her before grabbing my bike and went out the gate. I look over at Nara's gate and i couldn't see her bike. I guess she went out already. I got on my bike and cycled to school.

Shin Nara's POV:

I left early and head to the convenience store. It's those 24hrs kind. You must be thinking, why the heck am i going to the convenience store early in the morning. Starting today, i'm going to try my best to figure out a way to help Mingyu remember. I'm going to start by getting Koolaid. Why Koolaid? Simple. Mum said that Mingyu and i used to get Koolaid everyday. Well, that is when we used to remember of course. I grab 2 Koolaids from the fridge and paid for it before heading to school.


I walk down the hallway till i reach the front door of the classroom. I took a peek inside and i saw Mingyu sitting at his desk. I smile to myself before walking in. I pulled my chair and sat down. "" i said, handing the Koolaid to Mingyu. He stares at it before taking it. "What's this for?" he ask. I look at him innocently. "What? Can't i give you something for once?" i said as i look around instead of his face. He laughs and i look at him. He narrowed his eyes at me before turning away "Yeah, right" "oh shut up" i said as i drank my Koolaid. Few minutes pass and he still haven't drank his Koolaid. He was busy writing notes. Which are most probably lyrics instead. "Aren't you going to drink it?" i ask. He stops writing and look at me in disbelieve. Wait...don't tell me... My eyes widen. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GIVE IT TO WONWOO ARE YOU??" i ask. He burst out laughing.. "What?? HAHAHA give Wonwoo? no no no this is definitely mine. I'm just saving it for later" he said as he keeps the Koolaid in his bag. I sigh in relief. He better keep it for himself. We then face forward as the teacher steps into the class and started the lesson.

Kim Mingyu's POV:

(Skips to 10 minutes before lunch)

The door slid open and a familiar guy came in. It's Kihyun from my football team. Yes, i join the school's football team not long ago. Minghao got me into it. "Mingyu, the coach wants to see you at the gym" he said. I stood up and he add on "oh- and bring your bag. You'll go straight for lunch afterwards" i nod and grab my bag before heading out with him. For the next 6 minutes, my coach was talking to me about some plans and he made me the goal keeper for an upcoming game. Once he was done speaking, it was exactly time for lunch. He dismiss me from the gym and i walk down the hallway towards the field. It's kind of far but i took my time. I open up my bag to grab my phone and then i felt something else in the bag. I grab it and took it out. "oh" it's the drink Nara gave. "Koolaid?" I said softly, questioning the name. Have i heard of this before..? Oh wells. I poke the straw and had a sip. I stop at a halt and i look at the drink again. An image played again.

"Mingyu-ah..." I look to my right and the same girl was there. I still couldn't see her face. She then handed me a drink. "Try it oppa" she said. I nod and drank it.

I came back to my senses as the image stop. I look around and there was no one. I look at the Koolaid oddly and started walking to the door at the end of the hallway, leading to the field. I shook the image away in my head for now. The rest must be waiting. I continued drinking the koolaid and head to field. As i reach the field, i saw the rest. I walk towards them and sat down. I look at Nara and she was somehow happy to see me drinking the koolaid. She's so cute! I just smile back at her. "So what did coach want just now?" Jun ask. "Oh..- ah he was just telling me the plan and he assigned me as the goal keeper for next week's game" with that i earn a rough playful smack behind my head. "Ouch!" "WAH OUR MINGYU-SSI...the coach likes you eh" i look at Hoshi and i push his hand off me. "Yah, don't mind me. Go hold Yewon instead" i then laugh, followed by the rest..

Shin Nara's POV:

The bell rang we walk down the hallway to our classes. I felt so relief to see him drink the koolaid. I swear if he had gave that koolaid to Wonwoo, i might end up smacking him instead. Gave him koolaid, check. Next step! Go out with him to places we used to go. I was thinking of how to ask him when i heard the sound of fingers snapping again. I blink and i saw Mingyu's hand right infront of my face. I became flustered. "Uh-yeah..?" I ask. He started rubbing the back of his neck and said "uhm..i don't know how to say this...i..uh..i" he looks flustered. It's almost like as if he's blushing.. It's......cute. I laugh. "Yah, Mingyu. What is it?" I ask smiling at him. Now he looks like he's blushing real hard. "Will you go out on a date with me?" He said. I stop smiling and froze. Well, i didn't expect that but OH MY GOD GOODNESS GRACIOUS WHAT DID HE SAY??? I smile again and i hug him. "Yeah sure" i let go and walk ahead. Before walking away, i caught a small smile forming on his lips. He looks so loveable. I guess i really am falling for him huh. But honestly, he just made my mission easier heheh...

This took me so long to publish because i have been so busy but here it is finally! :)



Also thank you to those who follow me as well. I will do my best to update more. And for those who comment, I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH HAHAH honestly some of ya'll comments crack me up and made my day. God bless you.

Do keep voting and comment ^^

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