Chapter 34

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2 Weeks Later ...

Kim Mingyu's POV:

"Babeee..." "Yea?" "How long are you going to stay in the toilet, we don't have all day you know" the door to the toilet suddenly slides open and Nara stood there leaning on the doorframe with her hands folded, staring daggers at me "Kim Mingyu, i did not ask you to come 2 hours earlier then the time you're suppose to meet me okay, you literally live next door" I sat up on her bed and stared at her and pout "I thought you'd just put on some clothes and we'd already be on our way" She face palms herself "Mingyu, make up don't just fly onto my face, i have to put them on myself boy" "You don't need make up" "Yeah, well that phrase does not work on me pretty boy" "But i'm serious, you can look like you just woke up and still look like a hot mess" i smirk and she rolled her eyes "I am so done with you" she said before going back to do her make up. I chuckled.. i like disturbing her...

I was playing my phone when finally she came out of the toilet. Of course, she looks gorgeous. Her make up is on fleek too. I feel so lucky.. "Liking your view?" she ask "Is that a question? or do i have to actually tell you?" i raise an eyebrow at her and she laugh "fine, you don't have to tell me then" She was searching for her phone and i hold her phone up in my hand "Looking for this?" She looks at me and then my hand and she smiled "Yeah, thanks-" She was about to take it but i kept it back into my pocket "What now Kim Mingyu?" "Can you do me a favor?" "What?" "Could you please put on that bomber jacket.." "And why should i?" "We're going out soon and you're showing a little too much so just put it on" "So?" she grin and i smirk at her "So, just put it on.. You're mine and only i can see that much. No one else should be able to see all that except for me. You can dress like that all you want at home or when you're with me but not outside" she laughs and puts on the jacket "Happy now babe?" i nod with a smile and gave her phone back to her.. She then place it in her pocket. "You're officially done now then?" i ask jokingly "Yeah, we can go now mr impatient" she said laughing.

Shin Nara's POV:

"halmuni~ it's your favourite grandchild, Mingyu here.." he said once we reach the front gate.

Yes, we're at Mingyu's grandparents house today.. He said that he really missed them and that he really wanted to meet them after so long, so why not. Anyways, it's funny how he thinks that i'm showing a little 'too much'. I'm literally wearing a romper top, which isn't even that showy except for my arms part but oh wells..

The front door swings open and an old lady came out. When she saw Mingyu, a wide smile spread across her face.

"Omo! Mingyu ah" she said excitedly as she approach Mingyu to hug him. All i could do was to just smile at the scene that i am witnessing. She looks so happy to see her grandchild.

After their hug, Mingyu smiled and said to her "halmuni~ This is Shin Nara.. She's my girlfriend"

I did a 90 degrees bow and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you halmuni"

She came towards me and smiled. She then hug me and all i could do was to hug her back. It felt great. I wish my grandparents were still around..

"Aigoo~ You're really pretty and i've heard a lot about you from Mingyu over the phone" she said looking at Mingyu and then back at me.. I smirk at that statement "Really?" i then glance at him which he just sheepishly smile while rubbing the back of his neck.. "Oh yes he said a lot" his grandma said teasing the boy, i couldn't help but to just laugh at this situation..

"wahh can we just get inside already" Mingyu whine.. His grandma pats his shoulder "Araseo come come let's go in" she said as she leads us into the house..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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