Chapter 4

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After School

Shin Nara's POV:

"Please tell me you're not trying to run away, are you?" i said to Hoshi as he tries to leave with his bike thinking that i'm not there yet. "Ohhh- you're here ha ha" he fake laugh. "Caught red handeddd~" Wonwoo tease. "You owe us lunch, rememberrr~" Yewon teases Hoshi. "Aish..fine fine. But your life is not all about food okay" in a quick movement, Wonwoo made a 'no no' gesture to him "My life is Hamburger" after saying that proudly, Wonwoo grab his bike and head off first. "Join us Mingyu" Hoshi said to Mingyu before heading off too. The rest of us got on our bike and followed. I might sound overreacting but damn we look so cool when we cycle in one group. All of us uses fixies, even Mingyu. Mine is red. Hoshi's blue. Minghao's purple. Dino's white. Wonwoo's black. Mingyu's red & black. We have other friends too but they don't go to the same school as we do. In fact, we're heading to a burger place where one of our other friends work at. His dad owns the place so we usually get to eat for free. So, that means Hoshi is literally not treating us.


"Sup S.coups!" Wonwoo said as he enters the door. "Aye! My regular customers~" S.coups replied walking towards us. S.coups isn't his real name but that's what we call him. "One isn't regular tho" i said "This is Mingyu, the new student in my class" S.coups raise one of his eyebrows and stares at Mingyu "Why do i feel like i've heard that name before?" does S.coups find him familiar too? "He's the best soccer player at that one school i've told you about long time ago" Dino said as he sat down waiting to be served "Ahh that guy.. Nice to meet you, call me S.coups" he smiles to Mingyu. For a second there i thought S.coups finds him familiar too, but i guess not. "yeah, i'm Mingyu" Mingyu said smiling before sitting down. "I'll get your burgers ready..Be right back" S.coups then heads to the kitchen.

S.coups POV:

I raise one of my eyebrows and stared at him. Mingyu? I swear i heard that name before.. "He's the best soccer player at that one school i've told you about long time ago" Dino told me. Yeah, i knew that. But i feel like i've seen him before, but when? Anyways, i didn't want to look creepy so i just went along with it "Ahh that guy.. Nice to meet you, call me S.coups" i offered him a smile. I then told them i'd get their burgers ready and head to the kitchen.

Kim Mingyu's POV:

I swear he was staring at me like he has seen me before. I did felt like i've seen him before too. Who is he?


Shin Nara's POV:

We finally got our burgers. Woohoo!! I'm starving but Wonwoo and Dino tho, they're literally stuffing their whole face which made me laugh. Yewon on the other hand is eating like a princess. Mingyu, Hoshi, Minghao and i are eating like normal human beings. S.coups was trying to start a convo but none of us were paying attention. We were busy eating, which made him eat as well.

Once we were all done eating, we finally could talk about things. "So, Mingyu what do you do? like for fun or hobby, idk" S.coups ask Mingyu. Mingyu was kind of surprise by the question. "Oh- er i play soccer for fun honestly but i rap as a hobby" "You RAP?!" Wonwoo ask looking all shock. "Uhm yeaa" Mingyu replied looking not sure about why Wonwoo was surprised. I mean if you knew Wonwoo, this kind of things will surprise him i guess, because he raps too. "You should join us at our hang out place. We make our own music. Wonwoo here is one of our rappers, i'm sure you'll get along well" S.coups said. "Wow, cool" Mingyu replied smiling. Ok woah, how did i not notice his sharp tooth when he smiles, he looks...attractive. Okay nopeee what am i thinking, no. My mum better not curse me with the love sick thing. He's just a friend. Yes a friend-

"Yah! Nara what are you thinking??" i was deep in my thoughts that i didn't realise Yewon was looking at me. "Huh? Oh nothing!" I pretend to look at my watch "I got to go, my mum must be waiting" i stood up and Mingyu was looking at me. I could tell that he's trying to ask me if he should follow too. I simply shook my head and smile at him. "Really? Me too! Let's go!" Yewon said cheerfully as she drag me out the door to our bikes. It went silent for awhile until she smirks and laughs at me. "What?" i look at her confused af. She grins. "I saw how you look at him" that took me by surprise "what? no? you must've seen wrongly Yewon" i tried waving her off, which obviously did not work "Come on Shin Nara~ I saw it with my own eyes. When he smiled, you were literally looking at him. Just admit it already!" i sigh "Fine. I was. But that's it. We shall not speak of this anymore!" she giggled, satisfied with my confession. Hais evil, my bestfriend is pure evil. After that discussion, we seperate ways and head home.

I won't be able to update tmr so, i'll just update as much as i can today. This is it for Chapter 4. Do you ship Nara & Mingyu so far? Also, Rapper line heollll hahah..

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