Chapter 22

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Shin Nara's POV:


As soon as i step in the school hallway with Mingyu, i hear Yewon yelling my name. I really wanted to facepalm myself so hard when everyone near me look at me. I ignored them and i spot Yewon running towards me. I step back abit and then Yewon hug me like there was no tomorrow.. I glare at Mingyu as he stood there laughing at me. "Don't just me!" I said to him. "Okay okay!...hah Yewon you can let go now" he said as he pulled Yewon off me. I then straighten my uniform. She straighten hers too and then said "sorry about that..i just miss seeing you at school. 3 days with MINGYU disturbing me is such a PAIN" she intentionally made some part loud as she glare at Mingyu. I wanted to laugh at the sight of this but i just hold it in. "What do you mean disturb?" I ask covering my mouth to stop myself from laughing. She smirks "oh nothing...he just kept pestering me about.....just mostly about...YOU!" She said loudly then she ran away before Mingyu could catch her. He was obviously shock. WAIT! ABOUT ME?? I look at him and he was rubbing the back of his neck again. Does he always do that when he's awkward? It's cute. HAH WHAT DID I SAY CUTE. But it's true. Wait what.. I came back to my senses when i hear the snapping sound again. Mingyu chuckled "Do you always space out or something?" He ask. "What?" He started laughing at my reaction. I got more awkward. "Oh shut up.." I smack his head and then started walking to class. He stop laughing "Ouch!..-yah! Wait up!" He then hurried to my side. I just laugh at him.


It's lunch and i walk to the field with Yewon. The rest were already there since they decided to run there for god knows what reason. While we were on our way to the field, i ask Yewon "So..what was Mingyu pestering about me to you when i was not around?" She giggled "oh that.. He kept asking me if you texted me or not. If you called me or not. If you were allergic to anything or not." I don't know why but i burst out into laughter. "He ask what? If i was allergic to anything?" I laugh and shook my head in disbelieve.. Why is he so curious anyways? Hahah and no i'm not allergic to anything.

(Skip to after school)

We entered the restaurant and there was no other customers for now. All of us took our seats, looking like we're going to pass out anytime soon. But of course we didn't. "Ah~ if it isn't my favourite bunch of noisy kids" we all turn our attention and a tall man with a chef hat came. He hug Hoshi and we all laugh. It's Seungcheol's dad, Mr Cheol (the names, just bear with me ahah). "Ahh don't do that Mr Cheol" Hoshi said then laugh when he was finally released by Mr Cheol. Mr Cheol then turn to Mingyu. "And you must be Mingyu. Seungcheol told me about you" his face then change a bit "that's odd..where have i seen you before?" Wait. He finds Mingyu familiar too? That's weird. Even Seungcheol finds him familiar too. He then smile. "Or maybe you're just a good looking young man" he laughs then turn his attention back to us. "Seungcheol will be here soon. I will go prepare food for you hungry kids" he then walk back to the kitchen. I look at Mingyu and he just shrug. Oh wells, i push that thought aside when i saw Seungkwan fall off his chair. All of us burst into laughter. He then stood back up and sat back on his chair like nothing happen. He use his hand gesture and said "you DO NOT laugh at me" that made us laugh even more. There you go, Diva Boo in the house everyone.


We were done eating and it was getting late. I have to go home before mum calls and start yelling through the phone. Trust me, she can be nice but if she's mad then it's a total different story. We thank Mr Cheol for the food and head out. As usual, Mingyu and i head the same way while everyone went to their own ways. While cycling, i felt like Mingyu wasn't cycling like usual. Usually he would speed up and try to race with me but now he was slowing down, in fact he was following behind me. I guess he notice me looking and said "It's getting dark.. Cycle faster Nara, i'll follow behind you" i nod and cycled faster. He followed. Soon we reach right infront of our house gates. He waited for me to enter my gate before he entered his. "See you tomorrow" he said smiling at me before entering his front door. I nod and walk quickly to my front door. I enter and mum smiled at me. "I saw that little cute scene outside" she said. My eyes widen "Eomma!~" i whine at her. I felt embarrased. She probably saw me blushing or something. She laughs and went back to the kitchen. I quickly took off my shoes and ran upstairs. I jump onto my bed and grab a pillow. I laid down on my back and stare at the roof again. I'm not going to lie but Mingyu face kept popping up in my head. Also, i find it sweet when he followed me from behind to keep me safe, it was getting really dark just now and the road was really quiet. I felt safe thanks to him. That explains why i couldn't say a single thing to him once we reach the front gate. I sigh and took out a photo under my pillow. It was a photo of me holding hands with Mingyu when we were young. "If only you'd remember me" i said softly to myself. Damn, i really need to find a way to help him remember..

Kim Mingyu's POV:

"See you tomorrow" i said smiling at her before i entered the house. Once i close the door, i lean my back on the door and my smile was gone. I hold my temple and shut my eye. "Ughh...why is my head spinning..?" I said softly to myself. "Mingyu, are you okay?" I look up and i saw my mum looking at me worriedly. I manage to give her a weak smile. "It's nothing.. I'm just dizzy, that's all" i replied as i walk towards the kitchen. I poured a glass of water and my mum handed me a medicine for my headache. I took the pill and drank it down with water. Once i was done, my mum help me to my room. I finally laid down on my bed. "Call me if you need anything alright" my mum said. "Yes i will, thank you" i replied and she smiled at me before leaving and closing the door. I close my eyes and tried to relax but an image started showing in my head.

"M-Mingyu.. I feel like someone is following us" she said as she hold on to my arm tightly. I couldn't see her face but i could tell that she was really scared. I look back but i didn't see anyone. I look back infront and i saw 2 guys from the corner of my eyes. They did seem like they were up to no good. I look back at the girl and i still couldn't see her face. I then whispered to her. "Listen, at the count of 3, run..." She nods. "1....2.... 3! Run!" I hold on to her hand and we started running. I heard footsteps and i saw them chasing us. We kept running till there was a huge gap between us and the guys who were chasing us. We turn at a corner and i pulled her behind a wall. "Stay here. Don't move and don't make a sound. If i don't come back, go find help. Okay?" I said. She was crying now but soon she calm down and replied "o-okay" i hug her one last time before running again. I turn back and saw the guys chasing me. I kept running but they caught me. I fell hard  to the ground and they started throwing punches at me. And then i black out.

I open my eyes and sat up abruptly. I'm sweating now. I recalled what i saw and i felt uneasy about it. I then thought to myself,

"What was that about..?"


Now Mingyu's getting all the images in his head.


I honestly don't know if my fanfic is okay or not but i hope it's alright for you guys... Nara and Mingyu has lots of issue tsk tsk tsk...

BTW NEW COVER HEHE I just thought i should change it hahah

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