Chapter 12

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After school

Shin Nara's POV:

I sigh and stood up. "Why are they always late?" i said. Mingyu and i had been waiting for the rest for like half an hour, and they still haven't showed up. "You can wait if you want. I'm not waiting today hah" i said to him as i get on my bike. He laughs "Ani. I'm not waiting either. Wanna go eat? I'm starving~" food? that sounds good right now. "Sure, let's go. I'll text Yewon later" he nods and got on his bike and we head out of school together.


"What do you want to get? It's my treat" Mingyu said smiling at me. "uhm.." since it's hot outside.. I thought. "Cold noodles!" we said in unison out of the blue. My face started heating up again. Oh god. I stare at him and he laughs "hahah sure, i'll go order. Be right back" he then left to place an order at the counter.

I took out my phone and saw two text from Yewon.

Y: Where are you?
Y: Yah Shin Nara!!~

I laugh softly and rolled my eyes. I tap on the screen and replied to her.

N: You guys took so long. So, Mingyu and i just left. Anyways, we're at a noodle store, Mingyu was starving..
Y: Wahhh~ jinjja?? sorry about that. We got into trouble with that one annoying guy from Hoshi's class again.
N: Again? daebak~

As i was about to type more, Mingyu appeared with a tray and two bowls of cold noodles. I smiled as he place a bowl infront of me. He then pass me a pair of chopsticks and a spoon.

N: Ah, my cold noodles is here. Got to go! ;)

I press the send button and place my phone down. I pick up the spoon and chopsticks and started enjoying my cold noodles. Only then, i realised that Mingyu was already eating his noodles. I look at him and kind of studied him at the same time. Black hair, nose, eyebrows, lipseu. He eats really well too. "Waaah~ Kim Mingyu, aigooo you're eating really well today" i joke. I was bored okay haha. He looks up and smirks "Aigoo~ Shin Nara you look hungry.." he picks up a dumpling while talking "maybe you should eat more..-" he then glare at me "or should i just stuff this into your mouth so that you'll not say such things" he said seriously. I couldn't help but laugh at his replies but that was the biggest mistake i ever did. The next thing i know, a dumpling was in my mouth and Mingyu laughing at me. I munch on the dumpling glaring at him. He just laughs and stuck out his tongue at me. I narrowed my eyes at him "You watch out". He scoffs playfully "Oh i will" he said while doing the i'm watching you gesture with his hands. I was trying to stay serious but clearly that was impossible because Mingyu was being an adorable lil sh- i mean no, pshh no his not, whut?


We finally finish our meal and Mingyu insist on walking around the area for abit. I on the other hand have no idea why i even agreed to do so too. We lock our bikes at the bike area and started walking down the road, but not too far of course.

"Omg look" i said pointing to a ice cream store. It wasn't just some plain normal ice cream. It'a a flower shaped ice cream. "Really?" Mingyu ask, chuckling. "Oh c'mon! pretty please" i said dragging him to the store. "You sure do have a big appetite" he says while i bought our ice cream. "Oh like as if you don't" i sarcastically told him and handed him his ice cream. He was about to eat it but i stop him. He gave me a puzzled look. I smiled. "Selca time!!" he laughs "nu-uh.. no way" "please?" i ask looking at him. He went silent for awhile and then he replied "fine". He stood next to me and bent down a bit. I am short anyways zz. We both hold up our ice cream and smiled looking at the camera. Since Mingyu was taller, he hold the camera instead. 1..2..3..SNAP!! "Yas! I'll tag you on Insta later" i say as i kept my phone in my pocket. He just nod and look at me amused.

Apparently, our 'walk around for abit' ended up to be like an hour lol. We spent our time entering random shops and doing stupid things. Finally, we decide to head back to our bikes. While we were walking back, Mingyu kept telling me stupid puns while doing stupid gestures. We were already near to our bikes. We just need to cross the road now. I was laughing so hard that i didn't realise a car was heading my way. "Nara!!" i stop laughing and look up. I saw the car coming but before i could do anything, a hand grab me and pulled me to the side of the road. The car then pass by me at full speed. "Are you okay?" i look up and my eyes met with Mingyu's. He looks totally different. He seems really worried and shock at the same time. "I-I'm okay" i said still feeling lost as ever. I was about to turn and look away but i felt the pain in my head again.


"Why are we running?!" i ask the figure running along beside me. "Just run Nara, we need to run! T-They're chasing after us." I look back and saw a group of boys chasing after us. I couldn't see them clearly. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. We turn to a corner and the figure beside me told me to stay put and hide behind the wall. So i did. He then ran and i saw the guys chasing after him. They caught up with him and the next thing i heard was a guy getting beaten up. I tried looking for him but i felt the pain in my head and fell to the ground. I saw a lady approach me and black out.

/end of flashback/

I guess i was crying. Mingyu hugs me and then made me sit down. It took me awhile to calm down abit and stand up. He ask me if i was okay and i just nod and told him that i wanted to go home. He offered me a smile and nod. We grab out bikes and walk home slowly. It was really quiet during the whole journey home but Mingyu understand. He accompanied me till we were outside my gate. He wanted to send me to my doorsteps but i told him it was fine. I thank him and then went inside. Next thing i know, my mum looks worried and she told me to rest in my room for a bit. I head upstairs and fell asleep afterwards.

WOO AN UPDATE!! Sorry for not updating for the past few days. I had to study and blah blah. So, here is chap 12. Is Nara okay? idk~

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