Chapter 13

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Shin Nara's POV:

I woke up in my room and my head still kind of hurts. I sat up and look at the time. How long did i slept for?.. It's only 8pm. I lean my back on the wall. Then i remembered. That awful image i recalled in my head. What happen to me? And what happen to that boy? Thinking of what i recalled a few hours ago makes me cry. Tears started rolling down my cheeks again. I grab a pillow and bury my face into it and cried. I have a really bad feeling about what i recalled and i want to know why. As i cried into the pillow, i heard my bedroom door open. I look up and saw my mum walking towards me with sadness in her eyes. She sat infront of me and look at me. I couldn't take it anymore and hugged her. She pats my back and then made me look at her. "Nara, if you want to tell me something, go ahead. I'm here to listen sweetie" it took me some time to decide if i should tell her or not but i needed to know "I-I've been having flashbacks lately..-and they're not good. I saw myself running with a boy. We were being chased by a group of boys. He told me to hide and he ran. They chase after him and i lost him. Also, my head always gets dizzy after i recall them" she looks at me worried and it almost look like she knew something. "Eomma, you..perhaps know something i don't know?" i ask her and she stares at me with pity. She sigh and hold my hands. "I wasn't going to let you know this but..- Nara, i think that guy you saw who was with you was- someone you knew well. You were sent to the hospital after that incident. I got a call and your dad and i rush to the hospital. We were told that you and a boy were being chase by a group of boys. Sadly, we couldn't find that boy who was with you. That happen 4 years ago Nara. We were scared if those boys would find for you again, so, after you were discharged, your father and i decided to move here" my eyes grew wider "Then why can't i remember all this?" i ask her. She bit her lip and said "You lost most of your memories Nara.." i cover my mouth with my hand trying my best not to cry "We weren't able to let you remember everything" this was too much for me to take in. First the chasing, now my memories. "Why am i recalling all this now?" "Something or someone must've reminded you of all this. You're getting your memories back slowly. I knew this would happen one day but i didn't know it would be painful for you. I-I'm so sorry" Tears rolled down her cheeks as she look down. Oh no, this is definitely not what i want to see. Seeing my mum cry is the last thing i ever want to see. I hug her tightly till she calm down. "It's okay. Gomawo eomma..for telling me all this" i said and smiled at her. She gave me a weak smile and then she wipe her face. She stood up and kiss my forehead. "Tell me if you need anything. You don't have to go to school tmr if you don't want to" she smile and then she left, closing the door behind her. I sigh. I hope she isn't too worried.

I walk over to my study table. My study table is facing the window. I sat down and rest my head on my hands which is resting on the table. You know, like how you are bored in class or something. Then i look out the window and stare at the sky.

"Who was that guy? Someone i knew well?.." i mumbled to myself. First a little boy, now a guy. So are they the same person or what. I wonder why we were running away from those boys.

Kim Mingyu's POV:

I've been worried ever since i reach home. Is Nara going to be alright? She look like she saw or remembered something just now. Of course, i couldn't have ask her because she was shock to death just now and so was i. She almost got hit by a car for god sake! Aishhh~ I stood up and went downstairs. It's like what, 8:30pm.. I head to the front door and my mum suddenly appeared from no where "Where are you going?" what's up with her "uhmm..just going out for fresh air...waeyo?" i said awkwardly. Why is she so worried? She sigh in relief "Oh..ani.. it's just that, you look really down the whole day today" ahh~ that's why.. my mum is so cute. I chuckled "Don't worry eomma. I'm fine" i smiled and then jokingly showed her my abs "Na namja ahahah" she laughs and hit me "yah! Don't do that to your eomma!! aish this kid.. Keep your abs to yourself" she laughs then walk away leaving me laughing at the front door alone. She never fails to make me laugh even for awhile.

I went out the door and put on my slippers. I walk to the front porch while stretching my arms in the air. Then something caught my attention. I turn to my right and saw Nara looking out her window. She was looking at the sky. She hadn't notice me tho. I lean on the fence that's seperating my house and Nara's house. I then admire her from where i stand. She looks really beautiful, not gonna lie. She mumbled something but maybe she's talking to her mum or something? i don't know. I just hope she's alright..

Next Morning

I put on my school pants and uniform. I then put on my blazer and my tie. I left my tie loose tho cause i like it that way. I took a last glance of myself in the mirror and grab my bag. I head downstairs and join my mum and dad. "Morning~~" I said as i sat down. My dad just 'mhmm' me and continued reading the newspaper while my mum is cheerful as always. I ate my breakfast and once i was done i hug my mum, put on my shoes, grab my bag and went out the front gate. Then i texted Nara.

M: I'm guessing you're not going to school today? haha
N: are correct haha..just bring my notes for me later please
M: yes ma'am..!
N: Annoying~~~
M: Look out the window :-)

I grab my bike and and got on it. I turn to look at Nara's window. There she is. She smiled and wave at me. I wave back and she stuck her tongue out at me. Then i was off to school.

Memories are coming back and she is dying to know it all.. Who do you think that boy is?

Well here's another update. I hope the story is going on alright omggg.

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