Chapter 8

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Kim Mingyu's POV:

"Hey Nara!" i shout as i tried to catch up to her. She turn around and stared at me. "What?" "Are you okay? You seem kind of- sad" her eyes grew wider. "Ani! wh-why would you think that?" she then quicken her steps. Aish, this girl, seriously. I grab her wrist and made her face me "You're lying, aren't you? I can tell when your eyes grew wider and you start to stutter" i said raising an eyebrow at her. It took her some time to actually reply me tho "Fine...I lied okay. Now can you leave me alone??" she said clearly annoyed "Sure" i hold up my hands like i surrendered "but just tell Yewon what's that little problem of yours at least, she IS your bestfriend you know" with that i walk away from her.

Shin Nara's POV:

As he walk away i mumbled to myself. "You're the problem Kim Mingyu. You are" i sigh.


I walk into class and as i was about to head to my seat, i realise that my table and chair wasn't there. I could hear people started giggling. I look out the window and there it is. My table and chair are in the middle of the field. I literally felt like crying. As i turn to exit the class, Mingyu came in. Everyone fall silent. He look up, away from his phone and raise his eyebrows. He walk till he was beside me and i'm pretty sure he could see where my table was through the window. I was about leave but he grab my hand and said "No. Don't. Just use mine. I'll go get yours" with that he left. I sat down at Mingyu's seat and the girls drop their heads to their table. Hana was whining "Why does he always have to help her??!- Aishh"

Kim Mingyu's POV:

As i walk down the hallway, i kept thinking. When the heck are these girls going to give up? It's already bad enough that she's clearly not having a good day. Why go so far and place her table at the field shish. I exit the door and walk to the field. Gosh it's even hot out here. "Mingyu?" A voice came from my right. I turn and it's Hoshi "What are you doing here?" i shrug and point to the table in the middle of the field "Helping Nara with her table" his eyes grew bigger "That's Nara's??" i nod "Well i'll help you out then" he smiled "sure".


Shin Nara's POV:

Mingyu, Yewon and i waited for the rest at the bike area. A bunch of kids pass by, grab their bikes and went home. Still no signs of Hoshi, Wonwoo, Dino and Minghao. "Where are they??!" Yewon said getting annoyed. Around 10 minutes later, they finally appeared. "Where have you guys been??!" Yewon ask, you can clearly see that she was mad. "Uhm..we..we sorta got caught trying to climb over the wall just now..-all because of hoshi" Wonwoo said between gritted teeth as he glares at Hoshi. Which Hoshi just sort of waved him away. "Whatever. Can we go now?" i ask but i didn't wait for any reply. I grab my bike and started cycling away leaving them behind. I just don't feel like hanging around today.

Kim Mingyu's POV:

She grabs her bike and head off leaving us all behind looking all dumbfounded. "What's her problem?" Dino ask as he got on his bike. I wish i could answer that but i don't know why either so i just shrug. We got on our bikes and tried our best to catch up to her. Yewon kept looking at me worriedly and then to Nara. Whatever it is, i hope Yewon talks to her soon, because i'm worried too.

i'm sick so i won't be able to update much zz. Anyways, i hope this update is okay. And Selamat Hari Raya to my muslim friends :) Nothing much happen yet in this chap but do look forward to upcoming chaps :)

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