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Chapter 14:Conversations

As the credits rolled on the movie, Finneas gently shifted, making sure not to wake Y/N as he reached for his phone. The dim light from the screen illuminated the living room, casting a soft glow over the cozy space. He opened up a food delivery app, scrolling through options before settling on pizza. It felt like a safe choice—something familiar, something that Y/N loved.

Billie was quiet, her eyes still on Y/N as she slept, curled up against Finneas. The peacefulness of her sleep felt fragile, like it could shatter at any moment, and the weight of everything Y/N had been through that day lingered between them.

As Finneas placed the order, Billie sighed softly, breaking the silence. “We need to talk about this… about what’s been happening.”

Finneas nodded, setting his phone down on the coffee table. “I know. She’s not handling all this well. And with the stuff the paparazzi are posting… I don’t know how much longer we can keep it from her.”

Billie shifted on the couch, pulling her knees up to her chest. “I don’t want her to see any of it. Not yet. She’s already dealing with so much… if she sees those comments, or the videos of her panic attack, it’ll just push her further.”

Finneas leaned back, his hand still resting protectively on Y/N’s shoulder. “So, what do we do? Take her phone? I don’t want her to feel like we’re controlling her, but at the same time, I don’t want her getting sucked into all that negativity.”

Billie bit her lip, thinking. “I don’t know if taking her phone is the answer. She’s already feeling like she’s losing control, and if we take that away, it might make things worse. But maybe we can limit it… keep her busy, distract her.”

Finneas nodded slowly, considering the idea. “Yeah, we could find ways to keep her off it without actually saying anything. Encourage her to spend time in the studio, or hang out with us more. She loves making music with us—that’s usually when she’s happiest.”

“Right.” Billie agreed. “We can take her mind off the outside world. She needs space to just be Y/N, without all the pressure.”

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, both thinking about the best way to protect their little sister. It wasn’t an easy situation. Y/N had always been independent, but the fame, the scrutiny—it was all taking a toll on her, and they could see it. It hurt them to watch her struggle, especially when she didn’t feel comfortable opening up about it.

“She needs to know we’re here for her,” Finneas said quietly, his voice filled with concern. “But we also can’t make her feel like we’re babying her.”

Billie sighed again. “Yeah… finding the balance is hard. But we’ll figure it out. She’s only sixteen, and she’s dealing with stuff that most people wouldn’t even handle as adults. It’s not fair.”

Finneas glanced down at Y/N, her face soft and peaceful in sleep. “We just need to take it one day at a time. Be there for her in every way we can.”

A buzz from Finneas’s phone signaled that the pizza had arrived. He carefully slid out from under Y/N, making sure not to wake her, and went to the door to get the food.

Billie gently ran her fingers through Y/N’s hair, watching her sleep. She wished there was a way to protect her from everything—protect her from the harshness of the world, from the cruel comments, from the pressure of fame. But for now, all they could do was be there for her, offering support and love, even if they couldn’t shield her from everything.

Finneas returned with the pizzas, setting them down on the coffee table. The smell of the food filled the room, warm and comforting, and he glanced at Y/N before turning to Billie. “Should we wake her?”

Billie nodded, though her heart ached at the thought of disturbing Y/N’s peaceful rest. “Yeah, she’ll be hungry. And maybe eating together will make her feel a little better.”

Finneas crouched down next to the couch, gently shaking Y/N’s shoulder. “Hey, Y/N… pizza’s here.”

Y/N stirred, blinking groggily as she slowly woke up. She looked around, disoriented for a moment before realizing where she was. “Oh… I fell asleep?”

“Yeah,” Finneas said with a soft smile. “We figured you needed it.”

Y/N rubbed her eyes, sitting up and stretching. “I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s okay,” Billie reassured her, reaching over to hand her a slice of pizza. “You’ve had a long day. You deserved some rest.”

Y/N took the pizza, glancing between her siblings. There was something in their expressions—something careful, like they were walking on eggshells around her. She didn’t want them to feel like they had to treat her differently, but deep down, she knew why they were worried. And honestly, she appreciated it more than she could say.

The three of them ate together in the soft glow of the living room, the quiet hum of the TV filling the space. For a moment, everything felt normal, like they were just three siblings enjoying a quiet night in.

And maybe, for tonight, that was enough.

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