The walls between

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Chapter 38: The Walls Between

After their quiet conversation, Y/N slowly curled up on the couch, tucking her knees to her chest. Her breathing grew steady, and before long, she drifted into a fragile sleep. But there was something different this time. Usually, Y/N would snuggle into one of them, her small frame fitting perfectly against Finneas or Billie. It was like a ritual—an unspoken comfort that always made her feel safe. But now, she was curled up alone, leaving a noticeable gap between her and her siblings.

Billie and Finneas exchanged a look, a silent communication passing between them. This wasn’t like her. Even on her toughest days, Y/N had always reached out for them, physically and emotionally. But now, it was as if she had put up a wall, closing herself off completely.

Finneas leaned forward, his eyes soft with concern. "You notice that too?"

Billie nodded, biting her lip. "She never sleeps like that unless... something’s wrong."

They both glanced toward her phone, lying just a few inches from her hand, the screen still faintly lit with the remnants of notifications. From where they were sitting, they could see parts of what was written, just enough to catch their attention. It wasn’t a full view, but it was enough to make their stomachs churn.

Horrible. She’ll never be like Billie. Why is she even trying? She’s so fake. What a mess.

The hateful words were there, bold and biting, echoing in the small glimpse they caught from her phone. Billie’s face tightened, and Finneas exhaled sharply, his jaw clenched. They hadn’t wanted to invade her privacy, but these comments—this toxic stream—was right there, in plain sight. It was undeniable that this was hurting her.

“Should we...?” Billie hesitated, glancing back at her sleeping sister. She hated the idea of going through Y/N’s phone. They had always tried to respect her boundaries, but the comments they’d seen explained everything.

Finneas’s expression was conflicted. “I don’t know if we should, but... it’s pretty clear why she’s been avoiding us.” He paused, running a hand through his hair. “She’s reading these, Billie. Every single time she looks at her phone.”

Billie’s hands balled into fists as she glanced at Y/N’s curled form. “It’s eating her alive. I can’t stand seeing her like this.”

They both stared at the phone for a few moments longer, weighing their options. They didn’t want to violate her trust, but at the same time, these comments were already invading her space, her mind—her every thought. This wasn’t about snooping. It was about understanding just how much damage had been done.

“I hate doing this,” Billie whispered, her voice tight with emotion. “But maybe if we know what she’s seeing, we can help her.”

Finneas nodded reluctantly, carefully picking up Y/N’s phone. He hesitated for just a moment, then unlocked it gently, trying not to wake her. As the screen lit up fully, the flood of comments was laid bare before them. Cruel, cutting remarks filled every inch of the screen, mixed in with a few positive ones that seemed to be lost in the sea of hate.

She’s nothing compared to Billie. She’ll never be a real artist. Why even bother? She’s just riding their fame.

The words were vicious, relentless. Finneas’s stomach twisted in knots as he scrolled through more of them. It was no wonder Y/N had shut down. No wonder she couldn’t bring herself to cuddle up with them like she always did—how could she, when people were making her feel like she didn’t belong, even in her own family?

Billie leaned over Finneas’s shoulder, her breath shaky as she read the comments. “This is what’s been haunting her.” Her voice was barely a whisper, her heart breaking at the sight of the relentless negativity. “No wonder she’s been pulling away.”

Finneas set the phone down gently, as though it were something fragile and dangerous. “She’s convinced herself she doesn’t deserve our love,” he muttered, his voice thick with frustration. “That she’s not good enough to even hug us.”

Billie’s eyes welled with tears, but she quickly blinked them away. She couldn’t afford to break down now—not when Y/N needed them the most. “We have to do something,” she said firmly, her voice more steady now. “We can’t let her face this alone.”

Finneas nodded, but the weight of the situation sat heavily on his chest. “Yeah, but what? She’s already hiding things from us... and the more we push, the more she pulls away.”

Billie chewed on her lip, deep in thought. “Maybe it’s not about pushing. Maybe we just need to be there. Show her we love her no matter what. That no comment, no amount of hate, will ever change that.”

Finneas glanced at Y/N, her small form still curled tightly in a ball. “And what about her phone? These comments aren’t going to stop. Do we take it away? Block everything?”

Billie sighed, shaking her head. “She’ll resent us if we take her phone. But we have to figure out a way to limit how much of this she’s seeing. It’s destroying her, Finneas.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes, both of them staring at Y/N’s peaceful yet fragile sleep. Even in her dreams, she seemed to carry the weight of those hateful words on her shoulders.

Finally, Finneas spoke, his voice quiet. “We’ll take it slow. Be there for her, like you said. And if she brings up the comments, we’ll deal with it then.”

Billie nodded, wiping away a stray tear that had escaped. “We’ll remind her she’s loved. She’s more than what those people say.”

They sat there for a while longer, watching Y/N sleep, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of what she was carrying. The world could be cruel, but they were determined to be her safe space—to show her that no amount of hate could take away the love they had for her.

And when Y/N woke up, they’d be there, ready to remind her just how precious she was.

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