The night walk

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Chapter: The Night Walk

Tw: kidnapping

*that night*

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a pale glow over the quiet streets. Inside the house, everything was still. The soft sounds of Billie and Finneas breathing in their rooms, the low hum of the refrigerator, and the occasional creak of the floorboards were the only noises that filled the night.

But Y/N couldn’t sleep.

She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, her thoughts swirling. Everything had been going better—she was feeling lighter, more herself, but the fragility was still there, lurking under the surface. The need for air, for space, for a moment to clear her head without anyone watching, had grown too strong to ignore.

Quietly, she slipped out of bed, grabbed her jacket, and tiptoed out of her room. She knew Billie and Finneas would worry if they saw her leaving so late, but she just needed a quick walk—just to clear her mind. She wasn’t planning to go far.

The night air was crisp, a sharp contrast to the warmth of the house. Y/N pulled her jacket tighter around herself as she stepped onto the street. The world felt different at night, quieter, more isolated. It was almost comforting, the stillness wrapping around her like a blanket. She started walking, her hands stuffed in her pockets, her thoughts moving as aimlessly as her feet.

But after a few blocks, something shifted. The quiet of the night wasn’t as peaceful anymore—it was eerie. She noticed a shadow moving across the street behind her, but at first, she brushed it off. Just someone else out for a late walk, she told herself.

Then the footsteps behind her grew louder, quicker.

Y/N’s heart started to race. She glanced over her shoulder, her pulse spiking when she saw a figure—a man—walking faster toward her. Panic clawed at her chest. She quickened her pace, hoping it was just a coincidence, that he would turn down a side street or keep walking past her.

But he didn’t.

“Hey!” the man’s voice called out, sharp and aggressive.

Y/N didn’t turn around. Her instincts kicked in, and she broke into a run. The man’s footsteps thundered behind her, closer, faster. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her legs burning as she sprinted through the empty streets, searching desperately for a way out, for someone to help her.

Before she could think, strong hands grabbed her from behind, yanking her off the sidewalk. Y/N screamed, her voice breaking through the stillness of the night, but it was too late. The man dragged her toward a van parked along the curb. She kicked and fought, her heart pounding in her chest, but he was too strong.

The door to the van slid open, and with a brutal shove, the man threw Y/N inside. She hit the cold metal floor, her body jolting with the impact. The door slammed shut, locking her inside the darkness.

Her breathing was rapid, tears blurring her vision as the van started moving. She pounded on the walls, screaming for help, but the van sped up, her cries swallowed by the night.


The Next Morning

The sun rose slowly, casting soft light through the windows of the house. Finneas woke up first, stretching as he sat up in bed. The day felt like any other at first—quiet, calm. He padded downstairs, yawning as he headed toward the kitchen to start some coffee.

But something felt off.

He glanced around the living room. Y/N’s usual spot on the couch was empty. Not unusual—maybe she was still asleep. But there was a strange feeling settling in his chest.

Finneas walked over to the stairs and called up, “Y/N, you awake?”

No answer.

His stomach tightened. He quickly made his way back upstairs, knocking on Y/N’s door. When there was still no response, he slowly opened the door, peeking inside.

The room was empty. Her bed was unmade, her jacket gone.

“Billie,” Finneas called, his voice urgent as he rushed to her door. “Billie, wake up.”

Billie stirred, rubbing her eyes groggily. “What’s going on?”

“Y/N’s not here,” Finneas said, his voice tight. “She’s gone.”

Billie sat up, her face quickly shifting from confusion to concern. “What do you mean she’s gone?”

“She’s not in her room, and her jacket’s missing. I don’t know where she is.”

Billie jumped out of bed, the panic setting in as she followed Finneas downstairs. They both checked the house, calling Y/N’s name, but there was no sign of her anywhere. The back door was unlocked, and the uneasy feeling in their stomachs grew.

“She wouldn’t have gone out without telling us,” Billie said, her voice shaky as they met back in the living room. “Would she?”

“No,” Finneas said, pacing back and forth. “Not at night. Not like this.”

Billie grabbed her phone, trying to think clearly. “I’m calling her.”

She dialed Y/N’s number, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited. The call rang once… twice… but then it went straight to voicemail.

“She’s not answering,” Billie whispered, her voice filled with dread. “Finneas… something’s wrong.”

Finneas ran a hand through his hair, his mind racing. “Okay, let’s not panic. Maybe she just needed air. Maybe she’s out for a walk.”

Billie shook her head, her voice thick with worry. “Not this early. Not without her phone.”

They looked at each other, the reality of the situation sinking in. Something was very wrong, and they both knew it.

“We need to find her,” Billie said, her voice firm despite the fear in her eyes. “Now.”

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