Returning home

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Chapter: Returning Home

Two weeks later, the world outside the hospital felt distant as Y/N sat in the backseat of the car, her hands clenched tightly in her lap. It had been a long road just to get here, back to a semblance of normalcy. But nothing about this felt normal—not after everything that had happened.

Billie sat beside her, never letting go of her hand, while Finneas drove, his eyes flicking up to the rearview mirror every so often, watching them both. He had barely spoken since they left the hospital, his protective instincts kicking in. Y/N felt the tension radiating off him, but it was comforting in a strange way. She knew they were all trying their best.

The house they shared—a place that once felt like a haven—loomed ahead. As they pulled into the driveway, Y/N’s heart raced, her chest tight with anxiety. It was supposed to feel like home, but now it just felt foreign.

Finneas stopped the car, turning off the engine before stepping out. He came around to open the door for Y/N, but she hesitated, her grip tightening on Billie’s hand. Her body was still healing—she struggled to walk on her own, and the lingering pain made her slow. But more than that, the presence of men, even her own brother, made her uneasy in a way that felt wrong and confusing.

Billie sensed her hesitation and leaned in close, whispering softly, “It’s okay. We’ll take it slow.”

Y/N nodded, her eyes filled with apprehension, but she allowed Billie to help her out of the car. Her legs wobbled slightly as she stood, but Billie’s arm around her waist kept her steady. Finneas stayed back, giving them space, his face filled with quiet understanding.

“I’ll grab your things from the car,” he said gently, stepping away to give her room. Y/N appreciated it—she wasn’t sure she could handle being too close to him yet. It wasn’t Finneas’ fault. She loved him, she knew he’d never hurt her. But after everything she’d been through, being around men just felt... wrong. Scary, even.

Inside the house, everything looked the same. But to Y/N, it felt different. She glanced around the living room, the familiar couches and shelves filled with memories, but it didn’t bring the comfort it used to. Billie helped her to the couch, gently easing her down before sitting beside her.

“You okay?” Billie asked softly, her hand resting on Y/N’s knee.

Y/N nodded weakly, but she didn’t say anything. She was still too overwhelmed, the weight of being back home sinking in. It felt like too much, too soon. She leaned against Billie, seeking comfort in her sister’s familiar presence, the warmth of her body reminding her that she wasn’t alone.

Finneas came in a moment later, carrying a small bag of Y/N’s things from the hospital. He paused in the doorway, watching her with careful eyes. He didn’t want to overwhelm her, but his concern was clear.

“I’ll just leave this in your room,” he said quietly, and Y/N gave a small nod in acknowledgment. He moved down the hallway, disappearing into her room without another word.

Y/N’s gaze lingered on the hallway, her chest tight with guilt. She knew Finneas was trying, that he wanted to help her, but the fear was still there, simmering just beneath the surface. She hated it. She hated feeling scared of the people she loved, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the feeling. Not yet.

Billie rubbed her back soothingly. “You’re doing great, Y/N. Just take it one step at a time.”

Y/N rested her head against Billie’s shoulder, her exhaustion evident. She was still in pain, both physically and mentally, and the thought of going back to normal life seemed impossible. But she was trying. She wanted to try, for her siblings' sake.

After a while, Finneas reappeared in the living room, sitting down in a chair across from them. He kept a respectful distance, but his eyes were filled with worry. “If you need anything, just let me know, okay?” he said softly, his voice gentle.

Y/N nodded, but didn’t say anything. She appreciated his kindness, but it was still too much. She wasn’t ready to be around him like before. It wasn’t fair to him, but the trauma had left a mark that couldn’t be erased overnight.

As the afternoon wore on, Y/N stayed close to Billie, needing the comfort of her presence. She flinched at small noises, and every time Finneas moved too quickly, her body tensed. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him—she did—but the fear was instinctual, something she couldn’t control.

Billie noticed it all. She never pushed Y/N to talk, but she stayed close, reassuring her with soft words and gentle touches. It helped, even if just a little.

Later in the evening, after they had dinner (though Y/N barely ate), she lay down on the couch, exhaustion hitting her hard. Billie sat beside her, watching over her like a protective hawk, while Finneas quietly played his guitar across the room, giving her space but still being there.

Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut as she tried to relax, but the memories crept in. The house might have been safe, but her mind was still trapped in the nightmare she couldn’t escape. She shifted restlessly, pulling the blanket closer around her as if it could shield her from the world.

Billie glanced at Finneas, her eyes filled with concern. They both knew this was going to be a long road, but they were in it together. For Y/N.

Finneas set his guitar down quietly and looked over at Billie. “We’ll get through this,” he said softly, his voice full of determination.

Billie nodded, her eyes never leaving Y/N’s sleeping form. “Yeah,” she whispered. “We will.”

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