A little more Healing

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Chapter: A Little More Healing

The sun filtered through the curtains as the next day dawned, casting a warm, golden light over the house. It felt like the world was waking up slowly, the morning calm and peaceful. Billie stirred in her bed, blinking against the soft light as she stretched and yawned. She lay there for a moment, her thoughts drifting back to the conversation she had with Finneas the night before.

Maybe today will be better, she thought, hoping for a little more healing—not just for Y/N, but for all of them.

Down the hall, Y/N was just waking up too. Her nap the day before had helped, but there was still a lingering heaviness, a weight that had become too familiar over the past few months. But as she lay in bed, she thought back to the music from last night—the way it had felt easy, natural, and free. For the first time in a while, she wasn’t dreading the day ahead. There was a quiet hope that maybe, just maybe, things were starting to shift.

When Y/N finally dragged herself out of bed, she wandered downstairs to find Billie and Finneas already in the kitchen. Billie was making coffee, her back to the counter, while Finneas was sitting at the table with his phone, scrolling through messages and news articles. It was a typical morning, but there was a warmth in the air that hadn’t been there in a long time.

“Morning,” Y/N mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat down at the table.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” Billie said with a grin, handing her a cup of tea. “How’d you sleep?”

Y/N took the cup and shrugged. “Pretty good, actually.”

Finneas looked up from his phone, a small smile tugging at his lips. “That’s good to hear.”

They ate breakfast together in a comfortable silence. The mood was light, though there was still an unspoken understanding between them that things weren’t perfect yet. But that was okay—they didn’t have to be. Healing wasn’t a straight line, and they were learning to accept that.

After breakfast, Billie stood up and stretched. “So, I was thinking… maybe today we could all go out for a bit? Just get some fresh air. No pressure, just something chill.”

Y/N hesitated, her hand hovering over her plate. She hadn’t been out much lately, not since everything had started to feel so overwhelming. But Billie’s suggestion didn’t sound too bad. A quiet day out, away from the house, might actually be nice.

“Yeah, okay,” Y/N said softly, nodding.

Billie’s face brightened. “Awesome. Finneas, you in?”

Finneas looked up, the bags under his eyes slightly lighter than they had been the night before. “Yeah, I’m down. Let’s do it.”

The three of them spent the morning getting ready, the mood in the house light and relaxed. Y/N still felt a bit of the familiar anxiety creeping in, but it wasn’t as strong as it had been in the past. She had her brother and sister with her, and that was enough for now.

They decided to head to a small park nearby, somewhere quiet and tucked away from the busyness of the city. It was a place they used to visit when they were younger, back when everything was simpler and life didn’t feel so complicated. The moment they stepped out of the car and into the park, Y/N could feel some of the tension in her shoulders easing. The fresh air, the trees swaying gently in the breeze—it all felt peaceful, healing even.

They found a secluded spot by a lake, where the sunlight danced on the water and the world felt far away. Billie sat down on the grass, leaning back on her hands as she soaked in the quiet. Finneas stretched out beside her, his gaze fixed on the sky.

Y/N stood by the water’s edge for a moment, watching the ripples and listening to the soft sounds of nature around her. For the first time in what felt like forever, her mind wasn’t racing. She wasn’t worrying about comments or expectations. She wasn’t thinking about what people might say or how she might be judged. It was just… stillness.

After a while, she wandered back to where Billie and Finneas were sitting. Billie looked up at her with a soft smile, patting the grass beside her.

“Come sit with us,” Billie said.

Y/N sat down, pulling her knees up to her chest as she looked out over the lake. They didn’t talk much, but that was okay. Sometimes, silence was enough.

As the afternoon stretched on, they decided to head back home. The drive was quiet, the sun dipping lower in the sky as they made their way back to the familiar comfort of their house. By the time they got inside, Y/N felt more at peace than she had in weeks. The anxiety was still there, but it wasn’t consuming her anymore. It was just a small voice, one she could manage.

Later that evening, as they settled into their usual evening routines, Y/N found herself in the living room with Billie and Finneas again. Billie had her guitar out, absentmindedly strumming a few chords as she hummed a soft tune. Finneas was on the couch, his laptop open in front of him, though he wasn’t really working on anything. He was just relaxing, enjoying the quiet.

Y/N felt the urge to join in again, like she had the night before. She glanced at Billie, who was still lost in her own little world of music, and without overthinking it, Y/N reached for her own guitar.

She started to play, her fingers moving smoothly over the strings. It wasn’t anything planned—just a soft melody, something simple but beautiful. Billie looked up, surprised at first, but then she smiled and joined in, her voice harmonizing with Y/N’s playing. Finneas closed his laptop and leaned back, listening quietly as the two of them filled the room with music.

It wasn’t perfect, but it didn’t have to be. It was real, and in that moment, that was all that mattered.

Y/N felt lighter, the weight on her chest easing just a little more. She glanced at Billie and Finneas, both of them lost in the music, and for the first time in a long time, she felt like things were going to be okay. Maybe not right away, but eventually.

And that was enough for today.

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