Darkness falls

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Chapter: Darkness Falls

TW (kidnapping and abuse)

Y/N’s pulse quickened as the man disappeared into the shadows of the warehouse. She sat there, her hands trembling, her body frozen in fear. But just when she thought she might have gotten through to him, he came back with a sudden fury.

"You think I’m going to let you manipulate me, huh?" he spat, his voice filled with venom. Without warning, he grabbed her arm, yanking her up off the floor.

Y/N gasped, her wrist twisting painfully in his grip. "Please, don’t—" she started, but her words were cut off by the force of him pushing her back against the wall.

The roughness of his actions shook her, sending waves of fear and helplessness crashing over her. Every nerve in her body screamed to fight back, but she was terrified, completely overpowered by his size and aggression. He was reckless, unpredictable, and every movement felt dangerous. He hit her once—hard enough to send a sharp pain through her side. She whimpered, shrinking further into herself.

"People like you don’t deserve to be worshipped!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. "You think you’re special because your siblings are famous? You think anyone cares about you?"

Y/N couldn’t answer. Her breath was caught in her throat, the fear so overwhelming it threatened to suffocate her. She felt small, powerless, and every second stretched into an eternity. But somewhere, deep inside, a survival instinct flickered. She needed to hold on. She needed to stay strong. She couldn’t let him break her completely.

He let go of her abruptly, letting her crumple to the ground. Y/N pressed her back against the wall, her knees pulled to her chest, tears streaming down her face. She couldn’t stop shaking.

The man turned away, pacing in frustration. "Maybe now you’ll understand what it’s like to feel powerless," he muttered, more to himself than to her. Then he walked toward the door again, leaving her in the cold, empty space, her body trembling in pain and fear.


Back at Home…

Billie and Finneas sat in the living room, their parents on the phone with the police in the background. Their faces were pale, their hearts heavy with dread. They were doing everything they could to find Y/N without attracting too much attention. The last thing they wanted was for this to turn into a public spectacle, for the media to get involved before they knew what was happening.

"We’re not going to let this go public yet," their father had said firmly when they first brought it up. "Not until we know more."

But as each hour passed, the tension in the room grew. They all knew that if they couldn’t find Y/N soon, the situation would spiral out of control.

Billie sat on the couch, her knees pulled to her chest, staring at her phone. She had dialed Y/N’s number countless times, her heart sinking further with each unanswered ring. Finneas stood near the window, his hands shoved deep into his pockets, his expression hard and unreadable.

"Do you think she’s okay?" Billie asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Finneas didn’t answer at first. His jaw clenched, his eyes distant as he stared out into the street. "She has to be," he said finally, though his voice lacked conviction. "We’ll find her."

Their mom walked back into the room, her face tense. "The police are putting together a team to start searching more areas. They think it’s best if we stay here in case Y/N somehow makes her way back."

Billie nodded, her heart aching with the weight of everything. It was unbearable, sitting here, feeling so helpless. She wanted to scream, to do something, anything, but there was nothing she could do but wait.

Finneas paced back and forth, his mind racing. "This is my fault," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with guilt.

Billie looked up sharply. "What? No, Finneas, it’s not."

"I should’ve been paying more attention," he continued, his eyes filled with regret. "We should’ve known she wasn’t okay. She’s been struggling, and I didn’t do enough to help her."

"Stop," Billie said, standing up and walking over to him. "You’ve been doing everything you can. This isn’t your fault. We’ll find her, Finneas. We just have to keep believing that."

Finneas nodded, though his eyes were still distant, haunted by the same fear and guilt Billie felt deep inside.


Meanwhile, Y/N…

Y/N’s body ached as she leaned against the cold wall of the warehouse. The pain radiating through her side and wrist was sharp, but it wasn’t just physical. Every part of her felt bruised—her mind, her heart, her spirit.

She hadn’t expected any of this. It wasn’t just the man who had hurt her; it was the entire weight of the world that had been closing in on her for so long. The comments, the pressure, the feeling of being watched and judged—it had all come to a head in this dark, terrifying place.

But she wasn’t broken. Not yet.

Despite everything, despite the fear coursing through her, she held onto the smallest sliver of hope. She knew her family was looking for her. She knew Billie and Finneas wouldn’t stop until they found her.

But for now, all she could do was hold on. Hold on until they did.

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