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Chapter 53: anger

Y/N stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her with enough force to rattle the walls. The frustration inside her had reached a boiling point. She couldn’t stand how her siblings hovered over her, trying to fix her life like she was some fragile doll. It made her feel suffocated, like she couldn’t even breathe without them analyzing her every move.

Downstairs, Billie and Finneas sat in a heavy silence. Finneas tapped his foot nervously, glancing toward the staircase. His mind was racing, thinking about how they could help Y/N without pushing her further away.

Billie ran her hand through her hair, sighing. “She’s so angry… I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Finneas nodded, deep in thought. “Maybe we pushed too hard with the therapist. She’s not ready for that.”

“I know, but if we don’t do something, she’s going to keep spiraling,” Billie replied, her voice laced with worry.

As they sat in silence, Finneas absentmindedly pulled out his phone. He scrolled through his contacts, and his heart stopped when he came across a name he hadn’t thought about in a long time: Y/N’s ex.

His thumb hovered over the contact, the memory of Y/N’s panicked reaction to the texts flashing in his mind. He knew this guy was trouble, but maybe—just maybe—there was something he could do to stop it from getting worse. Maybe if he talked to him directly, he could shut down whatever was going on before it escalated any further.

Finneas glanced at Billie, who was still lost in thought. He hesitated, knowing this could either help Y/N or blow up in his face. He had the power to reach out, to put a stop to this guy messing with his sister’s mind. But was it his place? Would Y/N see it as betrayal?

Billie’s voice cut through his thoughts. “Finneas, what are you thinking about?”

He blinked, his thumb still hovering over the contact. “I’m thinking… about her ex.”

Billie’s eyes narrowed, concern flashing across her face. “What about him?”

Finneas hesitated, then lifted his phone slightly. “I still have his number.”

Billie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “What? Why?”

“I don’t know, I guess I just never deleted it. But… I’m wondering if I should reach out. Not as a way to get involved with him, but to make him leave her alone. Maybe if I tell him to back off, he will.”

Billie frowned, clearly torn. “I don’t know, Finneas. That could make things worse.”

“Or it could make things better. I mean, I don’t think Y/N can handle dealing with him right now. It’s messing with her head, and if she won’t talk to us, then maybe I can talk to him.”

Billie bit her lip, thinking it over. “What if Y/N finds out? She’ll be furious.”

Finneas looked down at his phone, the contact still staring back at him. “I know. But maybe it’s worth the risk if it means protecting her.”

Billie sighed, leaning back on the couch. “Just be careful, Finneas. I don’t want to make things harder for her.”

Finneas nodded, locking his phone and tucking it back into his pocket. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do yet, but the thought lingered in his mind. Y/N was in more pain than she was letting on, and if there was a way to shield her from some of it, he was willing to take the risk.

Upstairs, Y/N paced back and forth in her room, anger bubbling up inside her like a storm. She hated that she couldn’t get a moment to herself, that everything felt like it was spiraling out of control. Her siblings didn’t understand—no one did. It was like they were trying to suffocate her with their love, and all she wanted was space to breathe.

But deep down, she knew part of her wanted them close. That scared her the most.

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