The weight of worry

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Chapter 50: The Weight of Worry

After Y/N had finally fallen asleep, curled up on the couch with the stuffed animal still in her arms, Billie and Finneas retreated to the kitchen, their faces heavy with concern. The air was thick with unspoken words, but they both knew they couldn’t keep avoiding the conversation that had been lingering between them for days.

“She’s getting worse,” Billie said, her voice low as she crossed her arms over her chest. “One minute she’s like a kid again, laughing and playing, and the next, it’s like she’s sinking into this... darkness.”

Finneas leaned against the counter, rubbing a hand over his face. “I know. It’s like we can’t even predict what’ll set her off anymore. She was fine, and then suddenly… it’s like she just shuts down.”

Billie’s gaze flickered to the living room where Y/N was still fast asleep. “I’ve never seen her like this. I don’t know how to help her, Finneas. I feel like we’re losing her.”

Finneas’s jaw tightened, his eyes clouded with worry. “We’ve tried everything. Music, spending time with her, giving her space... but it’s not enough. It’s like she doesn’t know how to feel safe anymore, even with us.”

Billie sighed, running her hand through her hair. “Do you think it’s time we get her some real help? I mean, more than just us trying to be there for her? She needs a professional, someone who knows what they’re doing.”

Finneas hesitated, glancing over at his sleeping sister. “Maybe... But what if it pushes her further away? What if she thinks we don’t trust her to figure this out on her own?”

Billie shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears. “She’s 16, Finneas. She shouldn’t have to figure this out on her own. She’s our baby sister. We can’t just keep pretending we know how to fix this.”

Finneas sighed, clearly torn. He wiped at his face, as if trying to keep himself composed. “We’ll talk to her tomorrow. We’ll see how she’s feeling, and we’ll figure out the next step together.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes, the weight of their responsibility pressing down on them. Watching Y/N spiral, so young and fragile, was breaking their hearts. They knew they had to be strong for her, but it was hard when they were struggling to hold it together themselves.


The next morning, the house was quiet. Y/N had woken up later than usual, her movements slow and lethargic. She seemed withdrawn again, her eyes distant, as if she hadn’t truly slept at all. Finneas and Billie exchanged worried glances over breakfast, their conversation from the night before still fresh in their minds.

Billie sighed as she stood from the table, grabbing her keys. “I need to run to the store. We’re out of a few things.”

Y/N’s head snapped up, her eyes wide with sudden alarm. “You’re going out?”

“Yeah, just for a bit,” Billie said, frowning slightly at the intensity of Y/N’s reaction. “I’ll be back in no time.”

Y/N shook her head, standing up from her chair so quickly that it almost toppled over. “No. Don’t go.”

Billie blinked in surprise. “Y/N, I won’t be gone long. Finneas is here.”

But Y/N stepped closer, grabbing Billie’s arm tightly, her expression desperate. “Please. Don’t leave me.”

Billie froze, taken aback by the fear in Y/N’s voice. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Why don’t you want me to go?”

Y/N’s grip tightened as she shook her head, her voice shaky. “I just… I don’t want to be alone. Please.”

Finneas stood from the table, concern etched across his face as he approached. “Y/N, we’re right here. You’re not alone.”

But Y/N wasn’t listening. She was fixated on Billie, her breathing becoming shallow, her eyes filling with panic. “Please, Billie. I don’t want you to leave.”

Billie exchanged a worried glance with Finneas, before gently pulling Y/N into a hug. “Okay, okay, I won’t go. I’m staying right here, I promise.”

Y/N clung to Billie, her body tense, as if she was terrified that the moment she let go, everything would fall apart. Billie rubbed her back soothingly, her heart breaking all over again. Y/N was shaking slightly, her face buried in Billie’s shoulder as she tried to hold back her fear.

Finneas stepped closer, his voice soft. “You’re safe, Y/N. We’re not going anywhere without you.”

Slowly, Y/N nodded, but she didn’t release her hold on Billie. It was as if the thought of being left alone—even for a short trip to the store—was too much for her to bear. Billie felt Y/N’s trembling ease slightly as she held her, but the concern in her chest only deepened.

They weren’t just dealing with mood swings anymore. This was something more. Something deeper.

“I’m not leaving you,” Billie whispered again, even though she knew Y/N hadn’t really believed her the first time.

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