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Chapter 48: Comfort

As the movie came to an end, the credits rolling softly across the screen, Y/N remained nestled between her siblings, a lingering sense of calm washing over her. She felt lighter, as though the weight she’d been carrying for so long had been momentarily lifted by the warmth of their presence.

Billie stretched beside her, smiling at the newly braided strands of her hair, while Finneas leaned back with a satisfied sigh. “That was good,” he said, glancing over at Y/N. “We should do this more often.”

Y/N nodded slightly, but there was a shadow of hesitation behind her eyes. Though the comfort of the afternoon had brought her back to a sense of normalcy, there was still that nagging feeling at the back of her mind—the worry that it wouldn’t last.

Billie noticed Y/N’s change in demeanor and scooted closer, her voice soft and reassuring. “You know we’re always here, right? Whenever you need to escape the noise.”

Y/N’s fingers found their way to the edge of the blanket draped over her, tugging at the fabric absentmindedly. “I know,” she whispered. “I just… it’s hard sometimes.”

“We get that,” Finneas added, his tone full of understanding. “But you don’t have to go through any of it alone.”

Y/N glanced between them, her throat tight with emotion. She knew her siblings were doing everything they could to pull her back from the edge, but there was still so much swirling in her mind—so many things she couldn’t quite voice.

“I’m trying,” she admitted softly. “But sometimes it feels like… like everything is just too much.”

Billie reached over, wrapping her arm around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling her close. “You don’t have to have it all figured out, okay? We’ll figure it out together.”

For a moment, Y/N allowed herself to lean into Billie’s embrace, the warmth of her sister’s love wrapping around her like a shield. It felt safe, even if just for a little while.

Finneas looked at them both, his expression filled with a quiet determination. “How about we keep today simple? No expectations, no pressure. We can hang out, listen to some music, or even just do nothing.”

Y/N nodded, the offer of simplicity comforting her. “Yeah… I think I’d like that.”

Billie smiled, brushing a strand of Y/N’s hair out of her face. “Good. We’ll take it easy.”

They sat in silence for a few moments, the weight of the conversation hanging in the air. But it wasn’t uncomfortable—it was the kind of silence that spoke volumes, where words weren’t needed to understand each other.

After a while, Finneas stood up, stretching his arms. “I’ll make us some snacks,” he said, his voice lightening the mood. “Maybe we can raid the pantry for some junk food.”

Y/N gave a small laugh, the sound still a little unsure but genuine. “I’m not sure we have much left after yesterday.”

Billie grinned, nudging her playfully. “Then we’ll just have to get creative.”

As Finneas headed into the kitchen, Billie stayed beside Y/N, watching her closely. She could see the tiredness in her sister’s eyes, the exhaustion from fighting so hard to keep everything together. But there was also a spark—something small but hopeful—something Billie was determined to nurture.

“You want to listen to some music?” Billie asked, her voice soft.

Y/N thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”

Billie grabbed her phone and set up a playlist, one filled with their favorite songs from childhood. As the familiar melodies filled the room, Y/N felt herself relax, sinking further into the couch.

Finneas returned with a tray of snacks—chips, pretzels, and some chocolate bars he’d found tucked away in the cupboard. “The best I could do,” he said, setting the tray down in front of them.

Y/N grabbed a pretzel, nibbling on it as the music played softly in the background. It was peaceful, and for the first time in a long time, she felt like she could breathe.

The day moved slowly, the three of them sitting together, talking about little things—memories, stories, and random thoughts that came to mind. There were moments where Y/N’s smile felt more real, where her laugh came more easily. And though the sadness still lingered just beneath the surface, it felt manageable in the presence of her siblings.

As the evening drew closer, the light in the room began to soften, and Y/N found herself feeling a little more at ease. She still had a long way to go, but for now, she felt like she could keep going. With Billie and Finneas by her side, maybe she could find her way back to the light.

For the first time in a while, she allowed herself to believe that things could get better. It wouldn’t be easy, but she wasn’t alone. She had her family, and for now, that was enough.

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