A heart of pain

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Chapter 16: A Heart of pain

The soft light of morning filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the living room. Finneas stirred first, stretching and blinking at the unfamiliar angle of the couch. It took him a moment to remember where they were. He turned to see Billie still asleep beside him, her hair tousled and her expression peaceful.

But something was missing. Y/N wasn’t there.

Finneas sat up, scanning the room. A gentle strumming sound floated in from somewhere nearby, accompanied by the soft murmur of Y/N’s voice. It was a haunting melody, deep and emotional, and it tugged at his heart.

He stood up quietly, moving toward the sound, finding Y/N in the sunlit corner of the room. She sat cross-legged on the floor, a guitar in her hands, her eyes closed as she sang. The lyrics were raw, filled with pain and longing, a stark contrast to the girl he knew—full of laughter and light.

Billie joined him, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she watched their sister. “Wow,” she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

Finneas nodded, unable to tear his gaze away. Y/N’s talent was undeniable, but there was something heavy in her voice that made his heart ache. She was pouring her soul into her music, but it felt like a reflection of the struggle she was facing.

As Y/N continued, Billie’s phone buzzed beside her, interrupting the moment. She picked it up, glancing at the notifications. Their post from the night before had garnered a lot of attention. At first, she felt a rush of hope—there were positive comments, supportive messages, people praising Y/N’s talent and calling for kindness. But then she scrolled further, and her heart sank.

“What is it?” Finneas asked, noticing her change in expression.

“There are good comments… but also some really awful ones,” Billie said, her voice trembling slightly. She turned the phone towards him, showing him the screen filled with both encouraging words and cruel jabs.

“Look at this,” she pointed at a comment: ‘She’s just a wannabe living off her siblings’ fame.’ Another read, ‘All that attention is going to her head. Someone needs to bring her down a peg.’

Finneas felt his stomach twist at the words. “This is ridiculous,” he muttered, anger boiling beneath the surface. “How can people be so cruel?”

Billie shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. “This is what we were afraid of. She’s so young, and they’re tearing her apart. Look at her—she’s clearly struggling, and they just want to hurt her.”

They turned their attention back to Y/N, who was lost in her song, oblivious to the harsh reality surrounding her. The sadness in her lyrics resonated deeply, and Finneas felt his heart break further. He wanted to protect her from this world, to shield her from the negativity that seemed to creep in at every turn.

“Maybe we should talk to her,” Billie suggested softly. “Let her know that it’s okay to feel what she’s feeling, but she doesn’t have to carry it alone.”

Finneas nodded, watching Y/N as she finished the song, the final strum of the guitar echoing in the quiet room. She opened her eyes and looked up at them, a soft smile gracing her face. “Hey, did you hear that? I was working on something new!”

“It was beautiful,” Billie said, her voice thick with emotion. “But… can we talk for a minute?”

Y/N’s smile faded slightly as she sensed the shift in atmosphere. “Sure, what’s up?”

“Come sit with us,” Finneas said gently, motioning for her to join them on the couch. Y/N placed her guitar down and settled between her siblings, the warmth of their presence wrapping around her.

Billie took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. “We saw the song you were working on. It’s really deep, Y/N. It shows how you’re feeling, but we’re worried about you.”

Y/N glanced between them, sensing the concern etched on their faces. “I’m fine, really. Just trying to express myself, you know?”

Finneas shook his head. “It’s more than that, Y/N. We know you’re going through a lot, and you don’t have to pretend with us. We’re here for you, no matter what.”

Billie reached for Y/N’s hand, squeezing it gently. “And we want you to know that you’re not alone in this. We’re your family, and we’ll always have your back.”

Y/N felt a lump form in her throat as she absorbed their words. The weight of everything she had been feeling came crashing down, and she struggled to hold back tears. “It’s just… everything feels so heavy sometimes. The pressure, the comments… it’s overwhelming.”

Billie’s heart ached for her sister. “We saw some of the things people have been saying. They’re hurtful and unnecessary. You deserve to be treated with kindness, especially at your age.”

“I don’t know why they’re so cruel,” Y/N whispered, her voice breaking. “I just want to make music, but it feels like I’m constantly under a microscope.”

Finneas nodded, his expression resolute. “You don’t have to let their words define you. Your music is a reflection of who you are, and it’s okay to feel vulnerable. Just know that we’re always here to lift you up.”

As Y/N looked into her siblings’ eyes, she felt a rush of gratitude and love. “Thank you. I just… I don’t want to disappoint anyone.”

“You could never disappoint us,” Billie said firmly. “We’re proud of you for being brave enough to share your feelings through your music. But don’t let their negativity drown out your voice. You are so much more than what they say.”

Y/N took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of their support wrap around her like a comforting blanket. “I’ll try. I promise.”

They spent the next few moments talking, sharing stories and laughter, allowing the heavy atmosphere to lighten. With her siblings by her side, Y/N began to feel the weight of the world lift just a little. She knew the road ahead wouldn’t be easy, but with Billie and Finneas, she felt a renewed sense of hope.

Together, they would navigate the challenges, and Y/N would continue to find her voice—one song at a time.

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