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Chapter 61: Grounded

The next morning, a sense of calm washed over the house. Y/N woke up feeling a little lighter, having shared her feelings with Finneas the night before. The morning sun streamed through the curtains, warming the room with a gentle glow.

She glanced around, taking in the familiarity of her space—her posters, her guitar leaning against the wall, the remnants of last night’s movie night scattered around. A smile crept onto her face as she remembered the laughter, the hugs, and the moments of connection with her siblings. It was a reminder that despite the chaos, she had a support system.

Y/N shuffled into the kitchen, where Billie and Finneas were already preparing breakfast. The smell of pancakes filled the air, making her stomach rumble. “Morning, sunshine!” Billie greeted cheerfully, her smile brightening the room.

“Morning,” Y/N replied, her voice still a little hoarse but softer than before.

Finneas turned, flipping a pancake. “How about some pancakes to start the day? We’ve got strawberries too!”

Y/N nodded, taking a seat at the kitchen table. The atmosphere felt relaxed, and she found herself sinking into it. As they ate, they shared stories, laughter, and playful banter, the kind that used to come so easily. It felt good to reconnect.

“So,” Billie said, leaning forward with a mischievous glint in her eye, “what’s on the agenda today, Miss Y/N?”

Y/N hesitated, the reality of her situation creeping back into her mind. “Um, I guess we have that Q&A thing later?” she said, unsure.

“Right!” Finneas exclaimed. “It’s your first big event since the song release. Are you ready?”

Y/N felt a wave of anxiety wash over her at the mention of her music. “I’m not sure,” she admitted, her confidence wavering. “What if I mess it up?”

Billie placed a reassuring hand on Y/N’s arm. “You won’t. Remember, you’re not alone up there. We’ll be with you, and the fans just want to see you happy. They love you for who you are, not for some perfect performance.”

As they finished breakfast, Y/N felt the warmth of her siblings’ support surrounding her. She took a deep breath, pushing aside her doubts for the moment. “Okay, I’ll try my best.”

After breakfast, they decided to do a little practice for the Q&A. They set up a camera in the living room, and Y/N sat between Billie and Finneas, who were ready to jump in whenever she needed them.

“Just be yourself,” Finneas encouraged, looking at her with sincere eyes. “If you’re honest, they’ll connect with you.”

Y/N took a moment to gather her thoughts. “Okay, let’s do this,” she said, a hint of determination in her voice.

As the recording began, Y/N felt a flutter of nerves but reminded herself of the love and support from her siblings. Billie started, introducing Y/N to the audience. “Hey, everyone! We’re so excited to be here today, and we’ve got our sister Y/N with us. She’s been working really hard on her music, and we can’t wait for you to see more of her.”

Finneas added, “We’ll be answering your questions, so let’s get started!”

As the questions rolled in, Y/N felt herself easing into the conversation. She talked about her music, her inspirations, and even opened up a bit about her struggles. It felt good to share, to be real.

“Y/N, what’s your favorite part about making music with Billie and Finneas?” a fan asked.

Y/N smiled, her eyes lighting up. “Honestly, it’s the best feeling. They make it so much fun, and I feel safe when I’m with them. I can be myself.”

Billie and Finneas exchanged proud glances.

“What about the pressure of fame?” another question came through. “How do you deal with it?”

Y/N hesitated, the reality of her experience surfacing again. “It’s tough sometimes,” she admitted, her voice steadying. “But I’m learning to take it one day at a time. It helps to talk about it, and I’m really grateful to have my siblings to lean on.”

As they continued the Q&A, Y/N felt her confidence growing. She answered questions about her songwriting process, her hobbies, and even her favorite movies. For the first time in a while, she felt a sense of normalcy returning.

Once they finished, Billie turned off the camera, a bright smile plastered on her face. “That was amazing, Y/N! You did so well!”

Finneas nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I’m proud of you. You really opened up, and it felt genuine.”

Y/N felt a warmth spread through her chest at their compliments. “Thanks, guys. I didn’t think I’d be able to do that.”

Just as they wrapped up, Y/N’s phone buzzed again, this time a notification from her social media account. She picked it up, and her heart raced as she saw the comments pouring in, most of them supportive but some still harsh.

Billie noticed the change in her sister’s demeanor. “Hey, it’s okay. Don’t let it get to you,” she said, stepping closer.

“I know, but it’s just so hard,” Y/N replied, her voice wavering.

Finneas put a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to read the bad stuff. Focus on the positive. There are so many people who love you for you.”

Taking a deep breath, Y/N nodded, though the anxiety still lingered. She put the phone down, determined not to let it overshadow the progress she had made that morning.

As the day continued, they prepared for the upcoming event. Y/N felt a mix of excitement and nerves as she got ready, her siblings constantly reminding her how much they believed in her.

When it was finally time to leave for the Q&A event, Y/N found herself feeling a little more grounded. She had her family by her side, and for the first time in a long while, she felt hopeful about the future. They walked out of the house together, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, united as a family.

As they stepped into the bright sunlight, Y/N took a deep breath, feeling a spark of determination igniting within her. Today would be a step forward—a new chapter in her journey, where she would embrace her music, her truth, and the love of her family.

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