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Chapter 17: argue

Y/N set her guitar down, feeling a mix of satisfaction and unease after pouring her heart into the song. The lingering notes faded into the background as she glanced around the room, her stomach growling softly.

“Hey, we’ve still got leftover pizza from last night,” Finneas said, getting up from the bed. “I’ll heat it up if you want.”

Y/N shook her head, her eyes drifting to the small fruit bowl on her desk. “I think I’ll just have an apple instead,” she said, grabbing one and biting into it. The crispness was refreshing, but it didn’t quite satisfy the hunger gnawing at her.

“Are you sure?” Billie asked, concern threading through her voice. “You need to eat something more filling.”

Y/N felt a twinge of irritation. “I’m fine, really. I just want an apple.”

As she finished the fruit, she glanced at her phone, the urge to check social media bubbling up inside her. She knew she should probably avoid it after everything, but the temptation was too strong. With a deep breath, she reached for her phone, scrolling through her notifications.

Billie and Finneas exchanged worried glances. “Maybe… you shouldn’t check it right now,” Finneas suggested, his tone gentle.

Y/N’s heart sank at their reaction. “Why not? I just want to see what people are saying.”

“It’s just… you had a tough day yesterday,” Billie replied, her voice cautious. “We just want you to take a break from all that.”

“Are you serious?” Y/N snapped, feeling a wave of frustration. “I’m sixteen, not a child. I can handle a few comments.”

Finneas opened his mouth to respond, but Billie shook her head slightly, trying to diffuse the situation. “It’s not about that. We just don’t want you to feel overwhelmed again.”

Y/N felt her chest tighten. “I don’t want to be babied! I’m fine, really. I just want to check my phone!”

“Please, Y/N,” Finneas said, his voice softer now. “We’re not trying to control you. We just care about you.”

But Y/N crossed her arms defensively, feeling the tension rising. “I appreciate that, but I need to be able to do what I want. I’m not a little girl anymore.”

The atmosphere grew heavy, the unspoken worry from her siblings weighing down on her. Y/N felt trapped, and it only fueled her desire to escape the protective bubble they were trying to create around her.

“Fine,” she said, her voice sharp. “I won’t check it if it bothers you so much.”

With that, she turned away, feeling a mix of anger and sadness swirl within her. She knew they meant well, but their overprotectiveness only made her feel more isolated. She didn’t want to be seen as fragile; she wanted to be strong, to take control of her life and her choices.

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “I just need some space for a bit,” she said quietly, avoiding their eyes.

“Okay,” Billie replied, her voice softening. “Just know we’re here if you need to talk. We love you.”

“Yeah, we do,” Finneas added, his expression sincere. “You can always come to us.”

Y/N nodded, but she felt a disconnect between them. She wanted to bridge that gap, to show them she could handle things, but every time she tried, it felt like they were pushing her back into a corner.

“I’ll be in my room,” she said, turning to leave.

As she walked away, Y/N felt the tension hanging in the air like a storm cloud. She needed to process everything—her feelings about the comments, the pressure of fame, and the overwhelming love from her siblings that sometimes felt suffocating.

Once in her room, she closed the door and took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. She sat on her bed, the apple core resting beside her, and picked up her guitar again. Strumming a few chords, she tried to let the music wash over her, hoping it would help clear her mind.

But even as she played, the nagging feeling of doubt lingered. Would her music be enough to express what she was going through? And could she truly navigate this world without her siblings feeling the need to protect her?

As the melody filled the room, Y/N poured her emotions into her playing, hoping to find solace in the music that had always been her refuge.

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