Turning pain into Art

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Chapter 31: Turning Pain into Art

Y/N strummed the final chord of the song, the melancholic notes still lingering in the air. She exhaled deeply, feeling a strange mix of exhaustion and relief. The weight she had been carrying throughout the day felt lighter, almost as if the music had siphoned it out of her.

Finneas, sitting nearby with his laptop open, gave her a soft, encouraging smile. “That was beautiful, Y/N. You’re really tapping into something deep.”

Y/N smiled weakly, her fingers resting on the guitar strings. “It’s weird, you know? Writing helps, but it’s like every time I play, I’m pulling all this pain out of myself.”

“It’s catharsis,” Finneas said. “It’s good to let it out. Better than keeping it bottled up.”

Y/N nodded, though the emotional toll still weighed on her. “I just wish it wasn’t always so heavy.”

“It doesn’t always have to be,” Finneas said thoughtfully. “But for now, if this is what helps you process everything, then it’s what you need. And honestly, you’re making something really powerful out of it.”

They sat in silence for a moment before Billie walked in, her energy from the day still palpable. “How’s it going in here?” she asked, looking between Y/N and Finneas.

“We’ve been working on some new stuff,” Finneas said, gesturing to Y/N. “She’s written something amazing.”

Billie’s eyes lit up. “Really? Let me hear it!”

Y/N hesitated for a moment, unsure if she was ready to share it yet. But Billie’s excitement was contagious, and she found herself nodding. “Okay, but don’t expect too much. It’s still raw.”

She picked up her guitar again, her fingers finding the familiar chords as she started to sing. The lyrics were heavy, full of the emotional weight she had been carrying, but they were honest. The song spoke of isolation, of feeling lost in the overwhelming pressure of fame, and the struggle to find herself amidst it all. It was raw, vulnerable, and deeply personal.

When she finished, Billie’s eyes were wide, her expression a mix of admiration and concern. “Y/N, that was... intense,” she said softly. “But it was beautiful. I had no idea you were feeling like this.”

“I didn’t either,” Y/N admitted. “It just kind of poured out.”

Billie came over and wrapped her arms around Y/N, pulling her into a tight hug. “You’re so strong for putting all of that into your music. I’m so proud of you.”

Y/N hugged her back, feeling a lump form in her throat. It was moments like these that reminded her how much she relied on her siblings. They weren’t just there to support her career—they were her anchors, keeping her grounded when everything felt overwhelming.

After a few moments, Billie pulled back and sat next to her on the couch. “You should record this. I think people need to hear it.”

Y/N shook her head. “I don’t know... it’s so personal. And the last thing I need is more people picking apart my feelings.”

Finneas nodded in understanding. “We can take it slow. You don’t have to release it until you’re ready.”

Billie smiled gently. “But when you are, we’ll be right there with you.”

The three of them fell into a comfortable silence, the bond between them growing even stronger in that moment. Y/N felt safe here, with her siblings by her side, even if the world outside felt chaotic and relentless.

Later, as the evening wore on, the three of them decided to order takeout and settle in for another movie night. Y/N, still feeling the emotional toll of the day, curled up between Billie and Finneas on the couch. The warmth of their presence was comforting, and for the first time in a long while, Y/N felt a sense of peace.

As the movie played, Y/N’s mind drifted, thinking about the day. Despite the heaviness she’d carried with her, she realized that she wasn’t alone in it. Her siblings were her biggest supporters, and they believed in her, even when she struggled to believe in herself.

After the movie ended and they started cleaning up, Billie turned to Y/N. “You know, I was thinking... maybe we could do something different tomorrow. Take a break from all the music and the craziness.”

“Like what?” Y/N asked, curious.

Billie grinned. “I don’t know. Something fun. Maybe a road trip or just going somewhere we can relax.”

Y/N considered it. A break from everything sounded nice. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.”

Finneas nodded in agreement. “It’d be good for all of us.”

With a plan forming for the next day, Y/N felt a small flicker of hope. Maybe a break was exactly what she needed—a chance to step away from the pressure and just be a normal teenager for a little while.

As she lay in bed that night, her mind still buzzing with the emotions of the day, Y/N realized something important. She wasn’t alone in this. No matter how dark her thoughts got or how overwhelming the pressure of fame became, she had her family. And that, more than anything, gave her the strength to keep going.

Tomorrow would be a new day. And for the first time in a while, Y/N felt ready to face it.

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