Jercico(NO ROMANCE)-Will You SHUT UP!

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Nico POV

"This is the dumbest idea you've ever had." I muttered as I walked towards the dorm building.

"Shut up and go." Persephone shoved me forward, then disappeared.

"Fine, fine!" I dragged my bags along behind me as I checked the sheet the dean of students had given me.

"Floor 4, three-man room, number 412." I read out loud.

"You're pretty close, dude." A voice stated from behind me.

I whirled to see a teen with shaggy blond hair and hazel-green eyes. He laughed. "Chill, dude. I heard you talking and figured you were frosh. I'm Danny."

"Nico. Hi. And...thanks for the help."

"Sure thing, bro. Come see me and my roomates sometime. You seem pretty cool."

"Your roomates?"

"Yeah. I'm in a four-man. Ask anyone, they all know us. Sam, Luke, Dan, Pete. AKA Sam, Luke, me and Peter."

I nodded awkwardly then wandered off down the hall.

"410, 411, 412!" I knocked on the closed door that had guitar music wafting through it.

"Come in!" A familiar voice called.

"Hey, I'm-oh come on!" I groaned.

"Hey, Neeks!"

"Sup, Death Breath?"



Something landed on my stomach, waking me up and driving the air out of my lungs.

"Uuungh. Jason!" I shoved at the person on top of me.

"Huh?" The son of Jupiter sounded groggy, and he definitely wasn't on top of me. I found the wrist of the person straddling my stomach and flipped them onto the floor.

"Oooooow!" Percy whined.

"Don't do that to me!" I snapped, sitting up and chucking a small wooden pencil holder sitting on my desk at his face.

"Nicooooooooooooo!" Percy pouted and crawled onto me again. I shoved him off and got up, pulling a shirt on and grabbing a pair of shoes.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked.

"To get a room change."

"It's only been a week."

"And I'm fed up!" I shouted exasperatedly. "All you guys ever do is bug me! Honestly, you guys are my friends, but if I spend another week with you I WILL kill somebody."

Jason shrugged like he expected this. Percy pouted dramatically.

"Later guys." I stomped out of the room.


"What do you mean I can't change rooms?"

"Well, it's only a week into the semester. There are also no open rooms and no one wishes to switch theirs as well." The dean of students smiled at me. She looked VERY unapologetic.

"Fine." I muttered, stomping out.

"Oh!" She looked up expectantly as I poked my head back into the room. "Are there punching bags in the gym?"

"Yes, Mr. di Angelo, there are."

"Thanks." I jogged out again.





My fists hit the punching bag in a regular pattern.

"Need help?" I had grown used to Danny showing up at random times.

"Unless you can give me a sparring partner who I don't feel annoyed enough at to do real damage, not really."

As I swung my leg forward to place a kick that would be hard enough to break ribs, a forearm intercepted it, stopping me cold.

"I think I can do that." Danny smiled at me.

We quickly found an open space and dropped into ready stances.

"What's your style?" I asked, examining his posture.

"Martial arts, Judo and Aikido among others. Yours?"

"Basically anything Percy or Jason has taught me mashed together with my training and what my friend Annabeth knows."

"Your roommates?" He lunged forward as he asked this.

I twisted his arm lightly to aim his fist away from me and used his momentum to push him past me.


Danny stumbled, but recovered very quickly. "Nice move." Again he leapt forward, punching with his right hand.

"Thanks." I kicked at his left arm.

Danny brought his arms up to block, but I noticed he turned to use his right arm as well instead of just his left.

Ducking under another right handed punch, I jabbed at his left side again.

This time Danny was too slow. He staggered sideways, giving me just enough room to kick forward and plant my foot in his chest.

Danny's feet left the ground and he landed a few feet away.

"Danny!" A fist grabbed my shirt and lifted me fully off the ground. "What did you just do to him?" I was confronted by a very large, very angry, African American guy.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" A blue sneaker slammed into my attacker's stomach and a pair of arms caught me as I fell.

In the space of four seconds, Danny and I were each behind a group of very angry people.

Percy and Jason stood in front of me, both obviously fuming.

Three guys who must have been Danny's roommates and a girl who looked like she could match me in a fight stood opposite them.

They all spoke at the same time.

"No one touches Danny."

"No one touches Nico."

"Oh come off it, your little friend attacked Danny!" Growled the big guy.

"Not what I saw." Jason snapped.

Danny and I got to our feet and shoved to the middle, each facing our friends.

"Have you ever heard of sparring?" We asked.

"You were sparring?" The girl asked.

"Yes Ava." Danny said calmly from behind me.

"Nico are you okay?" I rolled my eyes at Percy.

"I'm fine and so is Danny."

"Well he shouldn't have touched you." Jason said, still looking angry.

"Oh my gods, it was a sparring match! Will you just SHUT UP!"

[A/N So this took a lot of brain power, but I saw it on instagram and it would be funny to see them in a dorm together. And of course I had to bring in the team from Ultimate SpiderMan because I love Danny and he's awesome.]

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