Marvel-This Is My Job!

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"Do you think Spiderman's going to be here somewhere?" Flash was practically bouncing up and down like an excited child.

MJ snorted, closing her book as she stood up out of her bus seat. "Spiderman wouldn't breathe in your direction, Flash."

Ned muffled a snort. She really was right. 

The students filed off the bus and gathered around their teacher. Tony Stark had extended a personal invitation to her to bring a class to the Avengers Compound, and she'd chosen the group from her best students.

As the group made their way to the front door, MJ took the space next to Ned, leaning down a little. "So where's Pete?"

Ned jumped a little, then grinned and shrugged. "He told me he wasn't going to be able to make it today."

"Never woulda thought he'd give up the chance to see this." MJ said casually, looking up at the building. Ned laughed a bit nervously and she just glanced at him.

They walked into a spacious entrance room, furnished with plain couches and glass tables. There were several refrigerators on one side of the room, holding dozens of different snacks and drinks.

A heavyset man in a black suit walked towards them. Ned bounced up and down in excitement.

"Hello kids, my name is Happy Hogan and I'm Head of Security." He glanced over the group and seemed to frown for a moment, then straightened his stance and glared them down. "I'm giving you all the fullest tour I can today, but you need to listen to what I tell you."

The group nodded excitedly.

"That means if I say don't touch, what do you do?"

"Don't touch." They chorused.

"And if I say 'don't go in there' what do you do?"

"Don't go in there."

"Exactly." Happy nodded, crossing his arms. "You listen, you don't get in trouble. And trust me, getting in trouble here will be very different to getting in trouble at your school."

"They'll be on their best behavior." Mrs. Smith promised with a smile. She was nearly as excited as her students.

Happy nodded, glancing over the group again. He caught Ned's eye for a moment, but didn't say anything, turning around and motioning for them to follow.

"Obviously we're starting here, our entrance and lounge area. Mr. Stark has made the WiFi in this area free for anyone who needs to use it, as well as the snacks in the fridges. He's been trying to make sure that people know it's an option for those who need it."

The group whispered excitedly as Happy led them through the compound. Most doors were closed, and while he opened a few of them to look inside, the others stayed closed tightly.

After a short conversation with the Vision, who was just as awkward as Ned had imagined, they walked along another long hallway.

"Next we're going to Mr. Stark's lab. You are not to touch anything under any circumstances."

Flash's hand shot up. Happy raised an eyebrow at him, then nodded.

"Is Spiderman here Mr. Happy?"

Happy paused, glancing at his watch. He tapped something and it expanded into a screen.

"Our friendly arachnid hero seems to be able to slip the systems set up to know who's here. He might be here, he might not, I have no clue."

Flash deflated and MJ muffled a snort.

Ned was practically vibrating with excitement as they walked up to the double doors at the end of the hall. Happy knocked loudly and heard a yell inviting him in.

"Don't touch anything." He reminded the kids before pushing the doors open.

Tony's lab was a science kid's paradise. Tubes and machinery everywhere. The mechanic himself was standing in the middle of it all, grinning.

"Welcome to the playpen, kids."

"Mr. Stark!"

Peter came skidding around the corner. Not noticing his classmates, he ran to Tony's side and formed his fingers into a square, then threw it outward like he was expanding an image.

A screen flew up in front of the two of them, running a bunch of data. "Look what that compound I added did!"

Tony chuckled, flicking his eyes over the output. "Nice work, kiddo. Spidey will definitely want to test this one next time he comes in."

Peter stiffened for a moment, suddenly realizing the two of them were not alone. "Oh, hey guys."

"Parker?" Flash sounded like he was going to pass out.

Peter grinned, then he saw MJ and his eyes lit up. "Mr. Stark can I show one of my friends something?"

"Go for it."

"MJ, c'mon!"

MJ walked over to join him and Happy instructed the others that they could walk around as long as they didn't touch things.

Peter pulled MJ off into a corner, tugging on the strange bracelet he was wearing.

"Peter what are we doing?"

"Hold on hold on- there it goes! Hey Shuri!"

MJ nearly screamed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Peter-"

Princess Shuri of Wakanda grinned at her through the hologram from the bracelet. "MJ? Peter's told me a lot about you, I'm glad to finally get to meet you."

[A/N the entrance area was designed off of that one tumblr post that I can't find anymore about how Tony puts together a Free WiFi area in Stark Tower for kids who need to use it]

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