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Minnie POV

"Mum, have you seen my supplies?!" I shouted down the hallway.

"They're in the living room, darling!"

"Thanks, Mum!" I sprinted down the stairs.

"Where you off to in such a hurry?" 

"Just packing my stuff, Da." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Alright, then. Your robes are in the basement."

"I'll grab 'em in a second. Just gotta get my supplies." I turned and slipped between Alex and the doorway as he came out of the living room.

Sitting on the couch were several bags. One was full of 50 cent blue pens. The second was full of fizzy drinks. (apparently this is how a lot of british people say soda... or pop, depending on where you're from) The final bag was full of cheap muggle toys, finger traps and twisty worms.

"Thanks Mum!" I yelled, grabbing the bags and racing back up the stairs.

"No problem, darling!" 

Dumping my bags in my room, I ran to the basement and grabbed my robes. "Da, where are my ties?!"

"On top of the dryer!"

I turned and snatched the green and silver fabric. "Thank you!"

"Are you finished packing yet?" Mum shouted as I thudded up the stairs again.

"Almost!" I tossed my robes haphazardly into my trunk and scrambled to grab my spellbooks.

"Could you get messier?" Alex leaned against my doorway and grinned at my possessions that were thrown around the room.

"You're one to talk." 

"Hey, I'm going to be here all year, I have time to fix it."

"Yeah, yeah." I tossed in a few pairs of socks then turned to my brother. "I'm gonna miss you, Jerk-Face."

"I'm going to miss you too, Little Rat." He pulled me into a hug. "Do me a favor and dupe some guys who deserve it."

"You got it, big brother." I grinned at him.

"Minnie! We need to get going or you're going to miss the train!" Mum yelled. 

"Okay, I'm moving fast!"


Mum and Da saw me off at the train. Alex had to stay home and watch Dorea, my sister, who was sick with a violent fever. For a four year old, that's basically the equivalent of hell.

I made a beeline for the coach I always sat in, carrying the three bags from the couch.

"Hey, Minnie!" I turned to smile at one of my classmates. 

"Hi! See you in class, Noah!"

"Definitely!" He waved back and turned to his friends again.

I pushed the door to my compartment open with my foot and dumped my things on the seats.

"Hey, Minnie." Lauren didn't even look up from her book.

"Whatcha reading?" I tilted my head to look at the spine.

"Sherlock Holmes."

"How'd you get your hands on that?" I queried.

"My parents asked the Jefferies family if they could get it for me, since they don't get how muggle shops work."

I nodded. "Speaking of muggle stuff, want to see some of the stuff I've got?"

Lauren stuck her bookmark in her book and set it aside. "This isn't going to be like last year with the fart putty, right?"

"No!" I lied through my teeth. "Nothing like that, I promise. What do you want to see first?"

"The can things." Lauren said after a moment of indecision.

I pulled out two cans of Ribena. "Here. You pop it open like this." I demonstrated and she followed my lead.

"Okay, so what's the catch with this one?"

"We can sell them for two sickles and tell people to shake them thoroughly before opening them."

"What does the shaking do?" Lauren asked.

"You feel that weird buzz in your throat and mouth when you drink it? If you shake it before opening it, that stuff makes it explode everywhere."

"Coolio. What's in that one?" She pointed to the toy bag.

"Muggle toys." I pulled out a finger trap and a twisty worm. "This one you put on your fingers like this." I put the finger trap on her. "Now try to get out."

Lauren pulled her hands apart and frowned when it didn't work. "How do you do it?" 

"Push in and remove one finger at a time." I explained. After a few tries, she got the little tube off. 

"And the fuzzy thing?" 

"It's called a twisty worm. It's on a clear string so you can act like it's alive and will follow your hand when you tell it where to go." I showed her that one too.

"Okay, and the last one?"

"Muggle pens." I showed her and explained how they worked.

"Filled quills!"


Lauren looked at the stuff spread out through our compartment. "Do you think we should be doing this?"

"Yes." I answered her seriously. "We're doing it for the kids who died, remember. The money will go towards their families and their funerals and stuff. There's still students who haven't been buried after two years.

Lauren sighed. "I just feel like we're cheating people."

"We aren't. We might be misrepresenting things a little, but you are friends with just about the only muggleborn Slytherin to exist. I'm just taking advantage of a different culture."

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