Hinny-Goodbye Internet Land

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Piper saw the video on her dash and nearly fell out of her chair.

Harry_Is_Potter, possibly the most famous YouTuber in the history of the universe, had posted a video.

Why was this so strange?

He hadn't been active in almost three months.

Piper felt herself grinning in anticipation as she slowly moved the mouse to click the video.

She popped her headphones in quickly and waited for the screen to load.

It began to play, showing a second of blackness before the picture came into view.

Harry sat on the familiar sofa that he did every video on. He looked sad and uncomfortable.

Boxes littered the room, at least the part of it that Piper could see. The wall behind Harry was blank, missing it's usual bright art pieces that had hung there for almost five years. Every video, every time, without fail, those pictures were there.

What was going on?

"Hey everyone."

Harry sounded sad too. Piper began to frown.

She checked the title of the video again and almost screamed.

It was called 'The End of An Era.'

"No, no, no!" Piper muttered, turning her attention back to the screen.

"So, as you can tell, I'm leaving."

She bit her lip as Harry looked around at his belongings.

"The apartment, it's just becoming too small. I need a bigger space. I'm really sorry to just drop this on all you guys, but I figured you have a right to know."

Piper swallowed heavily. This couldn't be what she thought it was, it couldn't!

"I haven't been active in a few months. Three, to be exact. I'm really sorry for that too, but I had something really important to attend to."

"What about Ginny?" Piper whispered. Harry's girlfriend, RedHeadVoices AKA Ginny Weasley, had been living just across the hall from Harry's apartment. The two had done collabs regularly. She couldn't believe that the black haired boy would just leave his girlfriend, the girl who could do a spot-on impression of just about anybody, and move away to gods know where!

"I'm not done packing yet, but if I didn't take this video now, it would never have gotten filmed and uploaded at all." Harry looked around the room again with a sigh.

Suddenly he slapped his hands to his thighs and made as if he was going to stand up.

"You guys are all the greatest, I hope you know that. You have been nothing but supportive to me and it's really helped. Most of you know about my past, the childhood and all that wonderful crap and I don't have enough words to explain how much your fan-mail and art and everything helped me get away from that."

He slumped backwards and sighed again, running his hand over his face and through his messy hair.

"I haven't decided what's all going with and what's staying, I should probably get on that. There's so many loose ends right now, I don't know what's going to happen with a lot of stuff."

"Like Ginny!" Piper said, earning a few weird looks. She was in her cabin with most of her half siblings after all.

"Once I do move, I just want to warn you guys that I might have another little haitus, there's gonna be a lot of stuff to work through, like contracts and so on. I also plan on packing up my editing software as soon as I get this video out, so I won't necessarily have that right away when I get to the new place."

Piper felt her eyes fill up with tears. Really, this video was creating more questions than it was answering. Why did he make this video? Where was Ginny? What was going on? Where was he moving to? Why was he even moving in the first place?

"Again, thanks for being super supportive, I love all of you and I wish I could get to know each and every one of you personally, but I can't and that makes me sad."

Harry stood, running his hand over his face again. This time his tears were visible as he looked down, trying to get a handle on his emotions.

"I-I'm sorry guys... I... I can't do this." Harry looked into the camera, taking a deep breath. "Thank you all." He walked off screen, sniffling quietly.

Piper stared at the screen with her mouth open, expecting that to be the end of the video.

A familiar freckled face framed by red hair appeared.

"I'm going with him of course." Ginny Weasley announced with her signature troublemaker grin. "We just need a bit more room, ya know?"

She held up a baby onesie, a diamond ring flashing on her finger as she did.

Still out of the frame, Piper heard Harry burst into laughter.

"Goodbye, peoples of the internet!" Ginny retreated from the frame so it was once again sowing the blank wall in front of it. "See you soon!"

The screen went black.

Piper stared at her computer for a moment.

"Why those little-"

[A/N little disclaimer, Harry_Is_Potter was a username I saw on Instagram a while ago and RedHeadVoices was basically a play on BrizzyVoices]

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