Reynabeth (NO ROMANCE)- Fins and Feet

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Reyna walked along the beach, kicking at the sand dejectedly.

Her father had found out about the sword lessons.

Reyna knew that the lessons were important, even if her father insisted they wouldn't be needed. 

She was a daughter of Bellona, after all. Fighting was in her blood.

But father didn't care. He threatened the instructor with decapitation and chased him out of the castle as Reyna sobbed at him to listen to reason. 

Her father simply pushed her away and sent a platoon of the most skilled guards he had.

Her instructor would be dead by nightfall.

"That monster! He wants me to be defenseless so he can force some husband on me as he did to Hylla!"

Reyna's sister had suffered a fate that to Reyna was worse than death. She had been forced to marry, a peace treaty between kingdoms. 

The crown princess of Rome had been shipped away to some slob of a man and Reyna had never heard from her since.

'If you ever need to train in secret, go to the ice caves.' Her mentor's voice surged through her mind, his sea-green eyes serious as he stared into her dark ones.

Scooping a rather well balanced stick off the ground, Reyna raced towards her destination.

Reaching the cave, she ducked inside and dropped into a ready position, growled as she imagined her father facing her with his stupid, ruby encrusted broadsword.

"Impertinent pig!" She snarled, stabbing forward like a proper Roman centurion would in one-on-one combat.

The imaginary man parried and brought his sword down as if to strike her shoulder.

"Disgusting roach!" Reyna blocked with her stick and kicked out with her left foot, cursing the flowy dress that hung from her frame.

It did it's job as her fake adversary stumbled, his hand going to his knee. 

Before Reyna could press an advantage, the mental image of her father lunged forward with his blade.

"PLUTO NO!" She leapt back, swiping her 'sword' across her body in front of her to knock away the threatening weapon headed for her midsection.

Spinning, she rammed her fake sword's hilt down on the figment's head. As her father dropped to the ground, dazed, Reyna spun the stick into a different grip and stabbed downward, letting the wood crash against the ice beneath her.

She sank to the floor slowly.

"Oh please. Someone of your size would have to have an immense amount of muscle to pull off a move like that on a real person."

Reyna's head jerked up. "Who's there?"

"Try looking down." The voice was notably female, with a sweet and lilting tone to it that seemed to suggest the owner was a singer.

Reyna looked down at the ice beneath her to see a crack a little wider than her hand about two feet to her left.

She crawled to the crack, looking down. With a screech of surprise, she shoved herself back and slapped a hand to her racing heart.

"Oh, honestly. I'm not that scary." The voice was amused now.

Reyna moved towards the crack again, cautiously peering into it. 

Intelligent grey eyes looked back at her, set in a tanned, regal face that was framed by the golden curls floating in the water.

"Hello." The woman smiled.

"Um... no offense, but... who in Pluto's name are you?" Reyna asked cautiously.

The girl laughed. "Well it hardly seems fair to have to give my name when I don't know yours. Information for information?"

Reyna nodded slowly.

"Alright, my name is Annabeth. And who's asking?"


Annabeth looked at her for a moment, her grey eyes seeming to calculate Reyna's worth and her status in the world.

"A princess, are you not?"

"How did you know?" Reyna asked, before looking down at her outfit. "Oh... yeah." Her royal purple and red tunic and robes would tell that much.

"It's okay, Princess Reyna. We all have lapses sometimes." The girl smiled. "Have you seen a Perseus recently?"

Reyna's blood ran cold. Her mentor.

"It's... not official yet. But my father has sent guards to kill him." She finally answered. "Too many for even a man of his skill to stop." 

Annabeth's mouth opened into a perfect little 'o' and her grey eyes seemed to fill with tears, even though she was only just above the water's surface.

"Of course. That is why we felt the disturbance."

"What disturbance?" Reyna asked. 

"Could you open the crack a little more? It would be easier to explain."

Reyna frowned. "I have no weapon."

Annabeth's face pulled away from the crack. A moment later, a hand with scaly blue fingernails thrust a dagger through the opening. "I just can't get good enough leverage to keep cutting." The girl explained when her face reappeared.

Reyna nodded and began to chip away at the ice. After a few minutes, the hole was big enough for Annabeth to pull her upper body through and sit on the ice.

"Di immortales!" Reyna yelped when she saw the girl's lower body.

An ice blue tail glimmered in the strange light of the cave, exactly where Annabeth's legs should be.

"Okay... explain the disturbance?" Reyna decided to start with what was probably the easier thing to understand than the mermaid that was sitting in front of her.

Annabeth took a deep breath. "It all starts with a son of Poseidon. You heard me right, Poseidon. Not Neptune..."

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