Jercico (NO ROMANCE)- Fangs VS Flippers With Feasible Fatality On The Flank

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Nico POV

"You can't be serious, Father!" I complained. My old man scowled. 

"Do you think I'm joking child? This must be solved, the two of them are starting to affect the surrounding areas."

"But why must I go? You know full well that I don't have Hazel or Bianca's 'people skills.' Why not send them?"

Hades di Angelo stood from his chair and stepped up until he was right in front of me, forcing me to look up at his face.

"Your sisters are busy and your power is stronger than theirs anyway. These two need to be dealt with, and you are the one to do it. Now begone."

And with that he turned and walked away.

"Stupid, foul feuding mythological creatures!" I fumed as I stomped through the halls to the portal room. 

A skeleton rat ran past, followed by a pale child with black hair and black eyes. His mother hurried after him, her looks almost identical.

Yeah, living in a colony of necromancers could get really boring.

I mean, everyone looks like each other! Well, except Hazel, but she's not a necromancer, she just lives her cause her mom died and Dad was 'gracious, willing and loving' enough to take her in.

Basically, the entire community threatened to kill him if he didn't let her move in with us.

It was actually pretty nice. Hazel was an adorable little thirteen year old ball of energy who ran around and gave people little gems or nuggets of gold when they helped her. She possessed power over riches and the ground, probably a gift from her mother. 

'GET ON WITH IT!' My dad roared in my head.

"Aright, alright, don't get your panties in a twist." I muttered as I walked into the portal room and strode through the right one.

The ocean breeze was calming when I stepped into the real world again.

I stood in the shade of a forest, looking out over a beach with a rocky outcrop off to one side. 

Literally picture perfect.

Sensing the presence of the undead, I turned and headed into the dark forest.

I stopped at a large castle. Frowning, I realized that it wasn't nearly as far a walk as I had thought it was. Only about a minute or so.

"Well, here goes nothing." I knocked on the front door.


It's a big castle, I reminded myself. I gotta let the resident get to the door.

As if it had heard my thoughts, the door began to open.

"Hello? I swear if you're here on account of that all-accursed-"

"My name is Nico di Angelo." I interrupted the voice that had come from the partially open door. Inside I could see the interior of the castle was black and drapes covered all the windows.

"Who are you then? Do come in, I can't exactly greet you at the door with my predicament."

I stepped inside and kicked the door closed. "As I said, my name is Nico di Angelo. I am a necromancer and my father sent me since-"

"A necromancer?" A dark shape dropped from the ceiling. The chandelier, more accurately. The floorboards made no noise as whatever it was touched down in a crouch before straightening. 

"Do you mind? I can't see a thing." I pulled a match out of my pocket.

"Oh, my apologies. Go ahead, Master di Angelo."

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