PJO/HoO- No One Expected That

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Third Person POV

"That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Oh, so sorry that my life interferes with yours, princess." Percy muttered under his breath as he walked past.

"I heard that, Jackson!"


"You need to chill out, it's not that bad."

Annabeth whirled on Piper. "You can say that, your partner isn't a complete jerk! And on top of it, your partner is your boyfriend and you two sound angelic when you sing!"

"Annabeth, it's just for a few weeks. And it's for one music assignment."

"Ugh, why couldn't I get paired with Nico?" Annabeth complained. "He's a world class pianist! And violin sounds much better with a piano than a stupid guitar."

"Well Nico, Frank and Hazel are doing a jazz trio."

"What?" Hazel had overheard the last part of the conversation.

"I wanted to pair up with Nico for the music assignment."

"Well he doesn't have a partner yet, I don't think, why don't you ask him."

Piper frowned. "I thought he was working with you?"

Hazel shook her head. "Frank and I are a duo this time around. I haven't decided if I'm going to play my trumpet or my trombone yet though. Frank already decided on upright bass. It sounds better than an electric for the song we want to do."

Annabeth began to scan the hall. "Where is he then? I really don't want to be Jackson's partner, guitars and violins just sound strange together."

"They actually mix pretty well." Piper commented.

"No!" Annabeth exclaimed. "I hate the combination and if I can find a partner other than Percy then I'm sure the instructor will let us switch!"

Hazel shrugged. "I don't know, Mrs. Zuniga can be pretty strict."

"Nico!" Annabeth waved her hand over the crowd in the hall, having finally spotted her target.

"What do you need?" He asked, not impolitely.

"Will you be my music partner?"

"Uh, sorry, I can't. You're going to have to find a new partner anyway though."

"Why?" Annabeth's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Percy, Thals and I are working together."

"Ugh! Now who can I ask?"

"Will doesn't have a partner yet." Nico offered.

"I thought he was working with Jason and Piper?"

"I'm right here, Annie. And no, he's not working with us, ask him. Violins and oboes go pretty well together." Piper commented.

"Fine, I'll go find him." Annabeth pushed off through the crowd.

"So what are you guys doing?" Piper asked Nico.

"House of Gold."

"Twenty One Pilots? Won't that sound strange with a guitar instead of a ukulele?"

Nico smirked. "That's going to be our secret."

"Well, Jason and I are going to do the Prayer. He'll help me with the Latin translation and all that." Piper said.

"We're doing a cover of Fancy by Iggy Azalea." Hazel put in.

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