Fremione-Out In The Snow

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Hermione shivered, pulling her coat tighter and rubbing her arms in an attempt to fend off the cold.

"Where is he?" She muttered.

This wasn't normal. If it had been Ron she was waiting for, she wouldn't be surprised, he was always late.

But she was waiting for someone else, and if he was anything, he was punctual.

The bushy-haired witch's thoughts drifted to that night at the restaurant when she had realized Ron stood her up for someone else. Her heart thudded in her chest at the thought that tonight would be a repeat of that scene, her waiting for an hour with no results.

God, she hoped not.

A wild burst of wind almost knocked her off her feet, throwing freezing flakes into her face.

"You okay, darlin'?" A drunk guy leaning in the doorway of a nearby bar leered.

Hermione ignored him, moving closer to the lamppost they had agreed to meet at as if it could give her some warmth. 

"This is ridiculous. He's never this late!" She shivered again. 

The doors to the movie theater across the street opened and people began to stream out. The movie that was playing must have ended.

Hermione scowled as she saw the familiar mop of red hair, attached to a lanky man about her age, his arm looped around a tall, curvy blonde who was shivering despite the copious amount of clothing she was wearing.

"Bloody hell it's cold. C'mon, Linda, lets find somewhere warm." She could hear him clearly, despite the wild wind whipping at her hair and ears.

"Yes, go find somewhere warm, Ronald Weasley. You get out of my sight before I hex your stupid arse into the frozen pavement." Hermione snarled under her breath.

It wasn't as if she wanted him back. Quite the opposite, actually. Ron had been cheating on her for almost a month before she found out. She had dumped him and refused to go back.

No, what made her so angry was that he constantly found out where she and her boyfriend were going and then stayed somewhere nearby with his girlfriend of the week.

She hated to admit it, but it hurt. 

It hurt that she still felt a little flutter when she saw him sometimes.

It hurt that he obviously had no problems with them being done.

Was it right to just forget?

Hermione didn't know anymore. Turning away from the happy couple, who had locked lips in the doorway to a pub, she huddled herself tighter into her coat, shivering and cursing under her breath.

She turned her attention back to who she was waiting for. He wouldn't have forgotten, his memory was near perfect. It had always irritated her when they were at Hogwarts that he didn't use his intellect, but she knew he preferred to be the fun one, instead of being like his 'stingy' brother.

But he wasn't the kind to leave her in the cold either. Hermione began running scenarios through her head.

"He might have splinched himself. Stupid idiot." She muttered.

Hands wrapped around her torso underneath her tightly crossed arms, warmth wrapping around her.

Hermione froze, then went for her wand.

When she realized it wasn't there, she relaxed. Only one person would know where she kept her wand.

"Who's a stupid idiot?" Sure enough, his voice echoed slightly in her ear as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

Hermione snuggled back into the warmth of his body heat. "You are, Fred Weasley. What took you so long?"

"George held me up at the shop, he's all panicked about popping the question to Angelina. I'm sorry I made you stay out in the cold." Fred spun her around so they were face to face and pressed a soft kiss to Hermione's lips. "Want me to fix it?"

"And how do you plan on doing that?" She smiled up at him.

"Well a nice warm drink of course. My treat."

"There are no wizarding shops nearby."

"I have Muggle money on me, don't worry."

Hermione smiled. "Well that sounds lovely."

Fred smiled and stepped back, offering her his arm. "My lady."

Hermione let herself be led down the street. She shot a disgusted glance at Ron and Linda as they passed, and Fred chuckled.

"Come on, Luv, ignore the wanker. Let's just have a nice night."

Hermione nodded, turning back to him.

Fred frowned, knowing that his little brother was trying to get a rise out of Hermione. He didn't know why, but he was going to get her mind off of it.

"Come here, Luv." He pulled Hermione into the shelter of the overhang of a nearby building. 

She scrunched her brow up in confusion when he began to dig in his pocket.

"I was gonna give this to you after dinner, but some bloody idiot's got your mind preoccupied."

Hermione started to protest that she wasn't thinking about Ron like that, but Fred shushed her, his lips twitching up into a crooked smile. 

"I know." He kissed her quickly, then slipped behind her. "Hold up your hair for a second?"

She did, not sure what he was doing.

Fred's warm hands lowered a gleaming blue pendant past her face and carefully secured it behind her head.

"A sapphire?" Hermione asked.

"That it is. Harry helped me decide what to pick, since I don't know Muggle birthstones and things."

She smiled. "I love it."

"And, we match." Fred grinned at her when she faced him and tapped his ear, where a similar blue crystal twinkled.

"You're such a dork." Hermione laughed.

"But you love me." Fred swept her up into his arms and kissed her.

In that moment, it didn't matter that they were out in the cold and snow.

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