HP(NO ROMANCE)-Disgracing The Noble House Of Malfoy

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"Malfoy, Draco."

He swaggered to the stool, doing his best to hide the terror coursing through his veins.

What if he wasn't in Slytherin?

His father would be beyond enraged. He'd be furious.

He could hear people whispering as he sat down.

'Slytherin for sure.'

'He's Malfoy's son, of course he'll be in Slytherin.'

'Get ready to cheer, boys.'

The hat touched his head and immediately yelled out a house.

Draco froze.


The hat had put him in Gryffindor?

The house of the brave was clapping and cheering half-heartedly. His family was not well liked.

Draco's legs shook as he stood and numbly made his way over to the semi-enthusiastic house.

He stared at his plate and didn't speak to anyone, not paying attention to the rest of the Sorting.

His classmates sat down around him, but he ignored them.

A hand waved in front of his face. Looking up, his pale eyes met emerald green ones.

"We kind of got off to a bad start." Harry Potter said, smiling apologetically. "Try again?"

Draco scowled at him and turned away, only to be faced with a hand being thrust into his vision.

"I'm Hermione Granger. You are?" He looked up at the frizzy-haired girl and found himself shaking hands with her.

"Draco Malfoy."

"Malfoy's your dad?" The redhead, Weasley, asked.

"Yes." Draco snapped, turning back to the table as the food appeared. He was acutely aware of the redheads and other purebloods whispering and staring at him as he hunched over, sulking.

Dad is going to be furious.


It didn't take long for the news to reach home. Draco sat down at breakfast a day later, distancing himself as far as possible from the rest of his house. His classes were torture, he hated sitting alone, but he didn't want to talk to his classmates either.

He didn't look up from his food until an owl landed in front of him, carrying a hazardously red envelope.

His stomach dropped to his toes. A Howler.

Snatching the letter from the owl, Draco took off, sprinting past Harry, Ron and that Hermione girl in hopes that he could reach somewhere secluded where there would be less noise.

He didn't make it. The Howler exploded in the Entrance Hall. He focused on continuing to run as the red envelope fluttered around his head, screaming insults and threats in his father's voice.

"GRYFFINDOR?! They put you in Gryffindor?! Draco Malfoy, you go to the Headmaster RIGHT NOW and demand a re-sorting! I will not have my son soiling the name of Malfoy by being a dirty mudblood lover! You better be listening you useless excuse of a boy! If you don't get into Slytherin by the end of the week, you aren't my son!"

That stopped Draco cold. He ignored the letter as it continued to bellow angrily, leaning against the wall and sliding down, covering his head with his arms to try and block out the words.

He realized he was crying, but he didn't really care. His father was going to disown him. Everyone knew that the Sorting Hat did not change it's opinion.

"Are you okay?" He flinched at the sound of a girl's voice.

"Do I look okay?" He snapped, looking up and swiping at his cheeks to get rid of the tears. "Oh, what do you want, Mudblood?"

Hermione didn't act the way he expected. Instead of being offended, she raised an eyebrow.

"I could just walk away."

"No!" He protested before he could stop himself.

Hermione sat down in the middle of the corridor, facing him with her legs tucked under herself. "Your dad sounds like a piece of work." She pointed her wand at the Howler. "Silencio Maximus!"

The Howler began to shake, but went silence. After a few moments, it blew up in a single instant of angry sound then disappeared.

"How did you do that?" Draco asked. The bushy haired girl shrugged.

"So you have to deal with that regularly?"

He looked at his hands. "He's strict, that's all."

"No. My dad is strict. That," Hermione pointed to the remains of the Howler, "That's bordering abusive."

"He's just disappointed."

"Of what you are?"

"Of my results. He wants me to be his son through and through."

"Do you want to?"

Draco frowned at her. "What kind of question is that?"

"You were sitting by yourself at breakfast. Did you want to or is it ingrained from your dad?"

"I..." He paused. "I guess it was from him."

"You don't have to be the outcast."

"Sorry, do you know who my dad is?" Draco began to get angry. She didn't get it, she wasn't in the same situation as him. "I am and always will be the outcast!"

Hermione shrugged. "Then we're in the same boat."

"You're in the Gryffindor house, they all love mud-" He stopped himself. "Muggleborns."

"Oh yeah." Hermione said sarcastically. "They all love the girl who corrects them every time they get a question wrong, the muggleborn who probably knows more about their world than they do, the girl who has straight Os only 2 days into the semester."

Draco paused, thinking over what she had said. They were in the same boat. It was strange, the two of them were so different, yet so similar.

"Let's do this." He looked up as Hermione spoke again. "I won't judge you for your dad and you don't judge me for my parentage, okay? We'll be outcasts together."

"Okay." He answered before giving himself a chance to think about it.

Hermione stood and offered him her hand. Draco took it without flinching like he would have before. She wasn't a freak, just a girl like all the others in their class.

Looking down at himself, he sighed. "Maybe if I'm going to be the Gryffindor Malfoy I should change a little."

"Will that changing include your hair?" Hermione asked jokingly.

"What's wrong with my hair?"

"It's too...Daddy's boy." That clinched it.

"What do you suggest?" Draco asked.

"Stop putting styling whatever in it. Just roll out of bed."

"I shower in the morning."

Hermione looked impressed. "Guys still do that? Well then just towel it and let it do it's own thing." She stopped him and appraised his outfit.

"Untuck the shirt, loosen the tie, unbutton at least the top button of your shirt and mess up your hair. That'll have to do for now."

Draco began to protest, then sighed and did as she told him to. It felt rather freeing actually.

"Perfect. Now let's go, Outcast. We've got classes to go to."

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