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Third Person POV

Nicole passed his locker, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the floor.

It had been a week since she had made the biggest fool of herself.

A week since she had last talked to him.

A week since 'the incident.'

Or at least that's what her friends had been calling it.

The final bell had just rung, and she was determined to get out of the school without seeing him.

Despite the anxiety twisting at her stomach, her brain decided to start singing Making My Way Down Town.

Makin' my way down town, walking fast.


She froze up for half a second when she heard his voice, then started to walk faster.

"Bierson!" He yelled again. "Nicki!"

Walking faster.

"Nicki! Hey!"

Walking extremely fast.

She heard loud footsteps behind her. He was running now.

Moving at an extremely fast speed.

She began to run too, but she knew he'd catch up eventually. He wasn't in soccer for nothing.

"Nicole!" He was right behind her now.

She took a deep breath and faced the music. Stopping, she turned to him slowly, refusing to meet his eyes. "What do you want, Josh?"

Josh Duncan scanned the hallway and scowled when he saw that they had an audience.

Grabbing her by the arm, he pulled her into an empty classroom.

Nicole pulled her arm away. "What do you want?" She repeated.

"You've been ignoring me." Josh crossed his arms. At 6 foot 2, he towered a decent eight inches above Nicole's 5 foot 6, but she refused to look up to meet his eyes, instead glaring at the chalk covered blackboard.

"What do you mean I've been ignoring you?" She asked sarcastically. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"Who said that?" Josh demanded.


"I never said that!"

"No, but I believe that was the gist of all the yelling." Nicole inspected her nails, giving herself a reason not to let her eyes connect to those bright blue eyes that everyone, guys and girls, knew were the best in the entire school. 

It didn't help that his dark hair contrasted them and made them more obvious.

Nicole mentally shook herself. She was getting distracted.

She glanced up to gauge his reaction. Josh's angry gaze had taken a slightly puzzled turn.

"No, it's not."

Nicole could feel herself shaking. She took a deep breath, trying to control herself.

It didn't work.

"Oh really? All your reactions pointed towards the same response. Disgust. You pushed me away, you yelled at me, you stomped off and left me there! I walked home alone, beating myself up for being so stupid and I figured that you wouldn't want to be around your assailant so I left you alone! What else do you want from me, Duncan?! Trying to get a restraining order?"

She dropped her things on the desk next to her so she could yell at him more.

"Why did you even try to talk to me? It's been a week, you've seemed fine with the situation we're in! You don't care what I think as long as I'm away from you, right? So why talk to me now?"

"I wanted to clear something up!" Josh wasn't quite yelling back, but the volume of his voice was rising slowly.

"And what was that? If I was actually naive enough to think that just taking a chance and kissing someone would be a good idea? The answer is yes I was! And I get it, it was stupid, forget it happened and leave me alone!"

"That's not what it was." He growled.

"What then? You want to make fun of me? To laugh at my stupidity, to make me a joke? Just forget it happened and leave me alone, like I've been doing for you! You don't need to rub it in that I wasn't thinking and I just acted on a childish notion! In fact-"

"NICOLE!" Josh interrupted her rant, stepping forward.

Nicole jumped slightly at his shout and stepped back on reflex, feeling her back bump lightly against the wall behind her. Realizing that she had been screaming and crying in front of him, she swiped furiously at her cheeks. "Sorry, I just want to get the point across that..."

Josh surged forward and pressed her against the wall, holding her face tightly in his hands as he kissed her roughly.

Nicole gasped in surprise, then melted into the kiss, feeling her arms slip around his neck slowly. Josh kept her pushed against the wall. He lightly nipped at her bottom lip, and when she gasped again, he slipped his tongue into her mouth.

After a few more moments of heated kissing, Josh pulled away. Both of them were gasping for air. Josh planted his hands on the wall on either side of her head.

"You have no clue how badly I've wanted to do that."

" just..." Nicole couldn't find the words she was looking for.

The tall boy leaned towards her ear.

"I yelled because I was surprised at how much I liked it..." He took a deep breath and chuckled gruffly. "And it shouldn't have felt as good as it did."

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