PJO/HoO+DF-That's Not My Name

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Nico POV

I shuffled along the streets of Chicago, bored out of my mind.

A lot of stuff had happened since the Giant War.

Hecate got a bee in her bonnet about something Zeus did.

She enlisted the help of Eris, goddess of chaos, strife and discord.

Together the two had unleashed a plague.

They wiped them all out.

Except for me.

All the deaths, all at the same time had nearly killed me though.

Everyone at Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter, wiped out in two days. Percy had been one of the last to go, Iris Messaging me and telling me not to come near. He said Hazel and Frank had died together. I made sure they were in Elysium, along with their month old daughter, Emmi.

Why did I survive?

First, I didn't go to the camps.

Second, Hecate had taken a liking to me. She'd blessed me, without telling me mind you, with a special type of magic. There was no name for it, she'd explained when she finally told me, and I'd have to figure it out on my own.

I cursed under my breath and kicked a rock.

"Oi!" Someone ahead of me yelped.

"Sorry." I muttered, pushing past him.

"Hey!" The guy grabbed my arm.

I whirled, grabbing his wrist and shoving him backwards. "Don't touch me."

The guy twitched an eyebrow at me. "You Nico di Angelo?"

I looked him up and down. I had ended up a good six foot eleven, startling even my father, but this guy was pretty tall as well. He looked about five years older than me, and was obviously stronger than he seemed, based on his grip on my arm, which he had grabbed again. Black hair curled to his shoulders and framed his pale face. He was every bit a 'pretty boy' as the Stoll brothers would have called him, there was a slight feminine aspect to his face and his expression.

"Who's asking?" I grunted, attempting to shove him off again. His dark eyes twinkled with a bit of amusement and his grip tightened. "D'ya mind not breaking my arm? Thanks." I snapped.

"My name's Thomas Raith, I need to talk to you."

I blinked slowly, checking his aura.

"Hades no. I'm going nowhere with a vampire."

'Thomas' was obviously shocked that I had figured him out, he let go of my arm.

I whirled and dashed down the street, weaving between people and muttering apologies.

"Hey!" Mr. Bloodsucker ran after me.

Swerving into an alley, I prepared to shadow travel, only to have something hit my back with the weight of a freight train.

"Hear me out." Thomas growled.

"Hades no!"

"There it is again. Greek demigod, I could smell you from a mile away."

"Gonna finish the race off?" I sneered.

"What?! No!" He sat up on my back, crossing his legs and laying them on my shoulders. "What happened to the others?"

"Dead. Get off me." I growled.

"Not until you listen. You smell like magic."

"Really? I never would have guessed. Stupid magic goddess."

I sensed rather than saw Thomas roll his eyes. "Okay, I'm going to make this quick. You've got magic. Not the usual demigod magic, I'm talking wizard magic."

I wheezed out a laugh. "What, so I'm Harry Potter now? And you're my version of Hagrid? Hate to break it to you dude, I'm sixteen so you're late."

He smacked me upside the head. "I'll explain the whole thing later, but if you're really the last Greek demigod, you've got to protect yourself. And your sword isn't gonna work. In fact, a son of Hades with Stygian Iron, don't get that near me by the way, all on his own in a now demigodless world, it'd be better to ditch it."

That made me pause. Stygian Iron could kill anything, even mortals. What wouldn't it work against?

He was right though. I was alone, my monster killing sword would be a freaking beacon.

Thomas sighed. "I'm not gonna sit here for much longer. That goddess must have blessed you with this magic for a reason."

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I asked slowly.

Thomas got off me and held out a hand. I took it carefully. "You aren't gonna suck my blood?"

He rolled his eyes. "White Court, we don't drink blood."

"White Court? That's even worse!" I complained. He raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, you need to protect yourself. I'm sending you to a wizard named Justin, he'll teach you your magic, okay? You might see me in a few years, act like you don't know me. Also, you might want to make up a backstory for yourself, and a new name."

"You got any suggestions?" I asked, knowing he probably did.

"I can give you a mother who is known well in the magical world. She's dead, but you could say you're her son."

"What's her name?" I asked slowly.

"Margaret LeFay." He pronounced the name carefully, like he'd never really spoken his mother's name.

I looked down at my outfit, scowling at my ripped and dirty aviator's jacket.

"Oh yeah, lose that." Thomas suggested.

"Then you're buying me a new jacket."

"Done." He dragged me down the street to a clothing store. "What you want?"

I contemplated a moment, then pointed at a dark brown duster on the wall. "That one."

"Okay. You picked a name yet?"

I frowned. I'm a wizard. Sounds so stupid, but why not go with it. So Harry.

My mind raced with the names of the best magicians ever known.

Harry Houdini. Harry Blackstone. David Copperfield. They were all famous, good at their illusions. If I was gonna survive, I had to be too. And then, of course, Mr. Potter himself, the boy who lived. Ironic, that nickname.

Now who should be my father. Had to be deceased, unfortunately.That made it a little easier. I did specialize in ghosts and death, after all. I searched my memory.

A magician had died recently. I spoke with him once in Asphodel, before he became mindless. He'd told me I was the son he never had. That was rare for ghosts to say, often they think I'm a creepy warlord or something.

What was his name? That's right, Malcolm Dresden.

I looked at Thomas as we walked out of the store, shrugging the jacket onto my shoulders and tossing the aviator's jacket into a trashcan nearby. Mentally I tossed the memories away with it, this was a new beginning, a change of character.

"You ready?" He smiled.

I nodded.

"Gimme a name, kid."

I looked him dead in the eyes.

"My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk."

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