Phan(NO least not from who you're thinking)-Flatmates

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[There's another picture at the end because I didn't want spoilers for the story]

Dan woke up to the sound of the telly being played too loudly.

"Can you not!" He shouted groggily, not wanting to get out of bed yet.

Receiving no answer, he finally dragged himself to his feet and tromped down the hallway, narrowly avoiding Phil as his flatmate turned the corner sharply, carrying a potted plant.

"Another one?" He asked the older man.

"Yep!" Phil exclaimed happily. "His name is Herbert!"

"I'm surprised you didn't name it Susan 7." Dan continued into the living room. "Will you turn that down?"

"Sorry, Dan! Didn't mean to wake you up."

"Well, you did." Dan replied, rolling his eyes at the ginger sitting on the floor in the middle of their living room.

"Okay, sorry!" Jacob grabbed the remote and turned down the volume of the game he was playing.

Dan rubbed his face and headed into the kitchen. He figured that since he probably wouldn't be able to go back to bed he should eat something.

As it turned out, entering the kitchen was a bad idea.


"What do you want me to do about it?" Phil called back. Dan could hear him walking down the hallway in their direction. "Andy's older than me, I can't exactly tell him what to do."

"Ask them not to do this-" Dan waved his hands in the general area of the couple, sitting at the table with Katie on Andy's lap, "-In the kitchen! It's our apartment!"

"No can do, mate." Andy looked over at them and winked.

"Why did we let him stay with us?" Dan asked Phil again.

"Because he only needs to be here for a few weeks while he sorts something out at his place. Fumigation or something." Phil shrugged. Neither bothered to ask the man who was again sucking face.

"Katie, when did you even get here?" Dan finally asked.

"Well it's noon, yeah?" The girl detached herself from her boyfriend, glancing at the clock. "I got here at 9."

"Please tell me you haven't been snogging for three hours."

She laughed. "Would you be freaked out if I said yes?"

"Yes!" Dan shouted, ignoring the minor voice crack he experienced.

"They haven't." Jacob came into the kitchen. "I've been up since 6."

"Why?" Dan asked him.

"Couldn't sleep." The ginger shrugged.

"This is too many people." Dan muttered. "I'm going back to my room." He grabbed a box of cereal and left.


Phil insisted on taking a video with all five of them, so he and Dan set up the equipment while Andy, Jacob and Katie goofed off.

"Alright, guys, we're ready. How do you want to do this, Phil?"

"Well, we can't all fit on my bed, so I'll introduce the video with an explanation that I have friends in my video, then you guys can all jump in! Then we're going to play truth or dare."

Dan sighed. He knew this wouldn't end well, but he started up the camera anyway.

"Hey guys, so this morning I rearranged my house plants because I didn't think they were getting the proper amount of sun and when I moved one of them I found this!" He held up a Mikasa Pop! figure. "Remember how I told you guys I lost it? Well I found it again!"

Dan forced himself not to facepalm and laugh.

"So you guys may be wondering why I'm in a different place than normal for recording. I'm in my living room, and the reason why is because I have guests!" Phil threw his arms out and the four waiting off to the sides jumped in.

It was chaos. Andy ran into Phil and Jacob stepped on Dan's foot, eliciting an "Ow!" Katie, oddly enough, was fine.

"That's right, guys," Phil exclaimed when they had sorted everything out. "The Lester twins and the Howell triplets are here for your enjoyment!"

"You make it sound inappropriate." Katie said with a laugh.

"Moving on!" Dan exclaimed before the conversation could go farther. He knew what Katie's mind had gone to and didn't want it to continue.

"Right, we're going to play truth or dare today!" Phil held up his mobile. "I downloaded this app that has an online truth or dare, and we're going to take turns shaking it to find out who we ask and then doing dares and stuff! Ready?"

"Not really." Dan muttered.

"Here we go!" Phil tapped the start button and began to type in names. "So what you have to do is put in the names of all the people who are playing, then shake it and whichever name comes up is the person who you have to ask Truth or Dare." 

He shook the phone and read the name. "Andy, truth or dare?"


"Getting in deep." Phil wiggled his eyebrows at the camera.



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