PJO/HoO-The Other Kid

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Percy was having a very strange day.

He blamed it on the monsters he'd had to fight off at four in the morning.

As he walked through the camp, everyone was acting weird.

They didn't look at him, they were too busy running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

"Look out, Jackson!" Someone behind him yelled.

Percy turned around and ducked under a large wooden box that the Stolls were carrying.

"What the Hades is going on?" He shouted after them.

"You'll see!" Travis called.

He frowned, then saw Annabeth over nearer to the water. He headed her way.

"Why are the waves so wild?" He asked as he reached her.

Annabeth didn't even look over at him.

Looking out over the water, Percy saw what his girlfriend was watching.

A boat was about 200 meters from the shore, bobbing in the waves. Percy could see two people on it.

As he watched, one of the people, a man, stood and stepped out onto the water. When he didn't sink, Percy realized it was his father.

"What's Poseidon doing?" He asked Annabeth. She continued to ignore him.

The other figure in the boat shook their head viciously. It seemed that Poseidon was trying to convince them of something.

Suddenly the boat began to shoot towards the beach. Annabeth whirled and sprinted for the dining pavilion.

Confused, Percy watched her go.

Turning back to the boat, he was surprised to see a girl in her late teens, maybe a year younger than him, with reddish blonde hair and freckles. Her dark blue eyes were fiery with anger.

She hopped out of the boat faster than if it had been on fire when it ran aground.

"Is something wrong?" Percy asked her tentatively.

"I can't swim." She snapped, turning to Percy. "Where's Annabeth?"

As Percy opened his mouth to answer, footsteps sounded on the gravel behind him.

"Sorry, I'm here!" Annabeth exclaimed. "How'd it go?"

"How do you expect it went?" The girl asked angrily. "Every time I'm here, he always tries! Why can't he just understand that I don't want to?"

"Because it doesn't make sense to him." Annabeth shrugged. "Come on."

Percy followed them as they walked off.

"Where are we going?" The girl asked.

"Dining pavilion." Annabeth shrugged.


"Cause I left some stuff there."

Percy was still confused with what was going on, but he figured following would be the best way to gain information.

"I don't get why he can't understand a simple phrase." The girl sighed.

"Because he's stubborn. Rather like you." Annabeth nudged her jokingly.

They were to the pavilion now and Percy could hear people whispering.

"What did you even leave here?" The girl asked.

"Oh, just some stuff." Annabeth smiled and pushed her friend in front of her.

"Surprise!" Campers burst from all angles. The girl squeaked in surprise, then began to laugh.

"Annabeth Chase, you sneaky girl!"

"Happy birthday, Beck!" Annabeth cheered. "Poseidon was in on it, he was just distracting you while we set up."

Beck rolled her eyes. "Thanks everyone. It's okay being a misfit if everyone loves me for it."

"You aren't a misfit!" Travis called.

"You're just different!" Conner finished.

"Remember, Thals is afraid of heights." Annabeth smiled.

"She can control her powers." Beck pointed out.

"You'll get the hang of it." Annabeth patted her on the back.

Percy sidled up to Will Solace. "Who is she?" He whispered.

Will looked at him strangely. "What do you mean? Oh, that's right! You're never here when she is. That's Beck Gibbson. She's about a year younger than you and she's probably one of the only demigods who's afraid of her powers or domain."

"What's she afraid of?" Percy asked.

"Water." Will walked off.


"Wait, she's-" Percy ran after the son of Apollo.

"Yep." Will called.

Percy blinked rapidly, trying to process. He had a sister. A sister!

A sister who couldn't swim.

That was....strange.

"Oh, Beck! I've got a surprise for you!" Annabeth shouted, scrambling up on top of a table.

"What is it?" The girl turned, smiling.

"First, I want you to know that I worked really hard for this to happen and I'm super excited to have pulled it off..." Annabeth rambled, her eyes on Beck. She seemed to be waiting for the girl to cut her off.

"Just tell me!" Beck shouted laughingly.

"Now there's a voice I've missed sorely." A man's voice called.

Beck froze. "Annabeth...?"

"Turn around, silly!" Annabeth told her.

The crowd behind Beck parted as she turned. At the end of the human hall stood a man in a soldier's dress uniform.

"Oh my gods...Michael!" Beck ran towards him, jumping up into his arms.

"Missed me, did you?" He asked her teasingly.

"Yes." She answered simply.

Annabeth climbed off the table and Percy walked over to her.

"How come she doesn't look like Poseidon?"

If she seemed caught off guard by the question, she didn't show it. "Daughters of Poseidon take after their mothers, sons of Poseidon take their father's face."

"And who's that?" Percy pointed to the boy that Beck was hugging tightly.

"Her boyfriend of 4 years, Michael Waters. Son of Apollo. He's in the army, he's been deployed for the past year."

Percy nodded awkwardly. "Can...can you introduce me to her?"

Annabeth laughed. "Sure, Seaweed Brain."

Taking his hand, she turned and marched up to Beck.

"Extra unplanned surprise, you can finally meet your brother for the first time."

"Hi, I'm Percy."

Beck turned to look at him, her expression neutral. "Yeah, I know."

Percy glanced at Annabeth, confused. Was she mad at him for something?

Beck laughed at the look on his face. "You're a demigod legend, big brother. And it's great to finally meet you."

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