lavenderlacey: she's back💘 missed my partner in crime so much.
I landed in San Fransisco at four in the morning. Lacey was right where she said she would be, waiting in the food court with lots of food on the table in front of her.
I hugged her for what seemed like an eternity but it still wasn't long enough. "Hey babes. How are you doing?"
"I just wanna go home and cry."
She smiles softly. "We have lots of food to eat before you can do that."
"I missed you," I grab her hand and go to sit at the table. The security guard that came with me left to go get my bags for me while I sat with Lacey.
"I missed you too, so much. Three months turned into three years, it seemed. I'm glad you're back."
I dig into the food and she does too. My guard comes back after a few minutes with a cart holding my bags. I tell him that he can go and that I won't be needing his assistance anymore. He nods and walks off. He was heading to LA after this I think.
"So, what was your all time favourite place that you visited?"
"Hmm," I think. We went to so many places. "I loved Seattle. I really liked New Jersey, but that's probably because I hung out with Taylor there. And all of the Canada shows were fun too."
And because Seattle was where I told Harry I loved him and New Jersey was where he promised forever. Damn.
"Now you need to travel to a different country. Other than Canada, of course."
"I'm just going to stay home for awhile."
"That's perfectly fine," she nods. "But when you leave you have to take me with you."
I smile. "Definitely. I've been deprived of my best friend for much too long."
We fall silent and I look out the window. I hear Lacey take a picture of me but I ignore her. I take some fries and shove them in my mouth.
"Okay, I know you don't want to talk about it."
"But you want to hear what happened," I sigh. I'd told her some over text, but it was hard to put into words what had happened. I was still at a point where it didn't feel real.
"If you want to wait until we get back to your place we can, but I don't understa-"
"It's fine, Lacey. I guess... I just thought he was different. But he wasn't. He's just like Cole."
"What do you mean he's just like Cole?"
"He thought I was cheating on him. He didn't trust me. I can't be with somebody that doesn't even trust me enough to be in the same room as another guy. He saw how much it affected me when Cole accused me and he still wouldn't hear me out."
"Did you try talking with him?"
"Yeah, the argument went on for days. I got fed up with him and... well, I told you the rest on the phone last night."
"I just can't believe you broke up with him. You guys were so good together. He was like the missing puzzle piece in your life."
I frown and look down. He really was the missing piece. Ever since we met, we've been Harry and Ava. We were attached at the hip. Maybe that was the problem.
"Can we not talk about it?"
"Of course. I'm sorry."
We finish up the food and then we take my stuff out to the car. Lacey drives while I get on my phone. Fans were tweeting that Harry was out drinking and that I flew home alone. I hoped Harry was okay. I hoped he didn't get hurt or get into any trouble. I hated that he turned to drinking.
I get on Instagram and go through my feed. I stop on Lacey's post of me and smile.
I like it scroll past it, also scrolling past and ignoring the One Direction update accounts that were posting pictures of Harry drunkenly stumbling to a taxi in New York.
When we arrived at my apartment, I didn't waste one second getting upstairs. My mom was inside waiting and I nearly tackled her to the floor in a hug.
I was crying as I clung to her. I had missed her so much. It felt like I was dreaming because I was seeing her again after so long. I don't know how the boys stay away from their families for such long times. My mom was my best friend. I couldn't go a day without talking to her.
Once I separate myself from her, I turn to my dad. He spins me in a circle and I laugh into his neck. He rocks me back and forth on my feet as he squeezes me.
I go back to my mom after I finish hugging him. She helps Lacey and I with my bags and then I hug Lacey goodbye, telling her that I'll hang out with her once I get some more sleep. She agrees quickly and leaves the apartment.
My mom wraps her arm around my shoulders and we walk to my room. She'd prepared my bed for me and we both crawl under the covers. She asks me how I am and I can't think of an answer.
I didn't know how to put into words how I felt. I was still so angry with Harry. I was sad that we were history. But I missed him like crazy. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and have him kiss my head and then tell me everything was going to be alright. But he wasn't here. Because he screwed up and I left. We both screwed up.
"I love him, mom," I cry.
She runs her fingers through my hair like she did when I was younger. I always had troubles falling asleep when I was little so she would come in and play with my hair or rub my back. It still soothed me at eighteen years old.
"I know you do, honey. I know."
"Is it me? Why can't I have a boyfriend that doesn't think I'm cheating on him?"
"Oh no honey, it's not you," she sighs. "Cole wasn't meant for you. And it's unfortunate that you had to figure that out the way you did. But I saw the way you and Harry were. You two are so in love. Maybe this will blow over and you two can make things right again."
"But he doesn't trust me."
"He trusts you."
I shake my head and look up at her. I sniffle and wipe my tears. "If he trusted me, we wouldn't have even argued in the first place. We wouldn't have broken up."
"He trusts you. He was just scared, I think. Did you get a chance to talk with him before you left?"
"We had the same conversation so many times and every time it ended up in a dumb argument. I couldn't take it anymore so I ended it. Was that stupid of me?"
"I don't think so. I think it makes it so he knows how you feel and maybe it'll make him see where he went wrong. But only time will tell. Now you get some rest, I'm going to go back to sleep myself."
"Thanks for talking with me," I smile weakly.
"Of course," she kisses my head and gets up from my bed. "Goodnight, darling."
"Night. I love you."
"I love you more. I'll see you in the morning."

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...